Author: brooks
Date: Mon Sep  2 08:03:29 2019
New Revision: 351690

  Remove remnants of optimization for > pagesize allocations.
  In the past, this allocator seems to have allocated things larger than
  a page seperately. Much of this code was removed at some point (perhaps
  along with sbrk() used) so remove the rest. Instead, keep allocating in
  power-of-two bins up to FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE << (NBUCKETS - 1). If we want
  something more efficent, we should use a fancier allocator.
  While here, remove some vestages of sbrk() use. Most importantly, don't
  try to page align the pagepool since it's always page aligned by mmap().
  Reviewed by:  kib
  Obtained from:        CheriBSD
  Sponsored by: DARPA, AFRL
  Differential Revision:


Modified: head/libexec/rtld-elf/rtld_malloc.c
--- head/libexec/rtld-elf/rtld_malloc.c Mon Sep  2 08:02:55 2019        
+++ head/libexec/rtld-elf/rtld_malloc.c Mon Sep  2 08:03:29 2019        
@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@ static int morepages(int n);
 #define        MAGIC           0xef            /* magic # on accounting info */
- * nextf[i] is the pointer to the next free block of size 2^(i+3).  The
- * smallest allocatable block is 8 bytes.  The overhead information
- * precedes the data area returned to the user.
+ * nextf[i] is the pointer to the next free block of size
+ * (FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE << i).  The overhead information precedes the data
+ * area returned to the user.
+#define        FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE       8
 #define        NBUCKETS 30
 static union overhead *nextf[NBUCKETS];
 static int pagesz;                     /* page size */
-static int pagebucket;                 /* page size bucket */
  * The array of supported page sizes is provided by the user, i.e., the
@@ -112,50 +112,25 @@ __crt_malloc(size_t nbytes)
        union overhead *op;
        int bucket;
-       ssize_t n;
        size_t amt;
-        * First time malloc is called, setup page size and
-        * align break pointer so all data will be page aligned.
+        * First time malloc is called, setup page size.
-       if (pagesz == 0) {
-               pagesz = n = pagesizes[0];
-               if (morepages(NPOOLPAGES) == 0)
-                       return NULL;
-               op = (union overhead *)(pagepool_start);
-               n = n - sizeof (*op) - ((long)op & (n - 1));
-               if (n < 0)
-                       n += pagesz;
-               if (n) {
-                       pagepool_start += n;
-               }
-               bucket = 0;
-               amt = 8;
-               while ((unsigned)pagesz > amt) {
-                       amt <<= 1;
-                       bucket++;
-               }
-               pagebucket = bucket;
-       }
+       if (pagesz == 0)
+               pagesz = pagesizes[0];
         * Convert amount of memory requested into closest block size
         * stored in hash buckets which satisfies request.
         * Account for space used per block for accounting.
-       if (nbytes <= (unsigned long)(n = pagesz - sizeof(*op))) {
-               amt = 8;        /* size of first bucket */
-               bucket = 0;
-               n = -sizeof(*op);
-       } else {
-               amt = pagesz;
-               bucket = pagebucket;
-       }
-       while (nbytes > amt + n) {
+       amt = FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE;
+       bucket = 0;
+       while (nbytes > amt - sizeof(*op)) {
                amt <<= 1;
-               if (amt == 0)
-                       return (NULL);
+               if (amt == 0 || bucket >= NBUCKETS)
+                       return (NULL);
         * If nothing in hash bucket right now,
@@ -200,18 +175,12 @@ morecore(int bucket)
        int amt;                        /* amount to allocate */
        int nblks;                      /* how many blocks we get */
-       /*
-        * sbrk_size <= 0 only for big, FLUFFY, requests (about
-        * 2^30 bytes on a VAX, I think) or for a negative arg.
-        */
-       if ((unsigned)bucket >= NBBY * sizeof(int) - 4)
-               return;
-       sz = 1 << (bucket + 3);
+       sz = FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE << bucket;
        if (sz < pagesz) {
                amt = pagesz;
                nblks = amt / sz;
        } else {
-               amt = sz + pagesz;
+               amt = sz;
                nblks = 1;
        if (amt > pagepool_end - pagepool_start)
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