Author: brooks
Date: Wed Oct 31 16:17:45 2018
New Revision: 339958

  Reformat syscalls.master for better readability.
  This takes advantage of two recents changes to
  r328598: Permit a range of syscall numbers for UNIMPL
  r339624: Remove the need for backslashes in syscalls.master
  Syscall declerations are now split across multiple lines with the
  syscall name and variables each on seperate lines (with an exception for
  syscalls taking no arguments.)
  Reviewed by:  imp
  Obtained from:        CheriBSD
  Sponsored by: DARPA, AFRL
  Differential Revision:


Modified: head/sys/kern/syscalls.master
--- head/sys/kern/syscalls.master       Wed Oct 31 16:10:04 2018        
+++ head/sys/kern/syscalls.master       Wed Oct 31 16:17:45 2018        
@@ -84,314 +84,867 @@
 ; redistributions should be placed in the reserved range at the end
 ; of the current calls.
-0      AUE_NULL        STD     { int nosys(void); } syscall nosys_args int
-1      AUE_EXIT        STD     { void sys_exit(int rval); } exit \
-                                   sys_exit_args void
-2      AUE_FORK        STD     { int fork(void); }
-3      AUE_READ        STD     { ssize_t read(int fd, \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_(nbyte) void *buf, \
-                                   size_t nbyte); }
-4      AUE_WRITE       STD     { ssize_t write(int fd, \
-                                   _In_reads_bytes_(nbyte) const void *buf, \
-                                   size_t nbyte); }
-5      AUE_OPEN_RWTC   STD     { int open( \
-                                   _In_z_ char *path, \
-                                   int flags, \
-                                   int mode); }
+0      AUE_NULL        STD {
+               int nosys(void);
+       } syscall nosys_args int
+1      AUE_EXIT        STD {
+               void sys_exit(
+                   int rval
+               );
+       } exit sys_exit_args void
+2      AUE_FORK        STD {
+               int fork(void);
+       }
+3      AUE_READ        STD {
+               ssize_t read(
+                   int fd,
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_(nbyte) void *buf,
+                   size_t nbyte
+               );
+       }
+4      AUE_WRITE       STD {
+               ssize_t write(
+                   int fd,
+                   _In_reads_bytes_(nbyte) const void *buf,
+                   size_t nbyte
+               );
+       }
+5      AUE_OPEN_RWTC   STD {
+               int open(
+                   _In_z_ char *path,
+                   int flags,
+                   int mode
+               );
+       }
 ; XXX should be                { int open(const char *path, int flags, ...); }
 ; but we're not ready for `const' or varargs.
 ; XXX man page says `mode_t mode'.
-6      AUE_CLOSE       STD     { int close(int fd); }
-7      AUE_WAIT4       STD     { int wait4(int pid, \
-                                   _Out_opt_ int *status, \
-                                   int options, \
-                                   _Out_opt_ struct rusage *rusage); }
-8      AUE_CREAT       COMPAT  { int creat(_In_z_ char *path, int mode); }
-9      AUE_LINK        STD     { int link(_In_z_ char *path, \
-                                   _In_z_ char *link); }
-10     AUE_UNLINK      STD     { int unlink(_In_z_ char *path); }
+6      AUE_CLOSE       STD {
+               int close(
+                   int fd
+               );
+       }
+7      AUE_WAIT4       STD {
+               int wait4(
+                   int pid,
+                   _Out_opt_ int *status,
+                   int options,
+                   _Out_opt_ struct rusage *rusage
+               );
+       }
+8      AUE_CREAT       COMPAT {
+               int creat(
+                   _In_z_ char *path,
+                   int mode
+               );
+       }
+9      AUE_LINK        STD {
+               int link(
+                   _In_z_ char *path,
+                   _In_z_ char *link
+               );
+       }
+10     AUE_UNLINK      STD {
+               int unlink(
+                   _In_z_ char *path
+               );
+       }
 11     AUE_NULL        OBSOL   execv
-12     AUE_CHDIR       STD     { int chdir(_In_z_ char *path); }
-13     AUE_FCHDIR      STD     { int fchdir(int fd); }
-14     AUE_MKNOD       COMPAT11 { int mknod(_In_z_ char *path, int mode, \
