Author: adrian
Date: Wed Apr 30 02:44:07 2014
New Revision: 265117

  * Modify the beacon interval in debugging to be ni_intval, not 102400
  * Be paranoid about avoiding divide-by-zero.
  * AR9380, STA mode


Modified: head/sys/dev/ath/if_ath_rx.c
--- head/sys/dev/ath/if_ath_rx.c        Wed Apr 30 02:29:31 2014        
+++ head/sys/dev/ath/if_ath_rx.c        Wed Apr 30 02:44:07 2014        
@@ -335,10 +335,18 @@ ath_recv_mgmt(struct ieee80211_node *ni,
        int32_t tsf_delta_bmiss;
        int32_t tsf_remainder;
        uint64_t tsf_beacon_target;
+       int tsf_intval;
        tsf_beacon_old = ((uint64_t) LE_READ_4(ni-> + 4)) << 32;
        tsf_beacon_old |= LE_READ_4(ni->;
+#define        TU_TO_TSF(_tu)  (((u_int64_t)(_tu)) << 10)
+       tsf_intval = 1;
+       if (ni != NULL && ni->ni_intval > 0) {
+               tsf_intval = TU_TO_TSF(ni->ni_intval);
+       }
+#undef TU_TO_TSF
         * Call up first so subsequent work can use information
         * potentially stored in the node (e.g. for ibss merge).
@@ -362,12 +370,7 @@ ath_recv_mgmt(struct ieee80211_node *ni,
                tsf_delta = (long long) tsf_beacon - (long long) tsf_beacon_old;
-               /*
-                * For now let's just assume the intval is 100TU, which is
-                * 102400uS.  So, we can just calculate the remainder from
-                * that.
-                */
-               tsf_delta_bmiss = tsf_delta / 102400;
+               tsf_delta_bmiss = tsf_delta / tsf_intval;
                 * If our delta is greater than half the beacon interval,
@@ -375,25 +378,26 @@ ath_recv_mgmt(struct ieee80211_node *ni,
                 * interval.  Ie, we're running really, really early
                 * on the next beacon.
-               if (tsf_delta % 102400 > 51200)
+               if (tsf_delta % tsf_intval > (tsf_intval / 2))
                        tsf_delta_bmiss ++;
                tsf_beacon_target = tsf_beacon_old +
-                   (((unsigned long long) tsf_delta_bmiss) * 102400ULL);
+                   (((unsigned long long) tsf_delta_bmiss) * (long long) 
-                * The remainder using '%' is between 0 .. 102400-1.
+                * The remainder using '%' is between 0 .. intval-1.
                 * If we're actually running too fast, then the remainder
-                * will be some large number just under 102400-1.
+                * will be some large number just under intval-1.
                 * So we need to look at whether we're running
                 * before or after the target beacon interval
                 * and if we are, modify how we do the remainder
                 * calculation.
                if (tsf_beacon < tsf_beacon_target) {
-                       tsf_remainder = -(102400 - ((tsf_beacon - 
tsf_beacon_old) % 102400));
+                       tsf_remainder =
+                           -(tsf_intval - ((tsf_beacon - tsf_beacon_old) % 
                } else {
-                       tsf_remainder = (tsf_beacon - tsf_beacon_old) % 102400;
+                       tsf_remainder = (tsf_beacon - tsf_beacon_old) % 
                DPRINTF(sc, ATH_DEBUG_BEACON, "%s: old_tsf=%llu, new_tsf=%llu, 
target_tsf=%llu, delta=%lld, bmiss=%d, remainder=%d\n",
@@ -409,7 +413,7 @@ ath_recv_mgmt(struct ieee80211_node *ni,
                    (unsigned long long) tsf_beacon,
                    (unsigned long long) nexttbtt,
-                   (int32_t) tsf_beacon - (int32_t) nexttbtt + 102400);
+                   (int32_t) tsf_beacon - (int32_t) nexttbtt + tsf_intval);
                if (sc->sc_syncbeacon &&
                    ni == vap->iv_bss &&
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