> On 2/25/19 5:11 PM, K. Macy wrote:
> >> This commit needed more through review.
> > 
> > How would this be achieved:? I had several people on the review and no
> > one had substantive feedback.
> As a developer it is your responsibility to be aware of the policies that
> we do document.  One of the things in the license policy Brooks pointed you
> at is that adding new GPL code requires core@ sign off.  This doesn't mean
> core@ will say know.  It does mean that core@ has to make an explicit
> decision.
> (I know Brooks said he intended to update the policy, but in fact it
> already requires core@ sign off for any new code that isn't following
> one of the accepted licenses which are all BSD/MIT-style licenses.)

In defense of K Macy here, the copy of this text in the publically
visible committers guide does not say that.  Hence my earlier mail
about is this text planned as an update to what is in the committers
guide.  Or can you point me to something in the public area that
points at this /internal/license.html file?

> -- 
> John Baldwin
Rod Grimes                                                 rgri...@freebsd.org
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