Author: jonathan
Date: Thu Aug  4 14:20:13 2011
New Revision: 224651

  Flesh out the cap_test regression test.
  Add more regression testing, some of which is expected to fail until we
  commit more kernel implementation.
  Approved by: re (kib), mentor (rwatson)
  Sponsored by: Google Inc


Modified: head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/Makefile
--- head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/Makefile    Thu Aug  4 14:18:09 
2011        (r224650)
+++ head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/Makefile    Thu Aug  4 14:20:13 
2011        (r224651)
@@ -1,9 +1,22 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
 PROG=  cap_test
-SRCS=  cap_test.c cap_test_capmode.c cap_test_sysctl.c
+SRCS=  cap_test.c \
+       cap_test_capmode.c \
+       cap_test_capabilities.c \
+       cap_test_fcntl.c \
+       cap_test_sysctl.c
+# Use headers and libc from the build, if available.
+OBJROOT=       ${.OBJDIR}/../../../../
+SRCROOT=       ${.CURDIR}/../../../../
+LDFLAGS+=      -L${OBJROOT}/lib/libc -lc
 .include <>

Modified: head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/cap_test.c
--- head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/cap_test.c  Thu Aug  4 14:18:09 
2011        (r224650)
+++ head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/cap_test.c  Thu Aug  4 14:20:13 
2011        (r224651)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Robert N. M. Watson
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Jonathan Anderson
  * All rights reserved.
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -29,19 +30,89 @@
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <err.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
 #include "cap_test.h"
+/* Initialize a named test. Requires test_NAME() function to be declared. */
+#define        TEST_INIT(name) { #name, test_##name, FAILED }
+/* All of the tests that can be run. */
+struct test all_tests[] = {
+       TEST_INIT(capmode),
+       TEST_INIT(capabilities),
+       TEST_INIT(fcntl),
+       TEST_INIT(sysctl),
+size_t test_count = sizeof(all_tests) / sizeof(struct test);
 main(int argc, char *argv[])
-       test_capmode();
-       test_sysctl();
-       test_capabilities();
-       test_syscalls();
-       test_fcntl();
-       */
-       exit(0);
+        * If no tests have been specified at the command line, run them all.
+        */
+       if (argc == 1) {
+               printf("1..%ld\n", test_count);
+               for (size_t i = 0; i < test_count; i++)
+                       execute(i + 1, all_tests + i);
+               return (0);
+       }
+       /*
+        * Otherwise, run only the specified tests.
+        */
+       printf("1..%d\n", argc - 1);
+       for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
+       {
+               int found = 0;
+               for (size_t j = 0; j < test_count; j++) {
+                       if (strncmp(argv[i], all_tests[j].t_name,
+                           strlen(argv[i])) == 0) {
+                               found = 1;
+                               execute(i, all_tests + j);
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (found == 0)
+                       errx(-1, "No such test '%s'", argv[i]);
+       }
+       return (0);
+execute(int id, struct test *t) {
+       int result;
+       pid_t pid = fork();
+       if (pid < 0)
+               err(-1, "fork");
+       if (pid) {
+               /* Parent: wait for result from child. */
+               int status;
+               while (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) != pid) {}
+               if (WIFEXITED(status))
+                       result = WEXITSTATUS(status);
+               else
+                       result = FAILED;
+       } else {
+               /* Child process: run the test. */
+               exit(t->t_run());
+       }
+       printf("%s %d - %s\n",
+               (result == PASSED) ? "ok" : "not ok",
+               id, t->t_name);
+       return (result);

Modified: head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/cap_test.h
--- head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/cap_test.h  Thu Aug  4 14:18:09 
2011        (r224650)
+++ head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/cap_test.h  Thu Aug  4 14:20:13 
2011        (r224651)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Robert N. M. Watson
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Jonathan Anderson
  * All rights reserved.
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -29,10 +30,126 @@
 #ifndef CAP_TEST_H
 #define        CAP_TEST_H
-void   test_capmode(void);
-void   test_capabilities(void);
-void   test_syscalls(void);
-void   test_sysctl(void);
-void   test_fcntl(void);
+#include <err.h>
+ * Define a file required by a test. The test can't complete without the file,
+ * so if we don't have it, just die.
