Author: kevans
Date: Mon Nov 18 23:21:13 2019
New Revision: 354833

  Add flua to the base system, install to /usr/libexec
  FreeBSDlua ("flua") is a FreeBSD-private lua, flavored with whatever
  extensions we need for base system operations. We currently support a subset
  of lfs and lposix that are used in the rewrite of into lua,
  added in r354786.
  flua is intentionally written such that one can install standard lua and
  some set of lua modules from ports and achieve the same effect.
  linit_flua is a copy of linit.c from contrib/lua with lfs and lposix added
  in. This is similar to what we do in stand/. linit.c has been renamed to
  make it clear that this has flua-specific bits.
  luaconf has been slightly obfuscated to make extensions more difficult. Part
  of the problem is that flua is already hard enough to use as a bootstrap
  tool because it's not in PATH- attempting to do extension loading would
  require a special bootstrap version of flua with paths changed to protect
  the innocent. has been added to make it easy for in-tree stuff to find flua,
  whether it's bootstrap-flua or relying on PATH frobbing by Makefile.inc1.
  Reviewed by:  brooks, emaste (both earlier version), imp
  Differential Revision:

  head/libexec/flua/Makefile   (contents, props changed)
  head/libexec/flua/linit_flua.c   (contents, props changed)
  head/libexec/flua/luaconf.h   (contents, props changed)
     - copied, changed from r354832, head/stand/liblua/lfs.c
     - copied unchanged from r354832, head/stand/liblua/lfs.h
  head/libexec/flua/modules/lposix.c   (contents, props changed)
  head/libexec/flua/modules/lposix.h   (contents, props changed)
  head/share/mk/   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/libexec/Makefile
--- head/libexec/Makefile       Mon Nov 18 21:59:47 2019        (r354832)
+++ head/libexec/Makefile       Mon Nov 18 23:21:13 2019        (r354833)
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ SUBDIR= ${_atf} \
        ${_blacklistd-helper} \
        ${_comsat} \
        ${_dma} \
+       flua \
        getty \
        ${_mail.local} \
        ${_makewhatis.local} \

Added: head/libexec/flua/Makefile
--- /dev/null   00:00:00 1970   (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/libexec/flua/Makefile  Mon Nov 18 23:21:13 2019        (r354833)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#! $FreeBSD$
+.include <>
+LUASRC?=       ${SRCTOP}/contrib/lua/src
+PROG=  flua
+WARNS?=        2
+MAN=   # No manpage; this is internal.
+LIBADD=        m
+# Core functions
+SRCS=  lapi.c lcode.c lctype.c ldebug.c ldo.c ldump.c lfunc.c lgc.c llex.c \
+       lmem.c lobject.c lopcodes.c lparser.c lstate.c lstring.c ltable.c \
+       ltm.c lundump.c lvm.c lzio.c
+# Library functions; any change to these likely needs an accompanying change
+# in our custom linit_flua.c.  We use our custom linit.c to make it easier to
+# support bootstrap flua that may not have supporting local libraries.
+SRCS+= lauxlib.c lbaselib.c lbitlib.c lcorolib.c ldblib.c liolib.c \
+       lmathlib.c loslib.c lstrlib.c ltablib.c lutf8lib.c loadlib.c
+# Entry point
+SRCS+= lua.c
+# FreeBSD Extensions
+.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/modules
+SRCS+= linit_flua.c
+SRCS+= lfs.c lposix.c
+CFLAGS+=       -I${.CURDIR} -I${.CURDIR}/modules -I${LUASRC}
+CFLAGS+=       -DLUA_PROGNAME="\"${PROG}\""
+.include <>

Added: head/libexec/flua/linit_flua.c
--- /dev/null   00:00:00 1970   (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/libexec/flua/linit_flua.c      Mon Nov 18 23:21:13 2019        
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* $FreeBSD$ */
+** $Id: linit.c,v 2017/04/19 17:20:42 roberto Exp $
+** Initialization of libraries for lua.c and other clients
+** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
+#define linit_c
+#define LUA_LIB
+** If you embed Lua in your program and need to open the standard
+** libraries, call luaL_openlibs in your program. If you need a
+** different set of libraries, copy this file to your project and edit
+** it to suit your needs.