-                                   int dev); }
-15     AUE_CHMOD       STD     { int chmod(_In_z_ char *path, int mode); }
-16     AUE_CHOWN       STD     { int chown(_In_z_ char *path, \
-                                   int uid, int gid); }
-17     AUE_NULL        STD     { caddr_t break(_In_ char *nsize); }
-18     AUE_GETFSSTAT   COMPAT4 { int getfsstat( \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(bufsize) \
-                                   struct ostatfs *buf, \
-                                   long bufsize, int mode); }
-19     AUE_LSEEK       COMPAT  { long lseek(int fd, long offset, \
-                                   int whence); }
-20     AUE_GETPID      STD     { pid_t getpid(void); }
-21     AUE_MOUNT       STD     { int mount(_In_z_ char *type, \
-                                   _In_z_ char *path, int flags, \
-                                   _In_opt_ caddr_t data); }
+12     AUE_CHDIR       STD {
+               int chdir(
+                   _In_z_ char *path
+               );
+       }
+13     AUE_FCHDIR      STD {
+               int fchdir(
+                   int fd
+               );
+       }
+14     AUE_MKNOD       COMPAT11 {
+               int mknod(
+                   _In_z_ char *path,
+                   int mode,
+                   int dev
+               );
+       }
+15     AUE_CHMOD       STD {
+               int chmod(
+                   _In_z_ char *path,
+                   int mode
+               );
+       }
+16     AUE_CHOWN       STD {
+               int chown(
+                   _In_z_ char *path,
+                   int uid,
+                   int gid
+               );
+       }
+17     AUE_NULL        STD {
+               caddr_t break(
+                   _In_ char *nsize
+               );
+       }
+               int getfsstat(
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(bufsize) struct ostatfs *buf,
+                   long bufsize,
+                   int mode
+               );
+       }
+19     AUE_LSEEK       COMPAT {
+               long lseek(
+                   int fd,
+                   long offset,
+                   int whence
+               );
+       }
+20     AUE_GETPID      STD {
+               pid_t getpid(void);
+       }
+21     AUE_MOUNT       STD {
+               int mount(
+                   _In_z_ char *type,
+                   _In_z_ char *path,
+                   int flags,
+                   _In_opt_ caddr_t data
+               );
+       }
 ; XXX `path' should have type `const char *' but we're not ready for that.
-22     AUE_UMOUNT      STD     { int unmount(_In_z_ char *path, int flags); }
-23     AUE_SETUID      STD     { int setuid(uid_t uid); }
-24     AUE_GETUID      STD     { uid_t getuid(void); }
-25     AUE_GETEUID     STD     { uid_t geteuid(void); }
-26     AUE_PTRACE      STD     { int ptrace(int req, pid_t pid, \
-                                   _Inout_opt_ caddr_t addr, int data); }
-27     AUE_RECVMSG     STD     { int recvmsg(int s, \
-                                   _Inout_ struct msghdr *msg, int flags); }
-28     AUE_SENDMSG     STD     { int sendmsg(int s, _In_ struct msghdr *msg, \
-                                   int flags); }
-29     AUE_RECVFROM    STD     { int recvfrom(int s, \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_(len) caddr_t buf, \
-                                   size_t len, int flags, \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*fromlenaddr) \
-                                   struct sockaddr *from, \
-                                   _Inout_opt_ \
-                                   __socklen_t *fromlenaddr); }
-30     AUE_ACCEPT      STD     { int accept(int s, \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*anamelen) \
-                                   struct sockaddr *name, \
-                                   _Inout_opt_ \
-                                   __socklen_t *anamelen); }
-31     AUE_GETPEERNAME STD     { int getpeername(int fdes, \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_(*alen) \
-                                   struct sockaddr *asa, \
-                                   _Inout_opt_ \
-                                   __socklen_t *alen); }
-32     AUE_GETSOCKNAME STD     { int getsockname(int fdes, \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_(*alen) \
