On Thu, 2019-04-11 at 21:23 +0200, Svatopluk Kraus wrote:
> I understand the reason for GENERIC. But are we so blind that we will
> delete everything that is not GENERIC? In other words, why to delete
> nice specific KERNEL configurations for boards we support when only
> reason I see is that GENERIC is so cool for some people?
> Svatopluk Kraus

I completely agree with this.  We had a plan for removing board-
specific configs that had been rolled into GENERIC, and it did not
involve just deleting them without providing any alternative to people
who have custom configs based on them.  That plan's execution has
stalled, but that's not a good reason for this abrupt deletion without
any warning.

I think these deletions fall into two categories:

 1. Configs for hardware that isn't adequately supported anymore.
 2. Configs for popular supported hardware which can use GENERIC.

We need to figure out which ones count as #2 and restore them until
we've implemented our original plan for phasing them out.  I think
those would be:


For the others, we need to evaluate:  if we are removing the only
config file that refers to some chunks of sys/arm code, shouldn't we be
removing that code too?  For example, removing AML8726 probably implies
that all of arm/amlogic/* can be deleted.

-- Ian

> On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 9:27 PM Emmanuel Vadot <m...@freebsd.org>
> wrote:
> > 
> > Author: manu
> > Date: Wed Apr 10 19:27:14 2019
> > New Revision: 346096
> > URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/346096
> > 
> > Log:
> >   arm: kernel: Remove old kernel configs
> > 
> >   Follow up to r346095
> >   All those kernels are either not working or the release have
> > switched
> >   to GENERIC
> > 
> > Deleted:
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/AML8726
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/BEAGLEBONE
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/CHROMEBOOK
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/CHROMEBOOK-PEACH-PIT
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/CHROMEBOOK-PEACH-PIT.hints
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/CHROMEBOOK-SNOW
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/CHROMEBOOK-SPRING
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/CHROMEBOOK.hints
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/EXYNOS5.common
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/EXYNOS5250
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/EXYNOS5420
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/ODROIDC1
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/PANDABOARD
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/PANDABOARD.hints
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/RADXA
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/RADXA-LITE
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/RK3188
> >   head/sys/arm/conf/RPI2
> > 

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