Author: kevlo
Date: Mon Jun 11 03:02:40 2012
New Revision: 236866

  - Consistenly mention columns and fields
  - Add -b to short error messages
  Obtained from:        NetBSD


Modified: head/usr.bin/cut/cut.1
--- head/usr.bin/cut/cut.1      Mon Jun 11 01:44:17 2012        (r236865)
+++ head/usr.bin/cut/cut.1      Mon Jun 11 03:02:40 2012        (r236866)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ The items specified by
 .Ar list
 can be in terms of column position or in terms of fields delimited
 by a special character.
-Column numbering starts from 1.
+Column and field numbering starts from 1.
 .Ar list
@@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ number ranges.
 Number ranges consist of a number, a dash
 .Pq Sq \- ,
 and a second number
-and select the fields or columns from the first number to the second,
+and select the columns or fields from the first number to the second,
 Numbers or number ranges may be preceded by a dash, which selects all
-fields or columns from 1 to the last number.
+columns or fields from 1 to the last number.
 Numbers or number ranges may be followed by a dash, which selects all
-fields or columns from the last number to the end of the line.
+columns or fields from the last number to the end of the line.
 Numbers and number ranges may be repeated, overlapping, and in any order.
-It is not an error to select fields or columns not present in the
+It is not an error to select columns or fields not present in the
 input line.
 The options are as follows:

Modified: head/usr.bin/cut/cut.c
--- head/usr.bin/cut/cut.c      Mon Jun 11 01:44:17 2012        (r236865)
+++ head/usr.bin/cut/cut.c      Mon Jun 11 03:02:40 2012        (r236866)
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ get_list(char *list)
         * set a byte in the positions array to indicate if a field or
         * column is to be selected; use +1, it's 1-based, not 0-based.
         * Numbers and number ranges may be overlapping, repeated, and in
-        * any order. We handle "-3-5" although there's no real reason too.
+        * any order. We handle "-3-5" although there's no real reason to.
        for (; (p = strsep(&list, ", \t")) != NULL;) {
                setautostart = start = stop = 0;
@@ -187,9 +187,9 @@ get_list(char *list)
                if (*p)
-                       errx(1, "[-cf] list: illegal list value");
+                       errx(1, "[-bcf] list: illegal list value");
                if (!stop || !start)
-                       errx(1, "[-cf] list: values may not include zero");
+                       errx(1, "[-bcf] list: values may not include zero");
                if (maxval < stop) {
                        maxval = stop;
                        needpos(maxval + 1);
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