+** You can also *preload* libraries, so that a later 'require' can
+** open the library, which is already linked to the application.
+** For that, do the following code:
+**  lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_modname);
+**  lua_setfield(L, -2, modname);
+**  lua_pop(L, 1);  // remove PRELOAD table
+#include "lprefix.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "lua.h"
+#include "lualib.h"
+#include "lauxlib.h"
+#include "lfs.h"
+#include "lposix.h"
+** these libs are loaded by lua.c and are readily available to any Lua
+** program
+static const luaL_Reg loadedlibs[] = {
+  {"_G", luaopen_base},
+  {LUA_LOADLIBNAME, luaopen_package},
+  {LUA_COLIBNAME, luaopen_coroutine},
+  {LUA_TABLIBNAME, luaopen_table},
+  {LUA_IOLIBNAME, luaopen_io},
+  {LUA_OSLIBNAME, luaopen_os},
+  {LUA_STRLIBNAME, luaopen_string},
+  {LUA_MATHLIBNAME, luaopen_math},
+  {LUA_UTF8LIBNAME, luaopen_utf8},
+  {LUA_DBLIBNAME, luaopen_debug},
+#if defined(LUA_COMPAT_BITLIB)
+  {LUA_BITLIBNAME, luaopen_bit32},
+  /* FreeBSD Extensions */
+  {"lfs", luaopen_lfs},
+  {"posix.unistd", luaopen_posix_unistd},
+LUALIB_API void luaL_openlibs (lua_State *L) {
+  const luaL_Reg *lib;
+  /* "require" functions from 'loadedlibs' and set results to global table */
+  for (lib = loadedlibs; lib->func; lib++) {
+    luaL_requiref(L, lib->name, lib->func, 1);
+    lua_pop(L, 1);  /* remove lib */
+  }

Added: head/libexec/flua/luaconf.h
--- /dev/null   00:00:00 1970   (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/libexec/flua/luaconf.h Mon Nov 18 23:21:13 2019        (r354833)
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+/* $FreeBSD$ */
+** $Id: luaconf.h,v 2017/04/19 17:29:57 roberto Exp $
+** Configuration file for Lua
+** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
+#ifndef luaconf_h
+#define luaconf_h
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+** ===================================================================
+** Search for "@@" to find all configurable definitions.
+** ===================================================================
+** {====================================================================
+** System Configuration: macros to adapt (if needed) Lua to some
+** particular platform, for instance compiling it with 32-bit numbers or
+** restricting it to C89.
+** =====================================================================
+@@ LUA_32BITS enables Lua with 32-bit integers and 32-bit floats. You
+** can also define LUA_32BITS in the make file, but changing here you
+** ensure that all software connected to Lua will be compiled with the
+** same configuration.
+/* #define LUA_32BITS */
+@@ LUA_USE_C89 controls the use of non-ISO-C89 features.
+** Define it if you want Lua to avoid the use of a few C99 features
+** or Windows-specific features on Windows.
+/* #define LUA_USE_C89 */
+** By default, Lua on Windows use (some) specific Windows features
+#if !defined(LUA_USE_C89) && defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+#define LUA_USE_WINDOWS  /* enable goodies for regular Windows */
+#if defined(LUA_USE_WINDOWS)
+#define LUA_DL_DLL     /* enable support for DLL */
+#define LUA_USE_C89    /* broadly, Windows is C89 */
+#if defined(LUA_USE_LINUX)
+#define LUA_USE_POSIX
+#define LUA_USE_DLOPEN         /* needs an extra library: -ldl */
+#define LUA_USE_READLINE       /* needs some extra libraries */
+#if defined(LUA_USE_MACOSX)
+#define LUA_USE_POSIX
+#define LUA_USE_DLOPEN         /* MacOS does not need -ldl */
+#define LUA_USE_READLINE       /* needs an extra library: -lreadline */
+/* Local modifications: need io.popen */
+#ifdef __FreeBSD__
+#define LUA_USE_POSIX
+@@ LUA_C89_NUMBERS ensures that Lua uses the largest types available for
+** C89 ('long' and 'double'); Windows always has '__int64', so it does
+** not need to use this case.
