On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 4:31 PM John Baldwin <j...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> bhyveload is effectively the loader in this case.  It runs the normal loader
> scripts and logic and so would load the guests's /boot/entropy and pass it
> to the guest kernel as metadata just like the regular loader.

Right, except it doesn't seem to do things like nuke /boot/nextboot.conf :-(.

> In addition, bhyve also supports virtio-rng which is another way to provide
> entropy to guest OS's.  That's why in my reply I focused on qemu for mips
> (or riscv) as for x86 hypervisors there are existing, somewhat-standarized
> solutions for the hypervisor to provide entropy to the guest.

Perhaps cryptographically random stack-protector cookies are simply
inappropriate for MIPS or RISCV.  Do we have any other examples of
kernel random consumers blocking after that immediate hiccup is

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