Author: glebius
Date: Thu Nov 19 02:20:38 2020
New Revision: 367824

  Add '-u' switch that would uncompress cores that were compressed by
  kernel during dump time.
  A real life scenario is that cores are compressed to reduce
  size of dumpon partition, but we either don't care about space
  in the /var/crash or we have a filesystem level compression of
  /var/crash. And we want cores to be uncompressed in /var/crash
  because we'd like to instantily read them with kgdb. In this
  case we want kernel to write cores compressed, but savecore(1)
  write them uncompressed.
  Reviewed by:  markj, gallatin
  Relnotes:     yes
  Differential Revision:


Modified: head/sbin/savecore/Makefile
--- head/sbin/savecore/Makefile Thu Nov 19 00:03:15 2020        (r367823)
+++ head/sbin/savecore/Makefile Thu Nov 19 02:20:38 2020        (r367824)
@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ VAR_CRASH=     /var/crash
 VAR_CRASH_MODE=        0750
 PROG=  savecore
-LIBADD=        xo z
+LIBADD=        xo z zstd
 MAN=   savecore.8
+CFLAGS+=       -I${SRCTOP}/sys/contrib/zstd/lib
 .include <>

Modified: head/sbin/savecore/savecore.8
--- head/sbin/savecore/savecore.8       Thu Nov 19 00:03:15 2020        
+++ head/sbin/savecore/savecore.8       Thu Nov 19 02:20:38 2020        
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 .\"     From: @(#)savecore.8   8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd March 17, 2018
+.Dd November 17, 2020
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 .Op Ar device ...
 .Op Fl -libxo
-.Op Fl fkvz
+.Op Fl fkuvz
 .Op Fl m Ar maxdumps
 .Op Ar directory Op Ar device ...
@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ Once the number of stored dumps is equal to
 .Ar maxdumps
 the counter will restart from
 .Dv 0 .
+.It Fl u
+Uncompress the dump in case it was compressed by the kernel.
 .It Fl v
 Print out some additional debugging information.
 Specify twice for more information.

Modified: head/sbin/savecore/savecore.c
--- head/sbin/savecore/savecore.c       Thu Nov 19 00:03:15 2020        
+++ head/sbin/savecore/savecore.c       Thu Nov 19 02:20:38 2020        
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include <syslog.h>
 #include <time.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
+#define        Z_SOLO
+#include <zlib.h>
+#include <zstd.h>
 #include <libcasper.h>
 #include <casper/cap_fileargs.h>
@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 static cap_channel_t *capsyslog;
 static fileargs_t *capfa;
-static bool checkfor, compress, clear, force, keep;    /* flags */
+static bool checkfor, compress, uncompress, clear, force, keep;        /* 
flags */
 static int verbose;
 static int nfound, nsaved, nerr;                       /* statistics */
 static int maxdumps;
@@ -441,22 +444,155 @@ compare_magic(const struct kerneldumpheader *kdh, cons
 #define BLOCKSIZE (1<<12)
+static size_t
+sparsefwrite(const char *buf, size_t nr, FILE *fp)
+       size_t nw, he, hs;
+       for (nw = 0; nw < nr; nw = he) {
+               /* find a contiguous block of zeroes */
+               for (hs = nw; hs < nr; hs += BLOCKSIZE) {
+                       for (he = hs; he < nr && buf[he] == 0; ++he)
+                               /* nothing */ ;
+                       /* is the hole long enough to matter? */
+                       if (he >= hs + BLOCKSIZE)
+                               break;
+               }
+               /* back down to a block boundary */
+               he &= BLOCKMASK;
+               /*
+                * 1) Don't go beyond the end of the buffer.
+                * 2) If the end of the buffer is less than
+                *    BLOCKSIZE bytes away, we're at the end
+                *    of the file, so just grab what's left.
+                */
+               if (hs + BLOCKSIZE > nr)
+                       hs = he = nr;
+               /*
+                * At this point, we have a partial ordering:
+                *     nw <= hs <= he <= nr
+                * If hs > nw, buf[nw..hs] contains non-zero
+                * data. If he > hs, buf[hs..he] is all zeroes.