-                                   struct sockaddr *asa, \
-                                   _Inout_ __socklen_t *alen); }
-33     AUE_ACCESS      STD     { int access(_In_z_ char *path, int amode); }
-34     AUE_CHFLAGS     STD     { int chflags(_In_z_ const char *path, \
-                                   u_long flags); }
-35     AUE_FCHFLAGS    STD     { int fchflags(int fd, u_long flags); }
-36     AUE_SYNC        STD     { int sync(void); }
-37     AUE_KILL        STD     { int kill(int pid, int signum); }
-38     AUE_STAT        COMPAT  { int stat(_In_z_ char *path, \
-                                   _Out_ struct ostat *ub); }
-39     AUE_GETPPID     STD     { pid_t getppid(void); }
-40     AUE_LSTAT       COMPAT  { int lstat(_In_z_ char *path, \
-                                   _Out_ struct ostat *ub); }
-41     AUE_DUP         STD     { int dup(u_int fd); }
-42     AUE_PIPE        COMPAT10        { int pipe(void); }
-43     AUE_GETEGID     STD     { gid_t getegid(void); }
-44     AUE_PROFILE     STD     { int profil( \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_(size) caddr_t samples, \
-                                   size_t size, size_t offset, u_int scale); }
-45     AUE_KTRACE      STD     { int ktrace(_In_z_ const char *fname, \
-                                   int ops, int facs, int pid); }
-46     AUE_SIGACTION   COMPAT  { int sigaction(int signum, \
-                                   _In_opt_ struct osigaction *nsa, \
-                                   _Out_opt_ struct osigaction *osa); }
-47     AUE_GETGID      STD     { gid_t getgid(void); }
-48     AUE_SIGPROCMASK COMPAT  { int sigprocmask(int how, osigset_t mask); }
+22     AUE_UMOUNT      STD {
+               int unmount(
+                   _In_z_ char *path,
+                   int flags
+               );
+       }
+23     AUE_SETUID      STD {
+               int setuid(
+                   uid_t uid
+               );
+       }
+24     AUE_GETUID      STD {
+               uid_t getuid(void);
+       }
+25     AUE_GETEUID     STD {
+               uid_t geteuid(void);
+       }
+26     AUE_PTRACE      STD {
+               int ptrace(
+                   int req,
+                   pid_t pid,
+                   _Inout_opt_ caddr_t addr,
+                   int data
+               );
+       }
+27     AUE_RECVMSG     STD {
+               int recvmsg(
+                   int s,
+                   _Inout_ struct msghdr *msg,
+                   int flags
+               );
+       }
+28     AUE_SENDMSG     STD {
+               int sendmsg(
+                   int s,
+                   _In_ struct msghdr *msg,
+                   int flags
+               );
+       }
+29     AUE_RECVFROM    STD {
+               int recvfrom(
+                   int s,
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_(len) caddr_t buf,
+                   size_t len,
+                   int flags,
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*fromlenaddr) struct sockaddr *from,
+                   _Inout_opt_ __socklen_t *fromlenaddr
+               );
+       }
+30     AUE_ACCEPT      STD {
+               int accept(
+                   int s,
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*anamelen) struct sockaddr *name,
+                   _Inout_opt_ __socklen_t *anamelen
+               );
+       }
+               int getpeername(
+                   int fdes,
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_(*alen) struct sockaddr *asa,
+                   _Inout_opt_ __socklen_t *alen
+               );
+       }
+               int getsockname(
+                   int fdes,
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_(*alen) struct sockaddr *asa,
+                   _Inout_ __socklen_t *alen
+               );
+       }
+33     AUE_ACCESS      STD {
+               int access(
+                   _In_z_ char *path,
+                   int amode
+               );
+       }
+34     AUE_CHFLAGS     STD {
+               int chflags(
+                   _In_z_ const char *path,
+                   u_long flags
+               );
+       }
+35     AUE_FCHFLAGS    STD {
+               int fchflags(
+                   int fd,
+                   u_long flags
+               );
+       }
