On Jul 7, 2013, at 2:15 PM, Alfred Perlstein <alf...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> On 7/7/13 2:01 PM, Garrett Cooper wrote:
>> Why the magic number 12?
> Numbers higher seem to result in worse performance as reported by some 
> members of my team.

The suggestion is good in spirit, but this doesn't justify the reasoning for 
this recommendation for all cases.

Please revert this change and add a doc page or notes to the dev handbook 
discussing what the empirical process and results were for determining this 
value so people can come up with their own values that work best with their 
hardware and software config. This recommendation is prone to bitrot like some 
of the recommendations in tuning(7).

Misinformation is sometimes more harmful than no information.

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