Author: glebius
Date: Mon Oct 21 18:13:14 2019
New Revision: 353862

  Convert to if_foreach_llmaddr() KPI.


Modified: head/sys/arm/allwinner/if_awg.c
--- head/sys/arm/allwinner/if_awg.c     Mon Oct 21 18:12:58 2019        
+++ head/sys/arm/allwinner/if_awg.c     Mon Oct 21 18:13:14 2019        
@@ -675,12 +675,25 @@ bitrev32(uint32_t x)
        return (x >> 16) | (x << 16);
+static u_int
+awg_hash_maddr(void *arg, struct sockaddr_dl *sdl, u_int cnt)
+       uint32_t crc, hashreg, hashbit, *hash = arg;
+       crc = ether_crc32_le(LLADDR(sdl), ETHER_ADDR_LEN) & 0x7f;
+       crc = bitrev32(~crc) >> 26;
+       hashreg = (crc >> 5);
+       hashbit = (crc & 0x1f);
+       hash[hashreg] |= (1 << hashbit);
+       return (1);
 static void
 awg_setup_rxfilter(struct awg_softc *sc)
-       uint32_t val, crc, hashreg, hashbit, hash[2], machi, maclo;
-       int mc_count, mcnt, i;
-       uint8_t *eaddr, *mta;
+       uint32_t val, hash[2], machi, maclo;
+       uint8_t *eaddr;
        if_t ifp;
@@ -689,36 +702,13 @@ awg_setup_rxfilter(struct awg_softc *sc)
        val = 0;
        hash[0] = hash[1] = 0;
-       mc_count = if_multiaddr_count(ifp, -1);
        if (if_getflags(ifp) & IFF_PROMISC)
                val |= DIS_ADDR_FILTER;
        else if (if_getflags(ifp) & IFF_ALLMULTI) {
                val |= RX_ALL_MULTICAST;
                hash[0] = hash[1] = ~0;
-       } else if (mc_count > 0) {
+       } else if (if_foreach_llmaddr(ifp, awg_hash_maddr, hash) > 0)
                val |= HASH_MULTICAST;
-               mta = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * ETHER_ADDR_LEN * mc_count,
-                   M_DEVBUF, M_NOWAIT);
-               if (mta == NULL) {
-                       if_printf(ifp,
-                           "failed to allocate temporary multicast list\n");
-                       return;
-               }
-               if_multiaddr_array(ifp, mta, &mcnt, mc_count);
-               for (i = 0; i < mcnt; i++) {
-                       crc = ether_crc32_le(mta + (i * ETHER_ADDR_LEN),
-                           ETHER_ADDR_LEN) & 0x7f;
-                       crc = bitrev32(~crc) >> 26;
-                       hashreg = (crc >> 5);
-                       hashbit = (crc & 0x1f);
-                       hash[hashreg] |= (1 << hashbit);
-               }
-               free(mta, M_DEVBUF);
-       }
        /* Write our unicast address */
        eaddr = IF_LLADDR(ifp);
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