on 13/12/2012 09:16 Adrian Chadd said the following:
> Hi,
> I think the fundamental problem here is we have some pretty different
> ideas of what KASSERT should be, versus what it actually is in various
> parts of the code.

Oh, and another part of the problem is that the discussion is opinion based.
But it didn't have to be.

Compare this:
We think that feature F is a very good idea, we think that it will be used by 
people and it will provide a lot of benefits.  So here you are - the code is in
the tree.

To this:
We have been using feature F, it has proved to be a very good idea as it 
these benefits and spared us from these problems.  So here you are - the code is
in the tree.

If I have a differing opinion in the first case I usually state it (and can be
pulled into an argument about it).  If I have a different opinion in the second
case, I try to adjust my opinion to the stated reality.

> Since we're lost in semantics, we're not going to get any further on
> this discussion just for now, so let's take a break and think about
> other things for now.

Andriy Gapon
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