> The problem with having ZFS compiled into the kernel is that OpenSolaris
> compatiblity layer needs its headers to be included before system
> headers, which is/was impossible or hard to express for kernel
> compilation. AFAIR Kip Macy was working on it and my understanding was
> that he finished it or almost finished it (CCed).

I did indeed make it work. The (only) reason I didn't check it in was
because there were some collisions between freebsd's older zlib which
ppp depends on and the one in the solaris layer. Both bz and I were
kind of busy at the time.

> I'm all for making ZFS be compilable as part of the kernel itself, but
> it is really very low on my list, because ZFS simply works now and also
> because as I said, it was far from trivial for me to do it.
> If someone who is more familiar with the bits responsible for kernel
> compilation wants to work on including ZFS there, I'll gladly provide
> help from the ZFS side.

I think this can be done without much work, (re)work out the dependencies.

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