+36     AUE_SYNC        STD {
+               int sync(void);
+       }
+37     AUE_KILL        STD {
+               int kill(
+                   int pid,
+                   int signum
+               );
+       }
+38     AUE_STAT        COMPAT {
+               int stat(
+                   _In_z_ char *path,
+                   _Out_ struct ostat *ub
+               );
+       }
+39     AUE_GETPPID     STD {
+               pid_t getppid(void);
+       }
+40     AUE_LSTAT       COMPAT {
+               int lstat(
+                   _In_z_ char *path,
+                   _Out_ struct ostat *ub
+               );
+       }
+41     AUE_DUP         STD {
+               int dup(
+                   u_int fd
+               );
+       }
+42     AUE_PIPE        COMPAT10 {
+               int pipe(void);
+       }
+43     AUE_GETEGID     STD {
+               gid_t getegid(void);
+       }
+44     AUE_PROFILE     STD {
+               int profil(
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_(size) caddr_t samples,
+                   size_t size,
+                   size_t offset,
+                   u_int scale
+               );
+       }
+45     AUE_KTRACE      STD {
+               int ktrace(
+                   _In_z_ const char *fname,
+                   int ops,
+                   int facs,
+                   int pid
+               );
+       }
+               int sigaction(
+                   int signum,
+                   _In_opt_ struct osigaction *nsa,
+                   _Out_opt_ struct osigaction *osa
+               );
+       }
+47     AUE_GETGID      STD {
+               gid_t getgid(void);
+       }
+               int sigprocmask(
+                   int how,
+                   osigset_t mask
+               );
+       }
 ; XXX note nonstandard (bogus) calling convention - the libc stub passes
 ; us the mask, not a pointer to it, and we return the old mask as the
 ; (int) return value.
-49     AUE_GETLOGIN    STD     { int getlogin( \
-                                   _Out_writes_z_(namelen) char *namebuf, \
-                                   u_int namelen); }
-50     AUE_SETLOGIN    STD     { int setlogin(_In_z_ char *namebuf); }
-51     AUE_ACCT        STD     { int acct(_In_z_ char *path); }
-52     AUE_SIGPENDING  COMPAT  { int sigpending(void); }
-53     AUE_SIGALTSTACK STD     { int sigaltstack(_In_opt_ stack_t *ss, \
-                                   _Out_opt_ stack_t *oss); }
-54     AUE_IOCTL       STD     { int ioctl(int fd, u_long com, \
-                                   _Inout_opt_ caddr_t data); }
-55     AUE_REBOOT      STD     { int reboot(int opt); }
-56     AUE_REVOKE      STD     { int revoke(_In_z_ char *path); }
-57     AUE_SYMLINK     STD     { int symlink(_In_z_ char *path, \
-                                   _In_z_ char *link); }
-58     AUE_READLINK    STD     { ssize_t readlink(_In_z_ char *path, \
-                                   _Out_writes_z_(count) char *buf, \
-                                   size_t count); }
-59     AUE_EXECVE      STD     { int execve( \
-                                   _In_z_ char *fname, \
-                                   _In_z_ char **argv, \
-                                   _In_z_ char **envv); }
-60     AUE_UMASK       STD     { int umask(int newmask); }
-61     AUE_CHROOT      STD     { int chroot(_In_z_ char *path); }
-62     AUE_FSTAT       COMPAT  { int fstat(int fd, _Out_ struct ostat *sb); }
-63     AUE_NULL        COMPAT  { int getkerninfo(int op, \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_opt(*size) char *where, \
-                                   _Inout_opt_ size_t *size, \
-                                   int arg); } getkerninfo getkerninfo_args int
-64     AUE_NULL        COMPAT  { int getpagesize(void); } getpagesize \
-                                   getpagesize_args int
-65     AUE_MSYNC       STD     { int msync(_In_ void *addr, size_t len, \
-                                   int flags); }
-66     AUE_VFORK       STD     { int vfork(void); }
+49     AUE_GETLOGIN    STD {
+               int getlogin(
+                   _Out_writes_z_(namelen) char *namebuf,
+                   u_int namelen
+               );
+       }
+50     AUE_SETLOGIN    STD {
+               int setlogin(
+                   _In_z_ char *namebuf
+               );
