On 28 May 2012, at 20:33, Dimitry Andric wrote:

> On the other hand, it's really platform-dependent: I've checked several
> Linux distributions, and it is fairly unpredictable whether their gcc
> passes --hash-style to the linker, or if they do, which option they use.

Can we make it dependent on the triple?  i.e. if the triple is 
arch-whatever-freebsd9 or greater, make it pass the flag, otherwise don't 
bother?  Or is it not worth caring about older FreeBSD?  There's no real 
disadvantage in passing it unconditionally (marginally longer link times) and 
potentially a big benefit.  I don't see a problem with committing it upstream, 
but it would be nice to pull that change in locally before 9.1 and not have to 
wait for LLVM 3.2 before we got to make use of it.

Misleading and poorly designed benchmarks on Phoronix are at stake!

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