On Fri, 4 Sep 2020 at 23:11, Kevin Bowling <kevin.bowl...@kev009.com> wrote:
> An arbitrary formater may leave a
> little bit of annoyance to each person's taste, but that is a tiny
> drop in the bucket compared to never having to discuss and especially
> correct (which may /seem/ helpful but is pretty offputting to
> newcomers).

As an experiment I ran clang-format over an arbitrary file
(vtfontcvt.c) and put the results in

Relative to the original file there are a few style(9) items that have
been fixed, a few that have been broken, and some that are arguably
worse but really indifferent.

- *_FOREACH now has a space before (, equivalent to for (;;)
- header sorting
- space between sizeof and ( removed
- indentation of an if body
- unwrapped function call that fits on one line

- indentation of if / for conditions that span 2 or more lines

- lose lined-up struct members or comments
- space vs tab after #define
- newlines before quoted function arguments
- function argument wrapping (see write_glyph_buf)
- leading indentation and args-per-line (print_font_info)
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