Author: imp
Date: Mon Aug 12 22:58:44 2019
New Revision: 350963

  Move sc out of the global file
  x86 needs sc, as does sparc64. powerpc doesn't use it by default, but some old
  powermac notebooks do not work with vt yet for reasons unknonw. Even so, I've
  removed it from powerpc LINT. It's not in daily use there, and the intent is 
  100% switch to vt now that it works for that platform to limit support burden.
  All the other architectures omit some or all of the screen savers from their
  lint config. Move them to the x86 NOTES files and remove the exclusions. This
  reduces slightly the number of savers sparc64 compiles, but since they are in
  GENERIC, the overage is adequate and if someone reaelly wants to sort them out
  in sparc64 they can sweat the details and the testing.
  Reviewed by: jhb (earlier version), manu (earlier version), jhibbits
  Differential Revision:


Modified: head/sys/arm/conf/NOTES
--- head/sys/arm/conf/NOTES     Mon Aug 12 22:58:13 2019        (r350962)
+++ head/sys/arm/conf/NOTES     Mon Aug 12 22:58:44 2019        (r350963)
@@ -18,19 +18,6 @@ nooptions    MAXCPU          # value is set in 
 nodevice       fdc
 nodevice       sym
-nodevice       sc
-nodevice       blank_saver
-nodevice       daemon_saver
-nodevice       dragon_saver
-nodevice       fade_saver
-nodevice       fire_saver
-nodevice       green_saver
-nodevice       logo_saver
-nodevice       rain_saver
-nodevice       snake_saver
-nodevice       star_saver
-nodevice       warp_saver
 nodevice       ccr
 nodevice       cxgbe
 nodevice       cxgbev

Modified: head/sys/arm64/conf/NOTES
--- head/sys/arm64/conf/NOTES   Mon Aug 12 22:58:13 2019        (r350962)
+++ head/sys/arm64/conf/NOTES   Mon Aug 12 22:58:44 2019        (r350963)
@@ -211,20 +211,6 @@ nodevice   fdc
 # arm64 doesn't support inb/outb, so disable chipset probing which needs it
 nooptions      PPC_PROBE_CHIPSET
-# can't support syscons, no inb/outb, ditto for the screen savers
-nodevice       sc
-nodevice       blank_saver
-nodevice       daemon_saver
-nodevice       dragon_saver
-nodevice       fade_saver
-nodevice       fire_saver
-nodevice       green_saver
-nodevice       logo_saver
-nodevice       rain_saver
-nodevice       snake_saver
-nodevice       star_saver
-nodevice       warp_saver
 # These cause weird issues, not sure why
 nodevice       ukbd
 nooptions      DEBUG

Modified: head/sys/conf/NOTES
--- head/sys/conf/NOTES Mon Aug 12 22:58:13 2019        (r350962)
+++ head/sys/conf/NOTES Mon Aug 12 22:58:44 2019        (r350963)
@@ -1457,67 +1457,6 @@ makeoptions      KBDMUX_DFLT_KEYMAP=it.iso
 options        FB_DEBUG                # Frame buffer debugging
-device         splash                  # Splash screen and screen saver support
-# Various screen savers.
-device         blank_saver
-device         daemon_saver
-device         dragon_saver
-device         fade_saver
-device         fire_saver
-device         green_saver
-device         logo_saver
-device         rain_saver
-device         snake_saver
-device         star_saver
-device         warp_saver
-# The syscons console driver (SCO color console compatible).
-device         sc"isa"
-options        MAXCONS=16              # number of virtual consoles
-options        SC_ALT_MOUSE_IMAGE      # simplified mouse cursor in text mode
-options        SC_DFLT_FONT            # compile font in
-makeoptions    SC_DFLT_FONT=cp850
-options        SC_DFLT_TERM=\"sc\"     # default terminal emulator
-options        SC_DISABLE_KDBKEY       # disable `debug' key
-options        SC_DISABLE_REBOOT       # disable reboot key sequence
-options        SC_HISTORY_SIZE=200     # number of history buffer lines
-options        SC_MOUSE_CHAR=0x3       # char code for text mode mouse cursor
-options        SC_PIXEL_MODE           # add support for the raster text mode
-# The following options will let you change the default colors of syscons.
-options        SC_NORM_ATTR=(FG_GREEN|BG_BLACK)
-options        SC_KERNEL_CONS_ATTRS=\"\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\x02\x09\x0a\x0b\"
-# The following options will let you change the default behavior of
-# cut-n-paste feature
-options        SC_CUT_SPACES2TABS      # convert leading spaces into tabs
-options        SC_CUT_SEPCHARS=\"x09\" # set of characters that delimit words
-                                       # (default is single space - \"x20\")
-# If you have a two button mouse, you may want to add the following option
-# to use the right button of the mouse to paste text.
-options        SC_TWOBUTTON_MOUSE
-# You can selectively disable features in syscons.
-options        SC_NO_CUTPASTE
-options        SC_NO_FONT_LOADING
-options        SC_NO_HISTORY
-options        SC_NO_MODE_CHANGE
-options        SC_NO_SYSMOUSE
-#!options      SC_NO_TERM_DUMB
-#!options      SC_NO_TERM_SC
-#!options      SC_NO_TERM_SCTEKEN
-# `flags' for sc
-#      0x80    Put the video card in the VESA 800x600 dots, 16 color mode
-#      0x100   Probe for a keyboard device periodically if one is not present
 # Enable experimental features of the syscons terminal emulator (teken).
 options        TEKEN_CONS25            # cons25-style terminal emulation
 options        TEKEN_UTF8              # UTF-8 output handling