+ */
+#define        REQUIRE(fd)     do {                                            
+       if ((fd) < 0)                                                   \
+               err(-1, "%s:%d: Missing required file '%s'",            \
+                       __FILE__, __LINE__, #fd);                       \
+} while (0)
+/* Whether a test passed or failed. */
+#define        PASSED  0
+#define        FAILED  1
+/* A test has failed; print a message and clear the 'success' flag. */
+#define        FAIL(...)       do {                                            
+       warn(__VA_ARGS__);                                              \
+       success = FAILED;                                               \
+} while (0)
+/* As above, but do not print the errno message. */
+#define        FAILX(...)      do {                                            
+       warnx(__VA_ARGS__);                                             \
+       success = FAILED;                                               \
+} while (0)
+/* Like an assertion, but don't kill the test, just fail and keep going. */
+#define        CHECK(condition) do {                                           
+       if (!(condition))                                               \
+               FAILX("%s:%d: Assertion '%s' failed",                   \
+                   __func__, __LINE__, #condition);                    \
+} while (0)
+/* Make sure that a system call's return value is >= 0. */
+#define        CHECK_SYSCALL_SUCCEEDS(syscall, ...) do {                       
+       if (syscall(__VA_ARGS__) < 0)                                   \
+               FAIL("%s() at line %d: %s failed",                      \
+                   __func__, __LINE__, #syscall);                      \
+} while (0)
+/* Make sure that a system call fails with the correct errno. */
+#define        CHECK_SYSCALL_FAILS(expected_errno, syscall, ...)       do {    
+       if (syscall(__VA_ARGS__) < 0) {                                 \
+               if (errno != expected_errno)                            \
+                       FAIL("%s() at line %d: %s",                     \
+                           __func__, __LINE__, #syscall);              \
+       } else {                                                        \
+               FAILX("%s() at line %d: %s succeeded; it should've failed", \
+                   __func__, __LINE__, #syscall);                      \
+       }                                                               \
+} while (0)
+/* Make sure that a system call fails, but not with a particular errno. */
+#define        CHECK_SYSCALL_FAILS_BUT_NOT_WITH(bad_errno, syscall, ...)       
do { \
+       if (syscall(__VA_ARGS__) < 0) {                                 \
+               if (errno == bad_errno)                                 \
+                       FAIL("%s() at line %d: %s",                     \
+                           __func__, __LINE__, #syscall);              \
+       } else {                                                        \
+               FAILX("%s() at line %d: %s succeeded; it should've failed", \
+                   __func__, __LINE__, #syscall);                      \
+       }                                                               \
+} while (0)
+/* A system call should fail with ECAPMODE. */
+#define        CHECK_CAPMODE(...) \
+/* A system call should fail, but not with ECAPMODE. */
+#define        CHECK_NOT_CAPMODE(...) \
+/* A system call should fail with ENOTCAPABLE. */
+#define        CHECK_NOTCAPABLE(...) \
+/* Ensure that 'rights' are a subset of 'max'. */
+#define        CHECK_RIGHTS(rights, max)       do {                            
+       if ((success == PASSED) && (rights != max))                     \
+               FAILX("Rights of opened file (%jx) > maximum (%jx)",    \
+                   (cap_rights_t) rights, (cap_rights_t) max);         \
+} while (0)
+/* Create a capability from a file descriptor, make sure it succeeds. */
+#define        MAKE_CAPABILITY(to, from, rights)       do {                    
+       cap_rights_t _rights;                                           \
+       REQUIRE(to = cap_new(from, rights));                            \
+       CHECK_SYSCALL_SUCCEEDS(cap_getrights, to, &_rights);            \
+       if ((success == PASSED) && (_rights != (rights)))               \
+               FAILX("New capability's rights (%jx) != %jx",           \
+                   _rights, (cap_rights_t) (rights));                  \
+} while (0)
+ * A top-level test should take no arguments and return an integer value,
+ * either PASSED or FAILED.