+       }
+51     AUE_ACCT        STD {
+               int acct(
+                   _In_z_ char *path
+               );
+       }
+               int sigpending(void);
+       }
+               int sigaltstack(
+                   _In_opt_ stack_t *ss,
+                   _Out_opt_ stack_t *oss
+               );
+       }
+54     AUE_IOCTL       STD {
+               int ioctl(
+                   int fd,
+                   u_long com,
+                   _Inout_opt_ caddr_t data
+               );
+       }
+55     AUE_REBOOT      STD {
+               int reboot(
+                   int opt
+               );
+       }
+56     AUE_REVOKE      STD {
+               int revoke(
+                   _In_z_ char *path
+               );
+       }
+57     AUE_SYMLINK     STD {
+               int symlink(
+                   _In_z_ char *path,
+                   _In_z_ char *link
+               );
+       }
+58     AUE_READLINK    STD {
+               ssize_t readlink(
+                   _In_z_ char *path,
+                   _Out_writes_z_(count) char *buf,
+                   size_t count
+               );
+       }
+59     AUE_EXECVE      STD {
+               int execve(
+                   _In_z_ char *fname,
+                   _In_z_ char **argv,
+                   _In_z_ char **envv
+               );
+       }
+60     AUE_UMASK       STD {
+               int umask(
+                   int newmask
+               );
+       }
+61     AUE_CHROOT      STD {
+               int chroot(
+                   _In_z_ char *path
+               );
+       }
+62     AUE_FSTAT       COMPAT {
+               int fstat(
+                   int fd,
+                   _Out_ struct ostat *sb
+               );
+       }
+63     AUE_NULL        COMPAT {
+               int getkerninfo(
+                   int op,
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_opt(
+                   *size) char *where,
+                   _Inout_opt_ size_t *size,
+                   int arg
+               );
+       } getkerninfo getkerninfo_args int
+64     AUE_NULL        COMPAT {
+               int getpagesize(void);
+       } getpagesize getpagesize_args int
+65     AUE_MSYNC       STD {
+               int msync(
+                   _In_ void *addr,
+                   size_t len,
+                   int flags
+               );
+       }
+66     AUE_VFORK       STD {
+               int vfork(void);
+       }
 67     AUE_NULL        OBSOL   vread
 68     AUE_NULL        OBSOL   vwrite
-69     AUE_SBRK        STD     { int sbrk(int incr); }
-70     AUE_SSTK        STD     { int sstk(int incr); }
-71     AUE_MMAP        COMPAT  { int mmap(_In_ void *addr, int len, int prot, \
-                                   int flags, int fd, long pos); }
-72     AUE_O_VADVISE   COMPAT11        { int vadvise(int anom); }
-73     AUE_MUNMAP      STD     { int munmap(_In_ void *addr, size_t len); }
-74     AUE_MPROTECT    STD     { int mprotect(_In_ void *addr, \
-                                   size_t len, int prot); }
-75     AUE_MADVISE     STD     { int madvise(_In_ void *addr, \
-                                   size_t len, int behav); }
+69     AUE_SBRK        STD {
+               int sbrk(
+                   int incr
+               );
+       }
+70     AUE_SSTK        STD {
+               int sstk(
+                   int incr
+               );
+       }
+71     AUE_MMAP        COMPAT {
+               int mmap(
+                   _In_ void *addr,
+                   int len,
+                   int prot,
+                   int flags,
+                   int fd,
+                   long pos
+               );
+       }
+72     AUE_O_VADVISE   COMPAT11 {
+               int vadvise(
+                   int anom
+               );
+       }
+73     AUE_MUNMAP      STD {
+               int munmap(
+                   _In_ void *addr,
+                   size_t len
+               );
+       }
+74     AUE_MPROTECT    STD {
+               int mprotect(
+                   _In_ void *addr,
+                   size_t len,
+                   int prot
+               );
+       }
+75     AUE_MADVISE     STD {
+               int madvise(
+                   _In_ void *addr,
+                   size_t len,
+                   int behav
+               );
+       }
