On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 9:54 PM Philip Paeps <phi...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> On 2019-09-06 22:18:36 (+0800), Ian Lepore wrote:
> > On Fri, 2019-09-06 at 12:15 +0800, Philip Paeps wrote:
> >> On 2019-09-06 11:15:12 (+0800), Ian Lepore wrote:
> >>> On Fri, 2019-09-06 at 01:19 +0000, Philip Paeps wrote:
> >>>> Log:
> >>>>   riscv: default to HZ=100
> >>>
> >>> This seems like a bad idea.  I've run a 90mhz armv4 chip with
> >>> HZ=1000 and didn't notice any performance hit from doing so.  Almost
> >>> all arm kernel config files set HZ as an option, so that define
> >>> doesn't do much for arm these days.  It probably does still set HZ
> >>> for various mips platforms.
> >>>
> >>> I would think 1000 is appropriate for anything modern running at
> >>> 200mhz or more.
> >>>
> >>> Setting it to 100 has the bad side effect of making things like
> >>> msleep(), tsleep(), and pause() (which show up in plenty of drivers)
> >>> all have a minimum timeout of 10ms, which is a long long time on
> >>> modern hardware.
> >>>
> >>> What benefit do you think you'll get from the lower number?
> >>
> >> On systems running at 10s of MHz (or slower, ick), with HZ=1000 you
> >> spend an awful lot of time servicing the timer interrupt and not very
> >> much time doing anything else.
> >>
> >> My rationale was that most RISC-V systems (including emulation and
> >> FPGA prototypes) I've encountered are running slower than the tipping
> >> point where HZ=1000 makes sense.  With the default of HZ=100, faster
> >> exceptions can still set HZ=1000 in their individual configs.
> >>
> >> When the RISC-V world evolves to having more actual silicon and fewer
> >> slow prototypes, I definitely agree this default should be flipped
> >> again for HZ=1000 by default and HZ=100 in the config files for the
> >> exceptions.
> >
> > Wait a second... are you saying that the riscv implementation doesn't
> > support event timers and uses an old-style periodic tick based on HZ?
> Depending on the hardware, there may not be an event timer (yet)...
> As I wrote: I would be more than happy to revert this change when more
> silicon becomes available.  Presently, there is exactly one silicon
> RISC-V implementation commercially available (HiFive FU540) and even
> that one is kind of difficult to source.  Most people running RISC-V are
> doing so in emulation or on FPGAs.
> Given how long these things take to boot to userland (where you really
> notice how slow things are), HZ=100 feels like a more sensible default
> than HZ=1000.

I think it show more that the defaults are bad for MIPS and ARM. All the
MIPS files, except BERI/CHERI are 1000Hz. Well, Octeon is also 100Hz, due
to the defaults, but it will be fine at 1000Hz, so maybe we need to attend
to this as well. Arm !=v5 is also 1000Hz, so it should be changed...

> I don't feel terribly strongly about this though.  I've just been bitten
> several times in the last week on a <15MHz FPGA forgetting to set HZ=100
> in config and figured I'd save others the trouble. ;-)

15MHz FPGA? FreeBSD 1.0 barely ran on 25MHz i386 machines of the time....
How common are these beasts and how well does FreeBSD do on them. I assume
these are early prototypes?

I have no strong opinion on riscv, but do think mips and arm should change.

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