Modified: head/sys/powerpc/conf/NOTES
--- head/sys/powerpc/conf/NOTES Mon Aug 12 22:58:13 2019        (r350962)
+++ head/sys/powerpc/conf/NOTES Mon Aug 12 22:58:44 2019        (r350963)
@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ options       POWERMAC                #NewWorld Apple 
 options        PSIM                    #GDB PSIM ppc simulator
 options        MAMBO                   #IBM Mambo Full System Simulator
-options        SC_OFWFB                # OFW frame buffer
 # The cpufreq(4) driver provides support for CPU frequency control
 device         cpufreq
@@ -82,22 +80,6 @@ nodevice     fdc
 nodevice       mpr             # no 64-bit atomics
 nodevice       mps             # no 64-bit atomics
 nodevice       ppc
-nodevice       splash
-# when splash works enable *_saver
-nodevice       blank_saver
-nodevice       daemon_saver
-nodevice       dragon_saver
-nodevice       fade_saver
-nodevice       fire_saver
-nodevice       green_saver
-nodevice       logo_saver
-nodevice       rain_saver
-nodevice       snake_saver
-nodevice       star_saver
-nodevice       warp_saver
-nodevice       daemon_saver
-nodevice       star_saver
-nodevice       snake_saver
 # sound
 nodevice       snd_cmi
 # wants gdb_cur
@@ -110,5 +92,4 @@ nodevice     dcons_crom
 nooption       PPC_DEBUG
 nooption       PPC_PROBE_CHIPSET
-nooption       SC_NO_MODE_CHANGE
 nooption       UKBD_DFLT_KEYMAP

Modified: head/sys/sparc64/conf/NOTES
--- head/sys/sparc64/conf/NOTES Mon Aug 12 22:58:13 2019        (r350962)
+++ head/sys/sparc64/conf/NOTES Mon Aug 12 22:58:44 2019        (r350963)
@@ -85,13 +85,44 @@ options     SUNKBD_EMULATE_ATKBD    # allows to use the AT k
 options        SUNKBD_DFLT_KEYMAP      # specify the built-in keymap
 makeoptions    SUNKBD_DFLT_KEYMAP=fr.dvorak
+# The syscons console driver (SCO color console compatible).
+device         sc"isa"
+options        MAXCONS=16              # number of virtual consoles
+options        SC_DFLT_TERM=\"sc\"     # default terminal emulator
+options        SC_DISABLE_KDBKEY       # disable `debug' key
+options        SC_DISABLE_REBOOT       # disable reboot key sequence
+options        SC_HISTORY_SIZE=200     # number of history buffer lines
+options        SC_MOUSE_CHAR=0x3       # char code for text mode mouse cursor
+options        SC_PIXEL_MODE           # add support for the raster text mode
+# The following options will let you change the default behavior of
+# cut-n-paste feature
+options        SC_CUT_SPACES2TABS      # convert leading spaces into tabs
+options        SC_CUT_SEPCHARS=\"x09\" # set of characters that delimit words
+                                       # (default is single space - \"x20\")
+# If you have a two button mouse, you may want to add the following option
+# to use the right button of the mouse to paste text.
+options        SC_TWOBUTTON_MOUSE
+# You can selectively disable features in syscons.
+options        SC_NO_CUTPASTE
+options        SC_NO_HISTORY
+options        SC_NO_MODE_CHANGE
+options        SC_NO_SYSMOUSE
+#!options      SC_NO_TERM_DUMB
+#!options      SC_NO_TERM_SC
+#!options      SC_NO_TERM_SCTEKEN
+# `flags' for sc
+#      0x80    Put the video card in the VESA 800x600 dots, 16 color mode
+#      0x100   Probe for a keyboard device periodically if one is not present
 # Devices we don't want to deal with
-nodevice       daemon_saver
-nodevice       snake_saver
-nodevice       star_saver
 nodevice       bktr
 nodevice       fdc
 nodevice       ppc
@@ -130,14 +161,6 @@ nooption   SC_RENDER_DEBUG
 nooption       SC_DEBUG_LEVEL
 nooption       PPC_DEBUG
 nooption       PPC_PROBE_CHIPSET
-nooption       SC_NO_FONT_LOADING
-nooption       SC_KERNEL_CONS_REV_ATTR
-nooption       SC_KERNEL_CONS_ATTR
-nooption       SC_NORM_REV_ATTR
-nooption       SC_NORM_ATTR
-nooption       SC_DFLT_FONT
-nooption       SC_ALT_MOUSE_IMAGE
 nooption       EXT2FS

