On 01.09.2020 15:32, Niclas Zeising wrote:
> On 2020-09-01 15:16, Emmanuel Vadot wrote:
>> On Tue, 1 Sep 2020 15:13:53 +0200
>> Michal Meloun <meloun.mic...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 25.08.2020 0:53, Niclas Zeising wrote:
>>>> Author: zeising (doc,ports committer)
>>>> Date: Mon Aug 24 22:53:23 2020
>>>> New Revision: 364737
>>>> URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/364737
>>>> Log:
>>>>    drm2: Update deprecation message
>>>>       Update the deprecation message in the drm2 (aka legacy drm)
>>>> drivers to point
>>>>    towards the graphics/drm-kmod ports for all architectures, not
>>>> just amd64.
>>> Only known user of drm2 is arm/tegra124 based boards. How
>>> graphics/drm-kmod can help for these?
>>> Or be more specific - drm2 allows me to hot-plug monitor to tegra based
>>> board an use 2 scaled overlay planes (which is exactly whats I want for
>>>   my application). Which alternative can you offer me?
>>> Btw, as you can see, the maintenance cost of drm2 is close to zero and
>>> the dev/drm2 code does not inherit with any of the major architectures.
>>> Michal
>>   I think that the goal was only to mfc this to warn users before 12.2
>> is branched, maybe a direct commit to 12 would have been better.
> No, the change is correct.
> drm-legacy-kmod (the port) is going away, especially on FreeBSD 13,
> since it is preventing updates to the FreeBSD VM subsystem.  I sent
> an-email about this to a variety of lists about a week ago.
> I do know that there are a few special users of drm2 in FreeBSD current,
> I do not know how those are affected.  Since, on FreeBSD current, most
> architectures can use drm-kmod, I believe it is good to point everyone
> towards that ports, instead of pointing everyone except amd64 users to
> drm-legacy-kmod.

No, this change is not correct.
You *newly* point ARM drm2 users to use a port marked with
"ONLY_FOR_ARCHS= amd64 i386 powerpc64"
Do you think that this is correct behavior?

So again. I have not a single problem with drm-legacy-kmod removal,
I have not a problem with pointing users of supported architectures (by
kmod-*) to right port.
But I have problem with marking drm2 driver as obsolete for ARM
architecture (without single rational reason) and/or by pointing ARM
users of drm2 driver to not-existent port.

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