 76     AUE_NULL        OBSOL   vhangup
 77     AUE_NULL        OBSOL   vlimit
-78     AUE_MINCORE     STD     { int mincore( \
-                                   _In_ const void *addr, \
-                                   size_t len, \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_(len/PAGE_SIZE) \
-                                   char *vec); }
-79     AUE_GETGROUPS   STD     { int getgroups(u_int gidsetsize, \
-                                   _Out_writes_opt_(gidsetsize) \
-                                   gid_t *gidset); }
-80     AUE_SETGROUPS   STD     { int setgroups(u_int gidsetsize, \
-                                   _In_reads_(gidsetsize) gid_t *gidset); }
-81     AUE_GETPGRP     STD     { int getpgrp(void); }
-82     AUE_SETPGRP     STD     { int setpgid(int pid, int pgid); }
-83     AUE_SETITIMER   STD     { int setitimer(u_int which, \
-                                   _In_ struct itimerval *itv, \
-                                   _Out_opt_ struct itimerval *oitv); }
-84     AUE_WAIT4       COMPAT  { int wait(void); }
-85     AUE_SWAPON      STD     { int swapon(_In_z_ char *name); }
-86     AUE_GETITIMER   STD     { int getitimer(u_int which, \
-                                   _Out_ struct itimerval *itv); }
-87     AUE_SYSCTL      COMPAT  { int gethostname( \
-                                   _Out_writes_z_(len) char *hostname, \
-                                   u_int len); } gethostname \
-                                   gethostname_args int
-88     AUE_SYSCTL      COMPAT  { int sethostname( \
-                                   _In_reads_z_(len) char *hostname, \
-                                   u_int len); } sethostname \
-                                   sethostname_args int
-89     AUE_GETDTABLESIZE       STD     { int getdtablesize(void); }
-90     AUE_DUP2        STD     { int dup2(u_int from, u_int to); }
+78     AUE_MINCORE     STD {
+               int mincore(
+                   _In_ const void *addr,
+                   size_t len,
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_(len/PAGE_SIZE) char *vec
+               );
+       }
+               int getgroups(
+                   u_int gidsetsize,
+                   _Out_writes_opt_(gidsetsize) gid_t *gidset
+               );
+       }
+               int setgroups(
+                   u_int gidsetsize,
+                   _In_reads_(gidsetsize) gid_t *gidset
+               );
+       }
+81     AUE_GETPGRP     STD {
+               int getpgrp(void);
+       }
+82     AUE_SETPGRP     STD {
+               int setpgid(
+                   int pid,
+                   int pgid
+               );
+       }
+               int setitimer(
+                   u_int which,
+                   _In_ struct itimerval *itv,
+                   _Out_opt_ struct itimerval *oitv
+               );
+       }
+84     AUE_WAIT4       COMPAT {
+               int wait(void);
+       }
+85     AUE_SWAPON      STD {
+               int swapon(
+                   _In_z_ char *name
+               );
+       }
+               int getitimer(
+                   u_int which,
+                   _Out_ struct itimerval *itv
+               );
+       }
+87     AUE_SYSCTL      COMPAT {
+               int gethostname(
+                   _Out_writes_z_(len) char *hostname,
+                   u_int len
+               );
+       } gethostname gethostname_args int
+88     AUE_SYSCTL      COMPAT {
+               int sethostname(
+                   _In_reads_z_(len) char *hostname,
+                   u_int len
+               );
+       } sethostname sethostname_args int
+               int getdtablesize(void);
+       }
+90     AUE_DUP2        STD {
+               int dup2(
+                   u_int from,
+                   u_int to
+               );
+       }
 91     AUE_NULL        UNIMPL  getdopt
-92     AUE_FCNTL       STD     { int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, long arg); }
-; XXX should be        { int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, ...); }
+92     AUE_FCNTL       STD {
+               int fcntl(
+                   int fd,
+                   int cmd,
+                   long arg
+               );
+       }
+; XXX should be { int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, ...); }
 ; but we're not ready for varargs.