+                */
+               if (hs > nw)
+                       if (fwrite(buf + nw, hs - nw, 1, fp) != 1)
+                               break;
+               if (he > hs)
+                       if (fseeko(fp, he - hs, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
+                               break;
+       }
+       return (nw);
+static char *zbuf;
+static size_t zbufsize;
+static size_t
+GunzipWrite(z_stream *z, char *in, size_t insize, FILE *fp)
+       static bool firstblock = true;          /* XXX not re-entrable/usable */
+       const size_t hdrlen = 10;
+       size_t nw = 0;
+       int rv;
+       z->next_in = in;
+       z->avail_in = insize;
+       /*
+        * Since contrib/zlib for some reason is compiled
+        * without GUNZIP define, we need to skip the gzip
+        * header manually.  Kernel puts minimal 10 byte
+        * header, see sys/kern/subr_compressor.c:gz_reset().
+        */
+       if (firstblock) {
+               z->next_in += hdrlen;
+               z->avail_in -= hdrlen;
+               firstblock = false;
+       }
+       do {
+               z->next_out = zbuf;
+               z->avail_out = zbufsize;
+               rv = inflate(z, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+               if (rv != Z_OK && rv != Z_STREAM_END) {
+                       logmsg(LOG_ERR, "decompression failed: %s", z->msg);
+                       return (-1);
+               }
+               nw += sparsefwrite(zbuf, zbufsize - z->avail_out, fp);
+       } while (z->avail_in > 0 && rv != Z_STREAM_END);
+       return (nw);
+static size_t
+ZstdWrite(ZSTD_DCtx *Zctx, char *in, size_t insize, FILE *fp)
+       ZSTD_inBuffer Zin;
+       ZSTD_outBuffer Zout;
+       size_t nw = 0;
+       int rv;
+       Zin.src = in;
+       Zin.size = insize;
+       Zin.pos = 0;
+       do {
+               Zout.dst = zbuf;
+               Zout.size = zbufsize;
+               Zout.pos = 0;
+               rv = ZSTD_decompressStream(Zctx, &Zout, &Zin);
+               if (ZSTD_isError(rv)) {
+                       logmsg(LOG_ERR, "decompression failed: %s",
+                           ZSTD_getErrorName(rv));
+                       return (-1);
+               }
+               nw += sparsefwrite(zbuf, Zout.pos, fp);
+       } while (Zin.pos < Zin.size && rv != 0);
+       return (nw);
 static int
-DoRegularFile(int fd, off_t dumpsize, u_int sectorsize, bool sparse, char *buf,
-    const char *device, const char *filename, FILE *fp)
+DoRegularFile(int fd, off_t dumpsize, u_int sectorsize, bool sparse,
+    uint8_t compression, char *buf, const char *device,
+    const char *filename, FILE *fp)
-       int he, hs, nr, nw, wl;
+       size_t nr, nw, wl;
        off_t dmpcnt, origsize;
+       z_stream z;             /* gzip */
+       ZSTD_DCtx *Zctx;        /* zstd */
        dmpcnt = 0;
        origsize = dumpsize;
-       he = 0;
+       if (compression == KERNELDUMP_COMP_GZIP) {
+               memset(&z, 0, sizeof(z));
+               z.zalloc = Z_NULL;
+               z.zfree = Z_NULL;
+               if (inflateInit2(&z, -MAX_WBITS) != Z_OK) {
+                       logmsg(LOG_ERR, "failed to initialize zlib: %s", z.msg);
+                       return (-1);
+               }
+               zbufsize = BUFFERSIZE;
+       } else if (compression == KERNELDUMP_COMP_ZSTD) {
+               if ((Zctx = ZSTD_createDCtx()) == NULL) {
+                       logmsg(LOG_ERR, "failed to initialize zstd");
+                       return (-1);
+               }
+               zbufsize = ZSTD_DStreamOutSize();
+       }
+       if (zbufsize > 0)
+               if ((zbuf = malloc(zbufsize)) == NULL) {
+                       logmsg(LOG_ERR, "failed to alloc decompression buffer");
+                       return (-1);
+               }
        while (dumpsize > 0) {
                wl = BUFFERSIZE;
-               if (wl > dumpsize)
+               if (wl > (size_t)dumpsize)
                        wl = dumpsize;
                nr = read(fd, buf, roundup(wl, sectorsize));
-               if (nr != (int)roundup(wl, sectorsize)) {
+               if (nr != roundup(wl, sectorsize)) {
                        if (nr == 0)
                                    "WARNING: EOF on dump device");
@@ -465,48 +601,16 @@ DoRegularFile(int fd, off_t dumpsize, u_int sectorsize
                        return (-1);
-               if (!sparse) {
+               if (compression == KERNELDUMP_COMP_GZIP)
+                       nw = GunzipWrite(&z, buf, nr, fp);
+               else if (compression == KERNELDUMP_COMP_ZSTD)
+                       nw = ZstdWrite(Zctx, buf, nr, fp);
+               else if (!sparse)
                        nw = fwrite(buf, 1, wl, fp);
-               } else {
-                       for (nw = 0; nw < nr; nw = he) {
-                               /* find a contiguous block of zeroes */
-                               for (hs = nw; hs < nr; hs += BLOCKSIZE) {
-                                       for (he = hs; he < nr && buf[he] == 0;
-                                           ++he)
-                                               /* nothing */ ;
-                                       /* is the hole long enough to matter? */
-                                       if (he >= hs + BLOCKSIZE)
-                                               break;
-                               }
-                               /* back down to a block boundary */
-                               he &= BLOCKMASK;
-                               /*
-                                * 1) Don't go beyond the end of the buffer.