+#if defined(LUA_USE_C89) && !defined(LUA_USE_WINDOWS)
+#define LUA_C89_NUMBERS
+@@ LUAI_BITSINT defines the (minimum) number of bits in an 'int'.
+/* avoid undefined shifts */
+#if ((INT_MAX >> 15) >> 15) >= 1
+#define LUAI_BITSINT   32
+/* 'int' always must have at least 16 bits */
+#define LUAI_BITSINT   16
+@@ LUA_INT_TYPE defines the type for Lua integers.
+@@ LUA_FLOAT_TYPE defines the type for Lua floats.
+** Lua should work fine with any mix of these options (if supported
+** by your C compiler). The usual configurations are 64-bit integers
+** and 'double' (the default), 32-bit integers and 'float' (for
+** restricted platforms), and 'long'/'double' (for C compilers not
+** compliant with C99, which may not have support for 'long long').
+/* predefined options for LUA_INT_TYPE */
+#define LUA_INT_INT            1
+#define LUA_INT_LONG           2
+#define LUA_INT_LONGLONG       3
+/* predefined options for LUA_FLOAT_TYPE */
+#define LUA_FLOAT_FLOAT                1
+#define LUA_FLOAT_DOUBLE       2
+#if defined(LUA_32BITS)                /* { */
+** 32-bit integers and 'float'
+#if LUAI_BITSINT >= 32  /* use 'int' if big enough */
+#else  /* otherwise use 'long' */
+#elif defined(LUA_C89_NUMBERS) /* }{ */
+** largest types available for C89 ('long' and 'double')
+#endif                         /* } */
+** default configuration for 64-bit Lua ('long long' and 'double')
+#if !defined(LUA_INT_TYPE)
+#if !defined(LUA_FLOAT_TYPE)
+/* }================================================================== */
+** {==================================================================
+** Configuration for Paths.
+** ===================================================================
+** LUA_PATH_SEP is the character that separates templates in a path.
+** LUA_PATH_MARK is the string that marks the substitution points in a
+** template.
+** LUA_EXEC_DIR in a Windows path is replaced by the executable's
+** directory.
+#define LUA_PATH_SEP            ";"
+#define LUA_PATH_MARK           "?"
+#define LUA_EXEC_DIR            "!"
+@@ LUA_PATH_DEFAULT is the default path that Lua uses to look for
+** Lua libraries.
+@@ LUA_CPATH_DEFAULT is the default path that Lua uses to look for
+** C libraries.
+** CHANGE them if your machine has a non-conventional directory
+** hierarchy or if you want to install your libraries in
+** non-conventional directories.
+#if defined(_WIN32)    /* { */
+** In Windows, any exclamation mark ('!') in the path is replaced by the
+** path of the directory of the executable file of the current process.
