Author: gavin
Date: Wed Jul 25 20:46:22 2012
New Revision: 238778

  The baud rate on CP1201/2/3 devices can be set in one of two ways:
   - The USLCOM_SET_BAUD_DIV command (0x01)
   - The USLCOM_SET_BAUD_RATE command (0x13)
  Devices based on the CP1204 will only accept the latter command, and ignore
  the former.  As the latter command works on all chips that this driver
  supports, switch to always using it.
  A slight confusion here is that the previously used command was incorrectly
  named USLCOM_BAUD_RATE - even though we no longer use it, rename it to
  USLCOM_SET_BAUD_DIV to closer match the name used in the datasheet.
  This change reflects a similar change made in the Linux driver, which was
  submitted by preston.fick at, and has been tested on all of the
  uslcom(4) devices I have to hand.
  MFC after:    2 weeks


Modified: head/sys/dev/usb/serial/uslcom.c
--- head/sys/dev/usb/serial/uslcom.c    Wed Jul 25 19:18:28 2012        
+++ head/sys/dev/usb/serial/uslcom.c    Wed Jul 25 20:46:22 2012        
@@ -70,12 +70,13 @@ SYSCTL_INT(_hw_usb_uslcom, OID_AUTO, deb
 /* Request codes */
 #define        USLCOM_UART             0x00
-#define        USLCOM_BAUD_RATE        0x01    
+#define        USLCOM_SET_BAUD_DIV     0x01    
 #define        USLCOM_DATA             0x03
 #define        USLCOM_BREAK            0x05
 #define        USLCOM_CTRL             0x07
 #define        USLCOM_RCTRL            0x08
 #define        USLCOM_SET_FLOWCTRL     0x13
+#define        USLCOM_SET_BAUD_RATE    0x1e    
 #define        USLCOM_VENDOR_SPECIFIC  0xff
 /* USLCOM_UART values */
@@ -92,8 +93,8 @@ SYSCTL_INT(_hw_usb_uslcom, OID_AUTO, deb
 #define        USLCOM_CTRL_RI          0x0040
 #define        USLCOM_CTRL_DCD         0x0080
-/* USLCOM_BAUD_RATE values */
-#define        USLCOM_BAUD_REF         0x384000
+/* USLCOM_SET_BAUD_DIV values */
+#define        USLCOM_BAUD_REF         3686400 /* 3.6864 MHz */
 /* USLCOM_DATA values */
 #define        USLCOM_STOP_BITS_1      0x00
@@ -511,19 +512,20 @@ uslcom_param(struct ucom_softc *ucom, st
        struct uslcom_softc *sc = ucom->sc_parent;
        struct usb_device_request req;
-       uint32_t flowctrl[4];
+       uint32_t baudrate, flowctrl[4];
        uint16_t data;
+       baudrate = t->c_ospeed;
        req.bmRequestType = USLCOM_WRITE;
-       req.bRequest = USLCOM_BAUD_RATE;
-       USETW(req.wValue, USLCOM_BAUD_REF / t->c_ospeed);
+       req.bRequest = USLCOM_SET_BAUD_RATE;
+       USETW(req.wValue, 0);
        USETW(req.wIndex, USLCOM_PORT_NO);
-       USETW(req.wLength, 0);
+       USETW(req.wLength, sizeof(baudrate));
-        if (ucom_cfg_do_request(sc->sc_udev, &sc->sc_ucom, 
-           &req, NULL, 0, 1000)) {
+       if (ucom_cfg_do_request(sc->sc_udev, &sc->sc_ucom, 
+           &req, &baudrate, 0, 1000)) {
                DPRINTF("Set baudrate failed (ignored)\n");
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