Author: gibbs
Date: Tue Jun 14 16:29:43 2011
New Revision: 223085

        Add make_dev_physpath_alias().  This interface takes
        the parent cdev of the alias, an old alias cdev (if any)
        to replace with the newly created alias, and the physical
        path string.  The alias is visiable as a symlink to the
        parent, with the same name as the parent, rooted at
        physpath in devfs.
        Note: make_dev_physpath_alias() has hard coded knowledge of the
              Solaris style prefix convention for physical path data,
              "id1,".  In the future, I expect the convention to change
              to allow "physical path quality" to be reported in the
              prefix.  For example, a physical path based on NewBus
              topology would be of "lower quality" than a physical path
              reported by a device enclosure.
  Sponsored by: Spectra Logic Corporation


Modified: head/sys/kern/kern_conf.c
--- head/sys/kern/kern_conf.c   Tue Jun 14 16:05:00 2011        (r223084)
+++ head/sys/kern/kern_conf.c   Tue Jun 14 16:29:43 2011        (r223085)
@@ -963,6 +963,68 @@ make_dev_alias_p(int flags, struct cdev 
        return (res);
+make_dev_physpath_alias(int flags, struct cdev **cdev, struct cdev *pdev, 
+    struct cdev *old_alias, const char *physpath)
+       char *devfspath;
+       int physpath_len;
+       int max_parentpath_len;
+       int parentpath_len;
+       int devfspathbuf_len;
+       int mflags;
+       int ret;
+       *cdev = NULL;
+       devfspath = NULL;
+       physpath_len = strlen(physpath);
+       ret = EINVAL;
+       if (physpath_len == 0)
+               goto out;
+       if (strncmp("id1,", physpath, 4) == 0) {
+               physpath += 4;
+               physpath_len -= 4;
+               if (physpath_len == 0)
+                       goto out;
+       }
+       max_parentpath_len = SPECNAMELEN - physpath_len - /*/*/1;
+       parentpath_len = strlen(pdev->si_name);
+       if (max_parentpath_len < parentpath_len) {
+               printf("make_dev_physpath_alias: WARNING - Unable to alias %s "
+                   "to %s/%s - path too long\n",
+                   pdev->si_name, physpath, pdev->si_name);
+               ret = ENAMETOOLONG;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       mflags = (flags & MAKEDEV_NOWAIT) ? M_NOWAIT : M_WAITOK;
+       devfspathbuf_len = physpath_len + /*/*/1 + parentpath_len + /*NUL*/1;
+       devfspath = malloc(devfspathbuf_len, M_DEVBUF, mflags);
+       if (devfspath == NULL) {
+               ret = ENOMEM;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       sprintf(devfspath, "%s/%s", physpath, pdev->si_name);
+       if (old_alias != NULL
+        && strcmp(old_alias->si_name, devfspath) == 0) {
+               /* Retain the existing alias. */
+               *cdev = old_alias;
+               old_alias = NULL;
+               ret = 0;
+       } else {
+               ret = make_dev_alias_p(flags, cdev, pdev, devfspath);
+       }
+       if (old_alias != NULL)  
+               destroy_dev(old_alias);
+       if (devfspath != NULL)
+               free(devfspath, M_DEVBUF);
+       return (ret);
 static void
 destroy_devl(struct cdev *dev)

Modified: head/sys/sys/conf.h
--- head/sys/sys/conf.h Tue Jun 14 16:05:00 2011        (r223084)
+++ head/sys/sys/conf.h Tue Jun 14 16:29:43 2011        (r223085)
@@ -280,6 +280,9 @@ struct cdev *make_dev_alias(struct cdev 
                __printflike(2, 3);
 int    make_dev_alias_p(int _flags, struct cdev **_cdev, struct cdev *_pdev,
                const char *_fmt, ...) __printflike(4, 5);
+int    make_dev_physpath_alias(int _flags, struct cdev **_cdev,
+               struct cdev *_pdev, struct cdev *_old_alias,
+                const char *_physpath);
 void   dev_lock(void);
 void   dev_unlock(void);
 void   setconf(void);
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