+#define LUA_LDIR       "!\\lua\\"
+#define LUA_CDIR       "!\\"
+#define LUA_SHRDIR     "!\\..\\share\\lua\\" LUA_VDIR "\\"
+#define LUA_PATH_DEFAULT  \
+               LUA_LDIR"?.lua;"  LUA_LDIR"?\\init.lua;" \
+               LUA_CDIR"?.lua;"  LUA_CDIR"?\\init.lua;" \
+               LUA_SHRDIR"?.lua;" LUA_SHRDIR"?\\init.lua;" \
+               ".\\?.lua;" ".\\?\\init.lua"
+               LUA_CDIR"?.dll;" \
+               LUA_CDIR"..\\lib\\lua\\" LUA_VDIR "\\?.dll;" \
+               LUA_CDIR"loadall.dll;" ".\\?.dll"
+#else                  /* }{ */
+#define LUA_ROOT       "/usr/local/"
+#define LUA_LDIR       LUA_ROOT "share/lua/" LUA_VDIR "/"
+#define LUA_CDIR       LUA_ROOT "lib/lua/" LUA_VDIR "/"
+#define LUA_PATH_DEFAULT  \
+               LUA_LDIR"?.lua;"  LUA_LDIR"?/init.lua;" \
+               LUA_CDIR"?.lua;"  LUA_CDIR"?/init.lua;" \
+               "./?.lua;" "./?/init.lua"
+               LUA_CDIR"?.so;" LUA_CDIR";" "./?.so"
+#endif                 /* } */
+@@ LUA_DIRSEP is the directory separator (for submodules).
+** CHANGE it if your machine does not use "/" as the directory separator
+** and is not Windows. (On Windows Lua automatically uses "\".)
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#define LUA_DIRSEP     "\\"
+#define LUA_DIRSEP     "/"
+/* }================================================================== */
+** {==================================================================
+** Marks for exported symbols in the C code
+** ===================================================================
+@@ LUA_API is a mark for all core API functions.
+@@ LUALIB_API is a mark for all auxiliary library functions.
+@@ LUAMOD_API is a mark for all standard library opening functions.
+** CHANGE them if you need to define those functions in some special way.
+** For instance, if you want to create one Windows DLL with the core and
+** the libraries, you may want to use the following definition (define
+** LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL to get it).
+#if defined(LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL)  /* { */
+#if defined(LUA_CORE) || defined(LUA_LIB)      /* { */
+#define LUA_API __declspec(dllexport)
+#else                                          /* }{ */
+#define LUA_API __declspec(dllimport)
+#endif                                         /* } */
+#else                          /* }{ */
+#define LUA_API                extern
+#endif                         /* } */
+/* more often than not the libs go together with the core */
+#define LUALIB_API     LUA_API
+@@ LUAI_FUNC is a mark for all extern functions that are not to be
+** exported to outside modules.
+@@ LUAI_DDEF and LUAI_DDEC are marks for all extern (const) variables
+** that are not to be exported to outside modules (LUAI_DDEF for
+** definitions and LUAI_DDEC for declarations).
+** CHANGE them if you need to mark them in some special way. Elf/gcc
+** (versions 3.2 and later) mark them as "hidden" to optimize access
+** when Lua is compiled as a shared library. Not all elf targets support
+** this attribute. Unfortunately, gcc does not offer a way to check
+** whether the target offers that support, and those without support
+** give a warning about it. To avoid these warnings, change to the
+** default definition.
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__*100 + __GNUC_MINOR__) >= 302) && \
+    defined(__ELF__)           /* { */
+#define LUAI_FUNC      __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) extern
+#else                          /* }{ */
+#define LUAI_FUNC      extern
+#endif                         /* } */
+#define LUAI_DDEC      LUAI_FUNC
+#define LUAI_DDEF      /* empty */
+/* }================================================================== */
+** {==================================================================
+** Compatibility with previous versions
+** ===================================================================
+@@ LUA_COMPAT_5_2 controls other macros for compatibility with Lua 5.2.
+@@ LUA_COMPAT_5_1 controls other macros for compatibility with Lua 5.1.
+** You can define it to get all options, or change specific options
+** to fit your specific needs.
+#if defined(LUA_COMPAT_5_2)    /* { */
+@@ LUA_COMPAT_MATHLIB controls the presence of several deprecated
+** functions in the mathematical library.
+@@ LUA_COMPAT_BITLIB controls the presence of library 'bit32'.
+@@ LUA_COMPAT_IPAIRS controls the effectiveness of the __ipairs metamethod.
