Hi Eric,

On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 11:58 AM Eric Joyner <e...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Author: erj
> Date: Thu Nov 21 19:57:56 2019
> New Revision: 354977
> URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/354977
> Log:
>   bitstring: add functions to find contiguous set/unset bit sequences
>   Add bit_ffs_area_at and bit_ffc_area_at functions for searching a bit
>   string for a sequence of contiguous set or unset bits of at least the
>   specified size.
>   The bit_ffc_area function will be used by the Intel ice driver for
>   implementing resource assignment logic using a bitstring to represent
>   whether or not a given index has been assigned or is currently free.

I don't know what the ice driver is/does, so apologies if this is
nonsensical.  Would it make more sense to use vmem(9) for this
purpose?  It's a general-purpose resource allocator and can scale well
with large numbers of resources / CPUs.

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