On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 01:33:09PM +0000, Max Khon wrote:
> Log:
>   Generate ${NORMAL_CTFCONVERT} invocation without '@' modifier:
>   - ${NORMAL_CC} is also invoked without '@'
>   - Userland CTF support was changed previously to echo ctfconvert
>   invocations too

Thank you for your work on cleaning up the CTF part of the build.
Enabling WITH_CTF has been too different (and conflicting) from our
other knobs.
I also had local patches to not hide ctfconvert so one could easily see
when they didn't have WITH_CTF enabled in the right magical incantations.

Will you be MFC'ing the CTF build work?  Please. :-)

-- David  (obr...@freebsd.org)
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