On 2020-Dec-25, at 22:21, Mark Millard <marklmi at yahoo.com> wrote:

>> On 2020-Dec-24, at 21:17, Mark Millard <mark...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hartmann, O. o.hartmann at walstatt.org wrote on
>> Thu Dec 24 21:34:56 UTC 2020 :
> . . .

Looks like I was over specific about where I did "git fetch"
from and so made some sequences overcomplicated. So I adjust
that this time.

> I've done more exploring and so am more willing to be
> explicit about commands now that I've tried some of this.
>>> I can not find (easily) any hints
>>> for those who were familiar with subversion and checking out /usr/src 
>>> either for
> Presuming having each available at the same time in separate directory trees,
> but only one repository, and sticking to the HEAD commit for each at the time
> the local repository is updated from the remote one. Also presuming no locally
> updated sources so there is nothing to clean up or put to the side . . .
> https://github.com/bsdimp/freebsd-git-docs/blob/main/faq.md has as its first 
> question:
> "How do I track -current and -stable with only one copy of the repo?" So based
> on that text . . .
> The notations for the git branches for what you list are (in order):
> stable/12
> releng/12.1
> releng/12.2
> main
> The later material will lead to there being 4 FreeBSD source trees (with my
> arbitrary example paths that you might not want to use):
> /usr/fbsd/freebsd-current/
> /usr/fbsd/freebsd-stable-12/
> /usr/fbsd/freebsd-releng-12.1/
> /usr/fbsd/freebsd-releng-12.2/
> When following the general structure that uses worktrees that is documented, 
> you
> can have at most one worktree for a branch. (Adding branches that you maintain
> to be related to those allows for more.) I'll indicate one worktree for each 
> but
> main. main gets no worktree: it already has a sufficient context.
> The initial setup (I picked an example URL):
> # mkdir -p /usr/fbsd
> # cd /usr/fbsd
> # git clone -o freebsd --config 
> remote.freebsd.fetch='+refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*' \
> ssh://anon...@git.freebsd.org/src.git freebsd-current
> # cd freebsd-current
> # git checkout main
> # git worktree add ../freebsd-stable-12 stable/12
> # git worktree add ../freebsd-releng-12.1 releng/12.1
> # git worktree add ../freebsd-releng-12.2 releng/12.2
> Then, as an example of updating freebsd-current (the overall sequence follows
> the FAQ but I'll note a variation later):
> # cd /usr/fbsd/freebsd-current
> # git checkout main
> # git pull --ff-only
> Note: For the below, the above needs to have been
> done first: the pull involves the fetch of the
> remote material, including for the use in the
> below.
> # cd ../freebsd-stable-12
> # git merge --ff_only freebsd/stable/12
> # cd ../freebsd-releng-12.1
> # git merge --ff_only freebsd/releng/12.1
> # cd ../freebsd-releng-12.2
> # git merge --ff_only freebsd/stable/12
> I'll note that elsewhere it is recommended to do (once
> for each login using git for FreeBSD source activity):
> # git config --global pull.ff only
> because those --ff-only uses are important to keeping
> history as FreeBSD intends it (linear) and --ff-only
> can be a default. (This will not cover the below
> variation.)
> The variation that I mentioned follows . . .
> You might not like needing to update freebsd-current in
> order to update, say, freebsd-stable-12 above. Avoiding
> the pull and using the analogous two commands in the
> proper order gives the following that only update the
> individual part of the fetch that was of interest.
> I show binding to branches to directories explicitly
> (checkout) but such would not be needed unless the
> binding for the directory tree had been changed. Note
> that the below is not using pull and so the config
> above does not cause --ff-only defaults to be involved:
> Be reliably explicit.
> # cd /usr/fbsd/freebsd-current
> # git fetch freebsd
> # git checkout main
> # git merge --ff-only freebsd/main
> vs.


# cd /usr/fbsd/freebsd-stable-12
# git fetch freebsd
# git checkout stable/12
# git merge --ff-only freebsd/stable/12

> vs.


# cd /usr/fbsd/freebsd-releng-12.1
# git fetch freebsd
# git checkout releng/12.1
# git merge --ff-only freebsd/releng/12.1

> vs.


# cd /usr/fbsd/freebsd-releng-12.2
# git fetch freebsd
# git checkout releng/12.2
# git merge --ff-only freebsd/releng/12.2

> Note: After a fetch, one or more of the
> cd-checkout-merge sorts of sequences could
> be done without re-fetching.
> Part of what a "merge --ff-only" does is to
> move what the active branch refers to, in
> the cases above, to a (potentially) new place
> in newly fetched material.
> I hope that the above helps. It does not deal with
> picking out a specific commit out of the repository
> for a specific source directory tree. I do not know
> if you do such and it makes controlling the context
> more complicated to describe.
> Not tied to that, you may want to look at:
> https://github.com/bsdimp/freebsd-git-docs/blob/main/SUMMARY.md
> that organizes the existing material and may make
> it easier to pick out things to read.

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com
( dsl-only.net went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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