Modified: head/sys/x86/conf/NOTES
--- head/sys/x86/conf/NOTES     Mon Aug 12 22:58:13 2019        (r350962)
+++ head/sys/x86/conf/NOTES     Mon Aug 12 22:58:44 2019        (r350963)
@@ -7,7 +7,74 @@
-# Implement system calls compatible with 4.3BSD and older versions of
-# FreeBSD.  Needed for FreeBSD a.out support. Unneeded for ELF
-# versions of FreeBSD.
+# Implement system calls compatible with 4.3BSD and FreeBSD 1.x,
+# and 2.x a.out binaries. Not needed for ELF binaries, or newer
+# a.out binaries.
 options        COMPAT_43
+# The syscons console driver (SCO color console compatible).
+device         sc"isa"
+options        MAXCONS=16              # number of virtual consoles
+options        SC_ALT_MOUSE_IMAGE      # simplified mouse cursor in text mode
+options        SC_DFLT_FONT            # compile font in
+makeoptions    SC_DFLT_FONT=cp850
+options        SC_DFLT_TERM=\"sc\"     # default terminal emulator
+options        SC_DISABLE_KDBKEY       # disable `debug' key
+options        SC_DISABLE_REBOOT       # disable reboot key sequence
+options        SC_HISTORY_SIZE=200     # number of history buffer lines
+options        SC_MOUSE_CHAR=0x3       # char code for text mode mouse cursor
+options        SC_PIXEL_MODE           # add support for the raster text mode
+# The following options will let you change the default colors of syscons.
+options        SC_NORM_ATTR=(FG_GREEN|BG_BLACK)
+options        SC_KERNEL_CONS_ATTRS=\"\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\x02\x09\x0a\x0b\"
+# The following options will let you change the default behavior of
+# cut-n-paste feature
+options        SC_CUT_SPACES2TABS      # convert leading spaces into tabs
+options        SC_CUT_SEPCHARS=\"x09\" # set of characters that delimit words
+                                       # (default is single space - \"x20\")
+# If you have a two button mouse, you may want to add the following option
+# to use the right button of the mouse to paste text.
+options        SC_TWOBUTTON_MOUSE
+# You can selectively disable features in syscons.
+options        SC_NO_CUTPASTE
+options        SC_NO_FONT_LOADING
+options        SC_NO_HISTORY
+options        SC_NO_MODE_CHANGE
+options        SC_NO_SYSMOUSE
+#!options      SC_NO_TERM_DUMB
+#!options      SC_NO_TERM_SC
+#!options      SC_NO_TERM_SCTEKEN
+# `flags' for sc
+#      0x80    Put the video card in the VESA 800x600 dots, 16 color mode
+#      0x100   Probe for a keyboard device periodically if one is not present
+# Splash screen and screen saver support
+device         splash
+# Various screen savers.
+device         blank_saver
+device         daemon_saver
+device         dragon_saver
+device         fade_saver
+device         fire_saver
+device         green_saver
+device         logo_saver
+device         rain_saver
+device         snake_saver
+device         star_saver
+device         warp_saver
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