On 09/04/2019 20:59, Chris Rees wrote:
On 9 April 2019 20:55:07 BST, "Rodney W. Grimes" <free...@gndrsh.dnsmgr.net> 
On 09/04/2019 21:33, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
I think the trigger issue is:
grep zfs /etc/rc.d/zvol

that module requires may be going south with the
new code when the module is built into the kernel.
Maybe it's because the module's name is zfsctrl (for whatever reason)
while the
module file is named zfs.ko.
I suspect that could also lead to issues with the new code.
It seems to be failing to detect that zfs is infact functional in the
and blindly, or not so blindly, trying to load zfs,ko, which when you
it into the kernel you usually do so without any modules built, so
there is
no /boot/kernel/zfs.ko, and even if you did build it any attempt to
it would return an error.
Loading with it built in isn't a problem, as I showed earlier.

Loading when it doesn't exist *is*.

I'm torn.  Either we could revert this, or add a check to the required_modules 
function instead, which I think is the better solution.

Hang on,

[crees@pegasus]~% sudo kldload -n zfsctrl && echo yes

[crees@pegasus]~% find /boot -name zfsctrl\*

I think that, rather than speculating, we should wait for Oliver to confirm that this is actually the problem, because I still don't think it is.


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