+ *
+ * Errors such as SIGSEGV will be caught and interpreted as FAILED.
+ */
+typedef int    (*test_function)(void);
+/* Information about a test. */
+struct test {
+       char            *t_name;
+       test_function    t_run;
+       int              t_result;
+ * Run a test in a child process so that cap_enter(2) doesn't mess up
+ * subsequent tests.
+ */
+int    execute(int id, struct test*);
+int    test_capmode(void);
+int    test_capabilities(void);
+int    test_syscalls(void);
+int    test_sysctl(void);
+int    test_fcntl(void);
 #endif /* CAP_TEST_H */

Modified: head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/cap_test_capmode.c
--- head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/cap_test_capmode.c  Thu Aug  4 
14:18:09 2011        (r224650)
+++ head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/cap_test_capmode.c  Thu Aug  4 
14:20:13 2011        (r224651)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Robert N. M. Watson
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Jonathan Anderson
  * All rights reserved.
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -37,163 +38,121 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/capability.h>
+#include <sys/errno.h>
 #include <sys/mman.h>
 #include <sys/mount.h>
-#include <sys/poll.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <machine/sysarch.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <err.h>
-#include <errno.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
-/* Need to check machine-dependent sysarch(). */
-#define        ARCH_IS(s)      (!strncmp(s, MACHINE, sizeof(s) + 1))
 #include "cap_test.h"
+#define        CHECK_SYSCALL_VOID_NOT_ECAPMODE(syscall, ...)   do {            
+       errno = 0;                                                      \
+       (void)syscall(__VA_ARGS__);                                     \
+       if (errno == ECAPMODE)                                          \
+               FAIL("capmode: %s failed with ECAPMODE", #syscall);     \
+} while (0)
-       struct sockaddr_in sin;
        struct statfs statfs;
        struct stat sb;
-       ssize_t len;
        long sysarch_arg = 0;
-       int fd, fd_close, fd_dir, fd_file, fd_socket, fd2[2], ret;
+       int fd_close, fd_dir, fd_file, fd_socket, fd2[2];
+       int success = PASSED;
        pid_t pid, wpid;
        char ch;
-       fd_file = open("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644);
-       if (fd_file < 0)
-               err(-1, "test_syscalls:prep: open cap_test_syscalls");
-       fd_close = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
-       if (fd_close < 0)
-               err(-1, "test_syscalls:prep: open /dev/null");
-       fd_dir = open("/tmp", O_RDONLY);
-       if (fd_dir < 0)
-               err(-1, "test_syscalls:prep: open /tmp");
-       fd_socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
-       if (fd_socket < 0)
-               err(-1, "test_syscalls:prep: socket");
-       if (cap_enter() < 0)
-               err(-1, "test_syscalls:prep: cap_enter");
-       bzero(&sin, sizeof(sin));
-       sin.sin_len = sizeof(sin);
-       sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
+       /* Open some files to play with. */
+       REQUIRE(fd_file = open("/tmp/cap_capmode", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644));
+       REQUIRE(fd_close = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR));
+       REQUIRE(fd_dir = open("/tmp", O_RDONLY));
+       REQUIRE(fd_socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0));
+       /* Enter capability mode. */
+       REQUIRE(cap_enter());
+       /*
+        * System calls that are not permitted in capability mode.