-                                * 2) If the end of the buffer is less than
-                                *    BLOCKSIZE bytes away, we're at the end
-                                *    of the file, so just grab what's left.
-                                */
-                               if (hs + BLOCKSIZE > nr)
-                                       hs = he = nr;
-                               /*
-                                * At this point, we have a partial ordering:
-                                *     nw <= hs <= he <= nr
-                                * If hs > nw, buf[nw..hs] contains non-zero
-                                * data. If he > hs, buf[hs..he] is all zeroes.
-                                */
-                               if (hs > nw)
-                                       if (fwrite(buf + nw, hs - nw, 1, fp)
-                                           != 1)
-                                       break;
-                               if (he > hs)
-                                       if (fseeko(fp, he - hs, SEEK_CUR) == -1)
-                                               break;
-                       }
-               }
-               if (nw != wl) {
+               else
+                       nw = sparsefwrite(buf, wl, fp);
+               if ((compression == KERNELDUMP_COMP_NONE && nw != wl) ||
+                   (compression != KERNELDUMP_COMP_NONE && nw < 0)) {
                            "write error on %s file: %m", filename);
@@ -692,11 +796,14 @@ DoFile(const char *savedir, int savedirfd, const char 
                switch (kdhl.compression) {
                case KERNELDUMP_COMP_NONE:
+                       uncompress = false;
                case KERNELDUMP_COMP_GZIP:
                case KERNELDUMP_COMP_ZSTD:
                        if (compress && verbose)
                                printf("dump is already compressed\n");
+                       if (uncompress && verbose)
+                               printf("dump to be uncompressed\n");
                        compress = false;
                        iscompressed = true;
@@ -820,7 +927,7 @@ DoFile(const char *savedir, int savedirfd, const char 
                snprintf(corename, sizeof(corename), "%s.%d.gz",
                    istextdump ? "textdump.tar" :
                    (isencrypted ? "vmcore_encrypted" : "vmcore"), bounds);
-       else if (iscompressed && !isencrypted)
+       else if (iscompressed && !isencrypted && !uncompress)
                snprintf(corename, sizeof(corename), "vmcore.%d.%s", bounds,
                    (kdhl.compression == KERNELDUMP_COMP_GZIP) ? "gz" : "zst");
@@ -901,8 +1008,9 @@ DoFile(const char *savedir, int savedirfd, const char 
                        goto closeall;
        } else {
                if (DoRegularFile(fddev, dumplength, sectorsize,
-                   !(compress || iscompressed || isencrypted), buf, device,
-                   corename, core) < 0) {
+                   !(compress || iscompressed || isencrypted),
+                   uncompress ? kdhl.compression : KERNELDUMP_COMP_NONE,
+                   buf, device, corename, core) < 0) {
                        goto closeall;
@@ -927,7 +1035,7 @@ DoFile(const char *savedir, int savedirfd, const char 
-       if (compress || iscompressed) {
+       if ((iscompressed && !uncompress) || compress) {
                snprintf(linkname, sizeof(linkname), "%s.last.%s",
                    istextdump ? "textdump.tar" :
                    (isencrypted ? "vmcore_encrypted" : "vmcore"),
@@ -1123,7 +1231,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
        if (argc < 0)
-       while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "Ccfkm:vz")) != -1)
+       while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "Ccfkm:uvz")) != -1)
                switch(ch) {
                case 'C':
                        checkfor = true;
@@ -1144,6 +1252,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
+               case 'u':
+                       uncompress = true;
+                       break;
                case 'v':
@@ -1159,6 +1270,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
        if (clear && (compress || keep))
        if (maxdumps > 0 && (checkfor || clear))
+               usage();
+       if (compress && uncompress)
        argc -= optind;
        argv += optind;
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