+@@ LUA_COMPAT_APIINTCASTS controls the presence of macros for
+** manipulating other integer types (lua_pushunsigned, lua_tounsigned,
+** luaL_checkint, luaL_checklong, etc.)
+#endif                         /* } */
+#if defined(LUA_COMPAT_5_1)    /* { */
+/* Incompatibilities from 5.2 -> 5.3 */
+@@ LUA_COMPAT_UNPACK controls the presence of global 'unpack'.
+** You can replace it with 'table.unpack'.
+@@ LUA_COMPAT_LOADERS controls the presence of table 'package.loaders'.
+** You can replace it with 'package.searchers'.
+@@ macro 'lua_cpcall' emulates deprecated function lua_cpcall.
+** You can call your C function directly (with light C functions).
+#define lua_cpcall(L,f,u)  \
+       (lua_pushcfunction(L, (f)), \
+        lua_pushlightuserdata(L,(u)), \
+        lua_pcall(L,1,0,0))
+@@ LUA_COMPAT_LOG10 defines the function 'log10' in the math library.
+** You can rewrite 'log10(x)' as 'log(x, 10)'.
+#define LUA_COMPAT_LOG10
+@@ LUA_COMPAT_LOADSTRING defines the function 'loadstring' in the base
+** library. You can rewrite 'loadstring(s)' as 'load(s)'.
+@@ LUA_COMPAT_MAXN defines the function 'maxn' in the table library.
+@@ The following macros supply trivial compatibility for some
+** changes in the API. The macros themselves document how to
+** change your code to avoid using them.
+#define lua_strlen(L,i)                lua_rawlen(L, (i))
+#define lua_objlen(L,i)                lua_rawlen(L, (i))
+#define lua_equal(L,idx1,idx2)         lua_compare(L,(idx1),(idx2),LUA_OPEQ)
+#define lua_lessthan(L,idx1,idx2)      lua_compare(L,(idx1),(idx2),LUA_OPLT)
+@@ LUA_COMPAT_MODULE controls compatibility with previous
+** module functions 'module' (Lua) and 'luaL_register' (C).
+#endif                         /* } */
+@@ LUA_COMPAT_FLOATSTRING makes Lua format integral floats without a
+@@ a float mark ('.0').
+** This macro is not on by default even in compatibility mode,
+** because this is not really an incompatibility.
+/* }================================================================== */
+** {==================================================================
+** Configuration for Numbers.
+** Change these definitions if no predefined LUA_FLOAT_* / LUA_INT_*
+** satisfy your needs.
+** ===================================================================
+@@ LUA_NUMBER is the floating-point type used by Lua.
+@@ LUAI_UACNUMBER is the result of a 'default argument promotion'
+@@ over a floating number.
+@@ l_mathlim(x) corrects limit name 'x' to the proper float type
+** by prefixing it with one of FLT/DBL/LDBL.
+@@ LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN is the length modifier for writing floats.
+@@ LUA_NUMBER_FMT is the format for writing floats.
+@@ lua_number2str converts a float to a string.
+@@ l_mathop allows the addition of an 'l' or 'f' to all math operations.
+@@ l_floor takes the floor of a float.
+@@ lua_str2number converts a decimal numeric string to a number.
+/* The following definitions are good for most cases here */
+#define l_floor(x)             (l_mathop(floor)(x))
+#define lua_number2str(s,sz,n)  \
+       l_sprintf((s), sz, LUA_NUMBER_FMT, (LUAI_UACNUMBER)(n))
+@@ lua_numbertointeger converts a float number to an integer, or
+** returns 0 if float is not within the range of a lua_Integer.
+** (The range comparisons are tricky because of rounding. The tests
+** here assume a two-complement representation, where MININTEGER always
+** has an exact representation as a float; MAXINTEGER may not have one,
+** and therefore its conversion to float may have an ill-defined value.)
