On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 2:18 AM, Andriy Gapon <a...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> on 20/12/2011 12:05 David Chisnall said the following:
>> On 20 Dec 2011, at 06:20, Bruce Evans wrote:
>>> Don't be silly.  Building profiled libraries takes as much as 1 minute.
>>> Many would not want to wait that long (if they noticed how long it takes).
>>> This is not 1994 when building of profiling libraries was left in because
>>> it only took an extra hour or or so.
>> One of the platforms I use has an 800MHz ARM processor.  Building LLVM (even 
>> a release build with asserts disabled and with all of the cross-compile 
>> targets disabled) is an overnight job.  On my main laptop, a release build 
>> of LLVM takes about 5 minutes.
>> Please don't assume that just because fast computers exist that they are the 
>> only things people are using.  A lot of the more interesting platforms these 
>> days are significantly slower.
> I wonder if all the software that runs on the embedded stuff or mobile phones 
> is
> built on the said hardware.

world doesn't need to be built on the hardware, but ports still do.
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