+        */
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(access, "/tmp/cap_capmode_access", F_OK);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(acct, "/tmp/cap_capmode_acct");
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(bind, PF_INET, NULL, 0);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(chdir, "/tmp/cap_capmode_chdir");
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(chflags, "/tmp/cap_capmode_chflags", UF_NODUMP);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(chmod, "/tmp/cap_capmode_chmod", 0644);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(chown, "/tmp/cap_capmode_chown", -1, -1);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(chroot, "/tmp/cap_capmode_chroot");
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(connect, PF_INET, NULL, 0);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(creat, "/tmp/cap_capmode_creat", 0644);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(fchdir, fd_dir);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(getfsstat, &statfs, sizeof(statfs), MNT_NOWAIT);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(link, "/tmp/foo", "/tmp/bar");
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(lstat, "/tmp/cap_capmode_lstat", &sb);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(mknod, "/tmp/capmode_mknod", 06440, 0);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(mount, "procfs", "/not_mounted", 0, NULL);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(open, "/dev/null", O_RDWR);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(readlink, "/tmp/cap_capmode_readlink", NULL, 0);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(revoke, "/tmp/cap_capmode_revoke");
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(stat, "/tmp/cap_capmode_stat", &sb);
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(symlink,
+           "/tmp/cap_capmode_symlink_from",
+           "/tmp/cap_capmode_symlink_to");
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(unlink, "/tmp/cap_capmode_unlink");
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(unmount, "/not_mounted", 0);
+       /*
+        * System calls that are permitted in capability mode.
+        */
+       CHECK_SYSCALL_SUCCEEDS(close, fd_close);
+       CHECK_SYSCALL_SUCCEEDS(dup, fd_file);
+       CHECK_SYSCALL_SUCCEEDS(fstat, fd_file, &sb);
+       CHECK_SYSCALL_SUCCEEDS(lseek, fd_file, SEEK_SET, 0);
+       CHECK_SYSCALL_SUCCEEDS(msync, &fd_file, 8192, MS_ASYNC);
+       CHECK_SYSCALL_SUCCEEDS(profil, NULL, 0, 0, 0);
+       CHECK_SYSCALL_SUCCEEDS(read, fd_file, &ch, sizeof(ch));
+       CHECK_SYSCALL_SUCCEEDS(recvfrom, fd_socket, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
+       CHECK_SYSCALL_SUCCEEDS(setuid, getuid());
+       CHECK_SYSCALL_SUCCEEDS(write, fd_file, &ch, sizeof(ch));
+       /*
+        * These calls will fail for lack of e.g. a proper name to send to,
+        * but they are allowed in capability mode, so errno != ECAPMODE.
+        */
+       CHECK_NOT_CAPMODE(accept, fd_socket, NULL, NULL);
+       CHECK_NOT_CAPMODE(getpeername, fd_socket, NULL, NULL);
+       CHECK_NOT_CAPMODE(getsockname, fd_socket, NULL, NULL);
+       CHECK_NOT_CAPMODE(fchflags, fd_file, UF_NODUMP);
+       CHECK_NOT_CAPMODE(recvmsg, fd_socket, NULL, 0);
+       CHECK_NOT_CAPMODE(sendmsg, fd_socket, NULL, 0);
+       CHECK_NOT_CAPMODE(sendto, fd_socket, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
+       /*
+        * System calls which should be allowed in capability mode, but which
+        * don't return errors, and are thus difficult to check.
+        *
+        * We will try anyway, by checking errno.
+        */
-        * Here begin the tests, sorted roughly alphabetically by system call
-        * name.
+        * Finally, tests for system calls that don't fit the pattern very well.