+#define lua_numbertointeger(n,p) \
+  ((n) >= (LUA_NUMBER)(LUA_MININTEGER) && \
+   (n) < -(LUA_NUMBER)(LUA_MININTEGER) && \
+      (*(p) = (LUA_INTEGER)(n), 1))
+/* now the variable definitions */
+#if LUA_FLOAT_TYPE == LUA_FLOAT_FLOAT          /* { single float */
+#define LUA_NUMBER     float
+#define l_mathlim(n)           (FLT_##n)
+#define LUAI_UACNUMBER double
+#define LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN      ""
+#define LUA_NUMBER_FMT         "%.7g"
+#define l_mathop(op)           op##f
+#define lua_str2number(s,p)    strtof((s), (p))
+#elif LUA_FLOAT_TYPE == LUA_FLOAT_LONGDOUBLE   /* }{ long double */
+#define LUA_NUMBER     long double
+#define l_mathlim(n)           (LDBL_##n)
+#define LUAI_UACNUMBER long double
+#define LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN      "L"
+#define LUA_NUMBER_FMT         "%.19Lg"
+#define l_mathop(op)           op##l
+#define lua_str2number(s,p)    strtold((s), (p))
+#elif LUA_FLOAT_TYPE == LUA_FLOAT_DOUBLE       /* }{ double */
+#define LUA_NUMBER     double
+#define l_mathlim(n)           (DBL_##n)
+#define LUAI_UACNUMBER double
+#define LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN      ""
+#define LUA_NUMBER_FMT         "%.14g"
+#define l_mathop(op)           op
+#define lua_str2number(s,p)    strtod((s), (p))
+#else                                          /* }{ */
+#error "numeric float type not defined"
+#endif                                 /* } */
+@@ LUA_INTEGER is the integer type used by Lua.
+@@ LUA_UNSIGNED is the unsigned version of LUA_INTEGER.
+@@ LUAI_UACINT is the result of a 'default argument promotion'
+@@ over a lUA_INTEGER.
+@@ LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN is the length modifier for reading/writing integers.
+@@ LUA_INTEGER_FMT is the format for writing integers.
+@@ LUA_MAXINTEGER is the maximum value for a LUA_INTEGER.
+@@ LUA_MININTEGER is the minimum value for a LUA_INTEGER.
+@@ lua_integer2str converts an integer to a string.
+/* The following definitions are good for most cases here */
+#define LUA_INTEGER_FMT                "%" LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN "d"
+#define LUAI_UACINT            LUA_INTEGER
+#define lua_integer2str(s,sz,n)  \
+       l_sprintf((s), sz, LUA_INTEGER_FMT, (LUAI_UACINT)(n))
+** use LUAI_UACINT here to avoid problems with promotions (which
+** can turn a comparison between unsigneds into a signed comparison)
+#define LUA_UNSIGNED           unsigned LUAI_UACINT
+/* now the variable definitions */
+#if LUA_INT_TYPE == LUA_INT_INT                /* { int */
+#define LUA_INTEGER            int
+#define LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN     ""
+#define LUA_MAXINTEGER         INT_MAX
+#define LUA_MININTEGER         INT_MIN
+#elif LUA_INT_TYPE == LUA_INT_LONG     /* }{ long */
+#define LUA_INTEGER            long
+#define LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN     "l"
+#define LUA_MAXINTEGER         LONG_MAX
+#define LUA_MININTEGER         LONG_MIN
+#elif LUA_INT_TYPE == LUA_INT_LONGLONG /* }{ long long */
+/* use presence of macro LLONG_MAX as proxy for C99 compliance */
+#if defined(LLONG_MAX)         /* { */
+/* use ISO C99 stuff */
+#define LUA_INTEGER            long long
+#define LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN     "ll"
+#elif defined(LUA_USE_WINDOWS) /* }{ */
+/* in Windows, can use specific Windows types */
+#define LUA_INTEGER            __int64
+#define LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN     "I64"
+#define LUA_MAXINTEGER         _I64_MAX
+#define LUA_MININTEGER         _I64_MIN
+#else                          /* }{ */
+#error "Compiler does not support 'long long'. Use option '-DLUA_32BITS' \
+  or '-DLUA_C89_NUMBERS' (see file 'luaconf.h' for details)"
+#endif                         /* } */
+#else                          /* }{ */
+#error "numeric integer type not defined"
+#endif                         /* } */
+/* }================================================================== */
+** {==================================================================
+** Dependencies with C99 and other C details
+** ===================================================================
+@@ l_sprintf is equivalent to 'snprintf' or 'sprintf' in C89.
