On 27 Nov 2012, at 23:29, Andre Oppermann wrote:

>>>>>> Andre.. this breaks incoming connections.  TCP is immediately reset and 
>>>>>> never even gets to the
>>>>>> listener process.  You need to back out of fix this urgently please.
>>>>> I just found out and fixed it.  Sorry for the breakage.
>>>> I'd like to see a much more thorough use of "Reviewed by:" in socket and 
>>>> TCP-related commits -- this
>>>> is very sensitive code, and a second pair of eyes is always valuable.  
>>>> Post-commit review is not a
>>>> substitute.  Looking back over similar changes in the socket code over the 
>>>> last two years, I see
>>>> that almost all have reviewers, so I think it would be reasonable to 
>>>> consider it mandatory for these
>>>> subsystems at this point.  The good news is that we have lots of people 
>>>> with expertise in it.
>>> Good to see you becoming more active again. :-)  And yes,
>>> you have a point there.
>> Yes -- this is only about three weeks old, however; for the prior six-twelve 
>> months, I've been fairly non-existent in FreeBSD-land due to outside 
>> obligations :-).
> Just saw that I did indeed send you a review request three weeks ago. ;-)
> At the end of a rather long email though.

Yes, indeed -- no patch was attached, and it followed quite a long e-mail on 
your plans to rewrite the TCP stack. I'm afraid that went onto the "read this 
later as time permits" pile as I was at a conference, rather than the fast-path 
"oh, quickly review this patch" pile. However, simply committing the patch 
rather than trying a bit harder to find a reviewer isn't the right answer 
either. To maximise the likelihood of a review, construct an e-mail with a 
subject line like "Review request: (patch description)", attach the patch, and 
include a proposed commit message.

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