On 2020-01-15 07:10, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
I really want to reverse the argument order of epoch_call() as well.
The current order is really backwards:

      epoch_call(epoch_t epoch, epoch_context_t ctx,
          void (*callback)(epoch_context_t));

Suggested declaration is:

      epoch_call(epoch_t epoch, epoch_context_t ctx,
         void (*callback)(epoch_context_t));


I think he meant to put the ctx argument last. Look at how the function is implemented to see if that makes any sense, I.E. how arguments are optimised.

>       epoch_call(epoch_t epoch, epoch_context_t ctx,
>          void (*callback)(epoch_context_t));

Is this *want* just because of "function, argument" is better than "argument, function" ?

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