-----Original Message-----
From: <owner-src-committ...@freebsd.org> on behalf of "Rodney W. Grimes" 
Reply-To: <rgri...@freebsd.org>
Date: 2020-06-01, Monday at 09:40
To: Ian Lepore <i...@freebsd.org>
Cc: Dimitry Andric <d...@freebsd.org>, <src-committ...@freebsd.org>, 
<svn-src-...@freebsd.org>, <svn-src-head@freebsd.org>
Subject: Re: svn commit: r361677 - in head/usr.bin/svn: . lib lib/libapr 
lib/libapr_util lib/libserf lib/libsvn_client lib/libsvn_delta lib/libsvn_diff 
lib/libsvn_fs lib/libsvn_fs_fs lib/libsvn_fs_util lib/libs...

    > On Sun, 2020-05-31 at 22:04 +0000, Dimitry Andric wrote:
    > > Author: dim
    > > Date: Sun May 31 22:04:51 2020
    > > New Revision: 361677
    > > URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/361677
    > > 
    > > Log:
    > >   Change Makefiles under usr.bin/svn to make them easier to
    > > incrementally
    > >   update. No functional change intended.
    > >   
    > >   MFC after:    2 weeks
    > > 
    > I wish we could get style.Makefile(9) updated to mandate this 1-per-
    > line style when listing sources, dirs, etc, when the number of items is
    > greater than N, where N is something like 3-6 filenames.  Otherwise the
    > requirement to sort the names alphabetically pretty much mandates that
    > many lines of the file will change just to insert one or two new files,
    > and that makes it all but impossible to figure out from a diff what
    > actually changed.

    I like this idea, though rather than 3-6 filenames I propose
    it to be anything longer than 3 lines, which is kinda about when
    the pain point should start.  See the immediate SUBDIR below, it
    is 11 items on 2ish/3 lines, and any change would worst case be a
    3 line diff.  This probably covers a large portion of the tree.

FWIW, I'm partial to the 'FOO+=bar' syntax, rather than continuation lines. 
It's too easy to forget to add the continuation when appending or inserting.

    I particularly do not like massive amounts of vertical white
    space which this would create, but lacking an automated tool
    this is probably a reasonable compromise.
    If we did it everywhere it would mean lots of scrolling when
    working on rather simple makefiles.

I generally feel the opposite -- I do a destressing amount of work on an 80x24 
serial console :-/ -- but I agree that "> 3 lines" is a reasonable compromise.

-Ravi (rpokala@)

    > -- Ian
    > > 
    > [...] 
    > > -SUBDIR=        lib .WAIT \
    > > -       svn svnadmin svnbench svndumpfilter svnfsfs svnlook svnserve \
    > > -       svnsync svnversion svnmucc svnrdump
    > > +SUBDIR=        lib \
    > > +       .WAIT \
    > > +       svn \
    > > +       svnadmin \
    > > +       svnbench \
    > > +       svndumpfilter \
    > > +       svnfsfs \
    > > +       svnlook \
    > > +       svnserve \
    > > +       svnsync \
    > > +       svnversion \
    > > +       svnmucc \
    > > +       svnrdump
    > >  

    Rod Grimes                                                 

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