Author: kibab
Date: Fri Jul 24 21:14:59 2020
New Revision: 363497

  Make it possible to get/set MMC frequency from camcontrol
  Enhance camcontrol(8) so that it's possible to manually set frequency for 
SD/MMC cards.
  While here, display more information about the current controller, such as
  supported operating modes and VCCQ voltages, as well as current VCCQ voltage.
  Reviewed by:  manu
  Approved by:  imp (mentor)
  Differential Revision:


Modified: head/sbin/camcontrol/camcontrol.c
--- head/sbin/camcontrol/camcontrol.c   Fri Jul 24 20:54:07 2020        
+++ head/sbin/camcontrol/camcontrol.c   Fri Jul 24 21:14:59 2020        
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ static struct camcontrol_opts option_table[] = {
        {"rescan", CAM_CMD_RESCAN, CAM_ARG_NONE, NULL},
        {"reset", CAM_CMD_RESET, CAM_ARG_NONE, NULL},
        {"cmd", CAM_CMD_SCSI_CMD, CAM_ARG_NONE, scsicmd_opts},
-       {"mmcsdcmd", CAM_CMD_MMCSD_CMD, CAM_ARG_NONE, "c:a:f:Wb:l:41S:I"},
+       {"mmcsdcmd", CAM_CMD_MMCSD_CMD, CAM_ARG_NONE, "c:a:F:f:Wb:l:41S:I"},
        {"command", CAM_CMD_SCSI_CMD, CAM_ARG_NONE, scsicmd_opts},
        {"smpcmd", CAM_CMD_SMP_CMD, CAM_ARG_NONE, "r:R:"},
        {"smprg", CAM_CMD_SMP_RG, CAM_ARG_NONE, smprg_opts},
@@ -7833,10 +7833,12 @@ mmcsdcmd(struct cam_device *device, int argc, char **a
        int retval;
        int is_write = 0;
        int is_bw_4 = 0, is_bw_1 = 0;
+       int is_frequency = 0;
        int is_highspeed = 0, is_stdspeed = 0;
        int is_info_request = 0;
        int flags = 0;
        uint8_t mmc_data_byte = 0;
+       uint32_t mmc_frequency = 0;
        /* For IO_RW_EXTENDED command */
        uint8_t *mmc_data = NULL;
@@ -7873,6 +7875,10 @@ mmcsdcmd(struct cam_device *device, int argc, char **a
                case 'I':
                        is_info_request = 1;
+               case 'F':
+                       is_frequency = 1;
+                       mmc_frequency = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
+                       break;
                case 'c':
                        mmc_opcode = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);
                        if (mmc_opcode < 0) {
@@ -7978,6 +7984,23 @@ mmcsdcmd(struct cam_device *device, int argc, char **a
                return (retval);
+       if (is_frequency) {
+               struct ccb_trans_settings_mmc *cts;
+               ccb->ccb_h.func_code = XPT_SET_TRAN_SETTINGS;
+               ccb->ccb_h.flags = 0;
+               cts = &ccb->cts.proto_specific.mmc;
+               cts->ios.clock = mmc_frequency;
+               cts->ios_valid = MMC_CLK;
+               if (((retval = cam_send_ccb(device, ccb)) < 0)
+                   || ((ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_STATUS_MASK) != CAM_REQ_CMP)) {
+                       warn("Error sending command");
+               } else {
+                       printf("Parameters set OK\n");
+               }
+               cam_freeccb(ccb);
+               return (retval);
+       }
        // Switch bus speed instead of sending IO command
        if (is_stdspeed || is_highspeed) {
                struct ccb_trans_settings_mmc *cts;
@@ -8011,13 +8034,48 @@ mmcsdcmd(struct cam_device *device, int argc, char **a
                printf("Host OCR: 0x%x\n", cts->host_ocr);
                printf("Min frequency: %u KHz\n", cts->host_f_min / 1000);
                printf("Max frequency: %u MHz\n", cts->host_f_max / 1000000);
-               printf("Supported bus width: ");
+               printf("Supported bus width:\n");
                if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_4_BIT_DATA)
                        printf(" 4 bit\n");
                if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_8_BIT_DATA)
                        printf(" 8 bit\n");
-               printf("\nCurrent settings:\n");
-               printf("Bus width: ");
+               printf("Supported operating modes:\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_HSPEED)
+                       printf(" Can do High Speed transfers\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_UHS_SDR12)
+                       printf(" Can do UHS SDR12\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_UHS_SDR25)
+                       printf(" Can do UHS SDR25\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_UHS_SDR50)
+                       printf(" Can do UHS SDR50\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_UHS_SDR104)
+                       printf(" Can do UHS SDR104\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_UHS_DDR50)
+                       printf(" Can do UHS DDR50\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_MMC_DDR52_120)
+                       printf(" Can do eMMC DDR52 at 1.2V\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_MMC_DDR52_180)
+                       printf(" Can do eMMC DDR52 at 1.8V\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_MMC_HS200_120)
+                       printf(" Can do eMMC HS200 at 1.2V\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_MMC_HS200_180)
+                       printf(" Can do eMMC HS200 at 1.8V\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_MMC_HS400_120)
+                       printf(" Can do eMMC HS400 at 1.2V\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_MMC_HS400_180)
+                       printf(" Can do eMMC HS400 at 1.8V\n");
+               printf("Supported VCCQ voltages:\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_SIGNALING_120)
+                       printf(" 1.2V\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_SIGNALING_180)
+                       printf(" 1.8V\n");
+               if (cts->host_caps & MMC_CAP_SIGNALING_330)
+                       printf(" 3.3V\n");
+               printf("Current settings:\n");
+               printf(" Bus width: ");
                switch (cts->ios.bus_width) {
                case bus_width_1:
                        printf("1 bit\n");
@@ -8029,10 +8087,23 @@ mmcsdcmd(struct cam_device *device, int argc, char **a
                        printf("8 bit\n");
-               printf("Freq: %d.%03d MHz%s\n",
+               printf(" Freq: %d.%03d MHz%s\n",
                       cts->ios.clock / 1000000,
                       (cts->ios.clock / 1000) % 1000,
-                      cts->ios.timing == bus_timing_hs ? "(high-speed timing)" 
: "");
+                      cts->ios.timing == bus_timing_hs ? " (high-speed 
timing)" : "");
+               printf(" VCCQ: ");
+               switch (cts->ios.vccq) {
+               case vccq_330:
+                       printf("3.3V\n");
+                       break;
+               case vccq_180:
+                       printf("1.8V\n");
+                       break;
+               case vccq_120:
+                       printf("1.2V\n");
+                       break;
+               }
                return (0);
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