-       fd = accept(fd_socket, NULL, NULL);
-       if (fd < 0) {
-               if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-                       warnx("test_syscalls:accept");
-       } else {
-               warnx("test_syscalls:accept succeeded");
-               close(fd);
-       }
-       if (access("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_access", F_OK) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:access");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:access succeeded");
-       if (acct("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_acct") < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:acct");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:acct succeeded");
-       if (bind(PF_INET, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscall:bind");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscall:bind succeeded");
-       if (chdir("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_chdir") < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:chdir");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:chdir succeeded");
-       if (chflags("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_chflags", UF_NODUMP) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:chflags");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:chflags succeeded");
-       if (chmod("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_chmod", 0644) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:chmod");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:chmod succeeded");
-       if (chown("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_chown", -1, -1) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:chown");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:chown succeeded");
-       if (chroot("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_chroot") < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:chroot");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:chroot succeeded");
-       if (close(fd_close)) {
-               if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-                       warnx("test_syscalls:close");
-               else
-                       warn("test_syscalls:close");
-       }
-       if (connect(PF_INET, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscall:connect");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscall:connect succeeded");
-       fd = creat("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_creat", 0644);
-       if (fd >= 0) {
-               warnx("test_syscalls:creat succeeded");
-               close(fd);
-       } else if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-               warn("test_syscalls:creat");
-       fd = dup(fd_file);
-       if (fd < 0) {
-               if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-                       warnx("test_syscalls:dup");
-       } else
-               close(fd);
-       if (fchdir(fd_dir) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscall:fchdir");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:fchdir succeeded");
-       if (fchflags(fd_file, UF_NODUMP) < 0) {
-               if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-                       warnx("test_syscall:fchflags");
-       }
        pid = fork();
        if (pid >= 0) {
                if (pid == 0) {
@@ -202,225 +161,40 @@ test_capmode(void)
                        wpid = waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);
                        if (wpid < 0) {
                                if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                                       warn("test_syscalls:waitpid");
+                                       FAIL("capmode:waitpid");
                        } else
-                               warnx("test_syscalls:waitpid succeeded");
+                               FAIL("capmode:waitpid succeeded");
        } else
-               warn("test_syscalls:fork");
-       if (fstat(fd_file, &sb) < 0) {
-               if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-                       warnx("test_syscalls:fstat");
-       }
-       /*
-        * getegid() can't return an error but check for it anyway.
-        */
-       errno = 0;
-       (void)getegid();
-       if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-               warnx("test_syscalls:getegid");
-       /*
-        * geteuid() can't return an error but check for it anyway.
-        */
-       errno = 0;
-       geteuid();
-       if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-               warnx("test_syscalls:geteuid");
-       if (getfsstat(&statfs, sizeof(statfs), MNT_NOWAIT) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:getfsstat");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:getfsstat succeeded");
-       /*
-        * getgid() can't return an error but check for it anyway.
-        */
-       errno = 0;
-       getgid();
-       if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-               warnx("test_syscalls:getgid");
-       if (getpeername(fd_socket, NULL, NULL) < 0) {
-               if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-                       warnx("test_syscalls:getpeername");
-       }
+               FAIL("capmode:fork");
        if (getlogin() == NULL)
-               warn("test_sycalls:getlogin %d", errno);
-       /*
-        * getpid() can't return an error but check for it anyway.
-        */
-       errno = 0;
-       (void)getpid();
-       if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-               warnx("test_syscalls:getpid");
-       /*
-        * getppid() can't return an error but check for it anyway.
-        */
-       errno = 0;
-       (void)getppid();
-       if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-               warnx("test_syscalls:getppid");
+               FAIL("test_sycalls:getlogin %d", errno);
        if (getsockname(fd_socket, NULL, NULL) < 0) {
                if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-                       warnx("test_syscalls:getsockname");
+                       FAIL("capmode:getsockname");
-       /*
-        * getuid() can't return an error but check for it anyway.
-        */
-       errno = 0;
-       (void)getuid();
-       if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-               warnx("test_syscalls:getuid");
        /* XXXRW: ktrace */
-       if (link("/tmp/foo", "/tmp/bar") < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:link");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:link succeeded");
-       ret = lseek(fd_file, SEEK_SET, 0);
-       if (ret < 0) {
-               if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-                       warnx("test_syscalls:lseek");
-               else
-                       warn("test_syscalls:lseek");
-       }
-       if (lstat("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_lstat", &sb) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:lstat");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:lstat succeeded");
-       if (mknod("/tmp/test_syscalls_mknod", 06440, 0) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:mknod");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:mknod succeeded");
-       /*
-        * mount() is a bit tricky but do our best.
