On 23.10.2012 17:11, David Chisnall wrote:
On 23 Oct 2012, at 16:05, Andre Oppermann wrote:
For zero copy send we're trying to come up with a sendfile-like
approach where the page is simply wired into kernel space. The
application then is not allowed to touch it until the socket
buffer has released it again. The main issue here is how to
provide feedback to the application when it is safe for reuse.
It's been a few years since I used it, but I thought that aio_write() already
provided this. The application may not modify the contents of the memory
pointed to by aio_buf until after it has received notification that the write
has finished. This happens either via a signal directly, a signal polled by
kqueue, or a call to aio_return().
Indeed, that's one of the ways being explored. It requires the
explicit cooperation of the application. I don't think there is
any way around that.
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