+** (All uses in Lua have only one format item.)
+#if !defined(LUA_USE_C89)
+#define l_sprintf(s,sz,f,i)    snprintf(s,sz,f,i)
+#define l_sprintf(s,sz,f,i)    ((void)(sz), sprintf(s,f,i))
+@@ lua_strx2number converts an hexadecimal numeric string to a number.
+** In C99, 'strtod' does that conversion. Otherwise, you can
+** leave 'lua_strx2number' undefined and Lua will provide its own
+** implementation.
+#if !defined(LUA_USE_C89)
+#define lua_strx2number(s,p)           lua_str2number(s,p)
+@@ lua_pointer2str converts a pointer to a readable string in a
+** non-specified way.
+#define lua_pointer2str(buff,sz,p)     l_sprintf(buff,sz,"%p",p)
+@@ lua_number2strx converts a float to an hexadecimal numeric string.
+** In C99, 'sprintf' (with format specifiers '%a'/'%A') does that.
+** Otherwise, you can leave 'lua_number2strx' undefined and Lua will
+** provide its own implementation.
+#if !defined(LUA_USE_C89)
+#define lua_number2strx(L,b,sz,f,n)  \
+       ((void)L, l_sprintf(b,sz,f,(LUAI_UACNUMBER)(n)))
+** 'strtof' and 'opf' variants for math functions are not valid in
+** C89. Otherwise, the macro 'HUGE_VALF' is a good proxy for testing the
+** availability of these variants. ('math.h' is already included in
+** all files that use these macros.)
+#if defined(LUA_USE_C89) || (defined(HUGE_VAL) && !defined(HUGE_VALF))
+#undef l_mathop  /* variants not available */
+#undef lua_str2number
+#define l_mathop(op)           (lua_Number)op  /* no variant */
+#define lua_str2number(s,p)    ((lua_Number)strtod((s), (p)))
+@@ LUA_KCONTEXT is the type of the context ('ctx') for continuation
+** functions.  It must be a numerical type; Lua will use 'intptr_t' if
+** available, otherwise it will use 'ptrdiff_t' (the nearest thing to
+** 'intptr_t' in C89)
+#define LUA_KCONTEXT   ptrdiff_t
+#if !defined(LUA_USE_C89) && defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && \
+    __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+#include <stdint.h>
+#if defined(INTPTR_MAX)  /* even in C99 this type is optional */
+#define LUA_KCONTEXT   intptr_t
+@@ lua_getlocaledecpoint gets the locale "radix character" (decimal point).
+** Change that if you do not want to use C locales. (Code using this
+** macro must include header 'locale.h'.)
+#if !defined(lua_getlocaledecpoint)
+#define lua_getlocaledecpoint()                (localeconv()->decimal_point[0])
+/* }================================================================== */
+** {==================================================================
+** Language Variations
+** =====================================================================
+@@ LUA_NOCVTN2S/LUA_NOCVTS2N control how Lua performs some
+** coercions. Define LUA_NOCVTN2S to turn off automatic coercion from
+** numbers to strings. Define LUA_NOCVTS2N to turn off automatic
+** coercion from strings to numbers.
+/* #define LUA_NOCVTN2S */
+/* #define LUA_NOCVTS2N */
+@@ LUA_USE_APICHECK turns on several consistency checks on the C API.
+** Define it as a help when debugging C code.