-        */
-       if (mount("procfs", "/not_mounted", 0, NULL) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:mount");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:mount succeeded");
-       if (msync(&fd_file, 8192, MS_ASYNC) < 0) {
-               if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-                       warnx("test_syscalls:msync");
-       }
-       fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
-       if (fd >= 0) {
-               warnx("test_syscalls:open succeeded");
-               close(fd);
-       }
        if (pipe(fd2) == 0) {
        } else if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-               warnx("test_syscalls:pipe");
-       if (profil(NULL, 0, 0, 0) < 0) {
-               if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-                       warnx("test_syscalls:profile");
-       }
+               FAIL("capmode:pipe");
        /* XXXRW: ptrace. */
-       len = read(fd_file, &ch, sizeof(ch));
-       if (len < 0 && errno == ECAPMODE)
-               warnx("test_syscalls:read");
-       if (readlink("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_readlink", NULL, 0) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:readlink");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:readlink succeeded");
-       len = recvfrom(fd_socket, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
-       if (len < 0 && errno == ECAPMODE)
-               warnx("test_syscalls:recvfrom");
-       len = recvmsg(fd_socket, NULL, 0);
-       if (len < 0 && errno == ECAPMODE)
-               warnx("test_syscalls:recvmsg");
-       if (revoke("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_revoke") < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:revoke");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:revoke succeeded");
-       len = sendmsg(fd_socket, NULL, 0);
-       if (len < 0 && errno == ECAPMODE)
-               warnx("test_syscalls:sendmsg");
-       len = sendto(fd_socket, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0);
-       if (len < 0 && errno == ECAPMODE)
-               warn("test_syscalls:sendto(NULL)");
-       if (setuid(getuid()) < 0) {
-               if (errno == ECAPMODE)
-                       warnx("test_syscalls:setuid");
-       }
-       if (stat("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_stat", &sb) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:stat");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:stat succeeded");
-       if (symlink("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_symlink_from",
-           "/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_symlink_to") < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:symlink");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:symlink succeeded");
        /* sysarch() is, by definition, architecture-dependent */
-       if (ARCH_IS("i386") || ARCH_IS("amd64")) {
-               if (sysarch(I386_SET_IOPERM, &sysarch_arg) != -1)
-                       warnx("test_syscalls:sysarch succeeded");
-               else if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:sysarch errno != ECAPMODE");
-               /* XXXJA: write a test for arm */
-       } else {
-               warnx("test_syscalls:no sysarch() test for architecture '%s'", 
-       }
+#if defined (__amd64__) || defined (__i386__)
+       CHECK_CAPMODE(sysarch, I386_SET_IOPERM, &sysarch_arg);
+       /* XXXJA: write a test for arm */
+       FAIL("capmode:no sysarch() test for current architecture");
        /* XXXRW: No error return from sync(2) to test. */
-       if (unlink("/tmp/cap_test_syscalls_unlink") < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:unlink");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:unlink succeeded");
-       if (unmount("/not_mounted", 0) < 0) {
-               if (errno != ECAPMODE)
-                       warn("test_syscalls:unmount");
-       } else
-               warnx("test_syscalls:unmount succeeded");
-       len = write(fd_file, &ch, sizeof(ch));
-       if (len < 0 && errno == ECAPMODE)
-               warnx("test_syscalls:write");
-       exit(0);
+       return (success);

Modified: head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/cap_test_sysctl.c
--- head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/cap_test_sysctl.c   Thu Aug  4 
14:18:09 2011        (r224650)
+++ head/tools/regression/security/cap_test/cap_test_sysctl.c   Thu Aug  4 
14:20:13 2011        (r224651)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Robert N. M. Watson
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Jonathan Anderson
  * All rights reserved.
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -35,11 +36,11 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/capability.h>
+#include <sys/errno.h>
 #include <sys/sysctl.h>
 #include <sys/wait.h>
 #include <err.h>
-#include <errno.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
@@ -50,18 +51,17 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
  * Certain sysctls are permitted in capability mode, but most are not.  Test
  * for the ones that should be, and try one or two that shouldn't.
-       int error, i, oid[2];
+       int i, oid[2];
+       int success = PASSED;
        size_t len;
        oid[0] = CTL_KERN;
        oid[1] = KERN_OSRELDATE;
        len = sizeof(i);
-       error = sysctl(oid, 2, &i, &len, NULL, 0);
-       if (error)
-               warnx("capmode and kern.osreldate failed error %d", errno);
+       CHECK(sysctl(oid, 2, &i, &len, NULL, 0) == 0);
-       exit(0);
+       return (success);
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