-93     AUE_SELECT      STD     { int select(int nd, \
-                                   _Inout_opt_ fd_set *in, \
-                                   _Inout_opt_ fd_set *ou, \
-                                   _Inout_opt_ fd_set *ex, \
-                                   _In_opt_ struct timeval *tv); }
+93     AUE_SELECT      STD {
+               int select(
+                   int nd,
+                   _Inout_opt_ fd_set *in,
+                   _Inout_opt_ fd_set *ou,
+                   _Inout_opt_ fd_set *ex,
+                   _In_opt_ struct timeval *tv
+               );
+       }
 94     AUE_NULL        UNIMPL  setdopt
-95     AUE_FSYNC       STD     { int fsync(int fd); }
-96     AUE_SETPRIORITY STD     { int setpriority(int which, int who, \
-                                   int prio); }
-97     AUE_SOCKET      STD     { int socket(int domain, int type, \
-                                   int protocol); }
-98     AUE_CONNECT     STD     { int connect(int s, \
-                                   _In_reads_bytes_(namelen) caddr_t name, \
-                                   int namelen); }
-99     AUE_ACCEPT      COMPAT|NOARGS { int accept(int s, \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*anamelen) \
-                                   caddr_t name, int *anamelen); } \
-                                   accept accept_args int
-100    AUE_GETPRIORITY STD     { int getpriority(int which, int who); }
-101    AUE_SEND        COMPAT  { int send(int s, \
-                                   _In_reads_bytes_(len) caddr_t buf, \
-                                   int len, \
-                                   int flags); }
-102    AUE_RECV        COMPAT  { int recv(int s, \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_(len) caddr_t buf, \
-                                   int len, int flags); }
-103    AUE_SIGRETURN   COMPAT  { int sigreturn( \
-                                   _In_ struct osigcontext *sigcntxp); }
-104    AUE_BIND        STD     { int bind(int s, \
-                                   _In_reads_bytes_(namelen) caddr_t name, \
-                                   int namelen); }
-105    AUE_SETSOCKOPT  STD     { int setsockopt(int s, int level, int name, \
-                                   _In_reads_bytes_opt_(valsize) caddr_t val, \
-                                   int valsize); }
-106    AUE_LISTEN      STD     { int listen(int s, int backlog); }
+95     AUE_FSYNC       STD {
+               int fsync(
+                   int fd
+               );
+       }
+               int setpriority(
+                   int which,
+                   int who,
+                   int prio
+               );
+       }
+97     AUE_SOCKET      STD {
+               int socket(
+                   int domain,
+                   int type,
+                   int protocol
+               );
+       }
+98     AUE_CONNECT     STD {
+               int connect(
+                   int s,
+                   _In_reads_bytes_(namelen) caddr_t name,
+                   int namelen
+               );
+       }
+               int accept(
+                   int s,
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*anamelen) caddr_t name,
+                   int *anamelen
+               );
+       } accept accept_args int
+               int getpriority(
+                   int which,
+                   int who
+               );
+       }
+101    AUE_SEND        COMPAT {
+               int send(
+                   int s,
+                   _In_reads_bytes_(len) caddr_t buf,
+                   int len,
+                   int flags
+               );
+       }
+102    AUE_RECV        COMPAT {
+               int recv(
+                   int s,
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_(len) caddr_t buf,
+                   int len,
+                   int flags
+               );
+       }
+               int sigreturn(
+                   _In_ struct osigcontext *sigcntxp
+               );
+       }
+104    AUE_BIND        STD {
+               int bind(
+                   int s,
+                   _In_reads_bytes_(namelen) caddr_t name,
+                   int namelen
+               );
+       }
+               int setsockopt(
+                   int s,
+                   int level,
+                   int name,
+                   _In_reads_bytes_opt_(valsize) caddr_t val,
+                   int valsize
+               );
+       }
+106    AUE_LISTEN      STD {
+               int listen(
+                   int s,
+                   int backlog
+               );
+       }
 107    AUE_NULL        OBSOL   vtimes
-108    AUE_NULL        COMPAT  { int sigvec(int signum, \
-                                   _In_opt_ struct sigvec *nsv, \
-                                   _Out_opt_ struct sigvec *osv); }
-109    AUE_NULL        COMPAT  { int sigblock(int mask); }
-110    AUE_NULL        COMPAT  { int sigsetmask(int mask); }
-111    AUE_NULL        COMPAT  { int sigsuspend(osigset_t mask); }
+108    AUE_NULL        COMPAT {
+               int sigvec(
+                   int signum,
+                   _In_opt_ struct sigvec *nsv,
+                   _Out_opt_ struct sigvec *osv
+               );
+       }
+109    AUE_NULL        COMPAT {
+               int sigblock(
+                   int mask
+               );
+       }
+110    AUE_NULL        COMPAT {
+               int sigsetmask(
+                   int mask
+               );
+       }
+111    AUE_NULL        COMPAT {
+               int sigsuspend(
+                   osigset_t mask
+               );
+       }
 ; XXX note nonstandard (bogus) calling convention - the libc stub passes
 ; us the mask, not a pointer to it.
