On 12/12/12 4:25 PM, Navdeep Parhar wrote:
On 12/12/12 16:09, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
What do you think happens to a FreeBSD kernel when INVARIANTS is
compiled in and it trips an assertion after my change?
I know the new knob has sane defaults. My point was that invariants
should be considered inviolable. A knob that allows for
it's-really-not-supposed-to-fail-but-in-case-it-does... dilutes their
meaning, so it may have been better to introduce a new macro for the
kind of tests you had in mind. I would use it too instead of the if
(!foo) kdb_backtrace() that I often resort to for conditions that I'm
not sure about.
The problem again is that not all the KASSERTS are inviolable, if you
want to do a project to split them, then please do, it would really be
helpful, as for now, they are a mis-mash of death/warnings and there are
at least three vendors who approve of this as well as 3 long term
committers that approved my change (not including Adrian).
I'll be completely honest, I struggled very much with this KASSERT
problem at a previous employer, and the second that Adrian brought up
the idea of "optional panic" I was kicking myself so hard because the
solution to so many problems suddenly jumped out at me.
I will assure you that taking a stand on this one issue has the
following problems:
1) Makes it harder for at LEAST three vendors to shake out and report
bugs back to the project.
2) Makes it more likely that someone who has useful (to some, but not
all) patches to keep them private to avoid such arguments.
Anyhow after all this back and forth on changes that really do not
effect anyone, ie defaults stay the same, it really has me questioning
the sanity of contributing and/or taking the time to give this sort of
thing to the project. It really seems like people are getting very bent
out of shape over minor enhancements that offer flexibility.
Like what if I do gzipp'd kernel dumps next? (on my todo list) How many
people will complain that "gzip is too dangerous in kernel context foo
Not sure, I guess I'll find out?
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