+#if defined(LUA_USE_APICHECK)
+#include <assert.h>
+#define luai_apicheck(l,e)     assert(e)
+/* }================================================================== */
+** {==================================================================
+** Macros that affect the API and must be stable (that is, must be the
+** same when you compile Lua and when you compile code that links to
+** Lua). You probably do not want/need to change them.
+** =====================================================================
+@@ LUAI_MAXSTACK limits the size of the Lua stack.
+** CHANGE it if you need a different limit. This limit is arbitrary;
+** its only purpose is to stop Lua from consuming unlimited stack
+** space (and to reserve some numbers for pseudo-indices).
+#if LUAI_BITSINT >= 32
+#define LUAI_MAXSTACK          1000000
+#define LUAI_MAXSTACK          15000
+@@ LUA_EXTRASPACE defines the size of a raw memory area associated with
+** a Lua state with very fast access.
+** CHANGE it if you need a different size.
+#define LUA_EXTRASPACE         (sizeof(void *))
+@@ LUA_IDSIZE gives the maximum size for the description of the source
+@@ of a function in debug information.
+** CHANGE it if you want a different size.
+#define LUA_IDSIZE     60
+@@ LUAL_BUFFERSIZE is the buffer size used by the lauxlib buffer system.
+** CHANGE it if it uses too much C-stack space. (For long double,
+** 'string.format("%.99f", -1e4932)' needs 5034 bytes, so a
+** smaller buffer would force a memory allocation for each call to
+** 'string.format'.)
+#define LUAL_BUFFERSIZE                8192
+#define LUAL_BUFFERSIZE   ((int)(0x80 * sizeof(void*) * sizeof(lua_Integer)))
+/* }================================================================== */
+@@ LUA_QL describes how error messages quote program elements.
+** Lua does not use these macros anymore; they are here for
+** compatibility only.
+#define LUA_QL(x)      "'" x "'"
+#define LUA_QS         LUA_QL("%s")
+/* =================================================================== */
+** Local configuration. You can use this space to add your redefinitions
+** without modifying the main part of the file.

Copied and modified: head/libexec/flua/modules/lfs.c (from r354832, 
--- head/stand/liblua/lfs.c     Mon Nov 18 21:59:47 2019        (r354832, copy 
+++ head/libexec/flua/modules/lfs.c     Mon Nov 18 23:21:13 2019        
@@ -52,12 +52,24 @@
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#ifndef _STANDALONE
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
 #include <lua.h>
 #include "lauxlib.h"
 #include "lfs.h"
 #include "lstd.h"
 #include "lutils.h"
 #include "bootstrap.h"
 #ifndef nitems
 #define        nitems(x)       (sizeof((x)) / sizeof((x)[0]))
@@ -120,7 +132,11 @@ lua_dir_iter_next(lua_State *L)
        dp = *dpp;
        luaL_argcheck(L, dp != NULL, 1, "closed directory");
        entry = readdirfd(dp->fd);
+       entry = readdir(dp);
        if (entry == NULL) {
                *dpp = NULL;
@@ -325,10 +341,76 @@ lua_attributes(lua_State *L)
        return 1;
+#ifndef _STANDALONE
+#define        lfs_mkdir_impl(path)    (mkdir((path), \
+    S_IROTH | S_IXOTH))
+static int
+lua_mkdir(lua_State *L)
+       const char *path;
+       int error, serrno;
+       path = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
+       if (path == NULL) {
+               lua_pushnil(L);
+               lua_pushfstring(L, "cannot convert first argument to string");
+               lua_pushinteger(L, EINVAL);
+               return 3;
+       }
+       error = lfs_mkdir_impl(path);
+       if (error == -1) {
+               /* Save it; unclear what other libc functions may be invoked */
+               serrno = errno;
+               lua_pushnil(L);
+               lua_pushfstring(L, strerror(serrno));
+               lua_pushinteger(L, serrno);
+               return 3;
+       }
+       lua_pushboolean(L, 1);
+       return 1;
+static int

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