-112    AUE_NULL        COMPAT  { int sigstack(_In_opt_ struct sigstack *nss, \
-                                   _Out_opt_ struct sigstack *oss); }
-113    AUE_RECVMSG     COMPAT  { int recvmsg(int s, \
-                                   _Inout_ struct omsghdr *msg, \
-                                   int flags); }
-114    AUE_SENDMSG     COMPAT  { int sendmsg(int s, _In_ caddr_t msg, \
-                                   int flags); }
+112    AUE_NULL        COMPAT {
+               int sigstack(
+                   _In_opt_ struct sigstack *nss,
+                   _Out_opt_ struct sigstack *oss
+               );
+       }
+113    AUE_RECVMSG     COMPAT {
+               int recvmsg(
+                   int s,
+                   _Inout_ struct omsghdr *msg,
+                   int flags
+               );
+       }
+114    AUE_SENDMSG     COMPAT {
+               int sendmsg(
+                   int s,
+                   _In_ caddr_t msg,
+                   int flags
+               );
+       }
 115    AUE_NULL        OBSOL   vtrace
-116    AUE_GETTIMEOFDAY        STD     { int gettimeofday( \
-                                   _Out_ struct timeval *tp, \
-                                   _Out_opt_ struct timezone *tzp); }
-117    AUE_GETRUSAGE   STD     { int getrusage(int who, \
-                                   _Out_ struct rusage *rusage); }
-118    AUE_GETSOCKOPT  STD     { int getsockopt(int s, int level, int name, \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*avalsize) \
-                                   caddr_t val, _Inout_  int *avalsize); }
+116    AUE_GETTIMEOFDAY        STD {
+               int gettimeofday(
+                   _Out_ struct timeval *tp,
+                   _Out_opt_ struct timezone *tzp
+               );
+       }
+               int getrusage(
+                   int who,
+                   _Out_ struct rusage *rusage
+               );
+       }
+               int getsockopt(
+                   int s,
+                   int level,
+                   int name,
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(*avalsize) caddr_t val,
+                   _Inout_  int *avalsize
+               );
+       }
 119    AUE_NULL        UNIMPL  resuba (BSD/OS 2.x)
-120    AUE_READV       STD     { int readv(int fd, \
-                                  _Inout_updates_(iovcnt) struct iovec *iovp, \
-                                  u_int iovcnt); }
-121    AUE_WRITEV      STD     { int writev(int fd, \
-                                   _In_reads_opt_(iovcnt) struct iovec *iovp, \
-                                   u_int iovcnt); }
-122    AUE_SETTIMEOFDAY        STD     { int settimeofday( \
-                                   _In_ struct timeval *tv, \
-                                   _In_opt_ struct timezone *tzp); }
-123    AUE_FCHOWN      STD     { int fchown(int fd, int uid, int gid); }
-124    AUE_FCHMOD      STD     { int fchmod(int fd, int mode); }
-125    AUE_RECVFROM    COMPAT|NOARGS { int recvfrom(int s, \
-                                   _Out_writes_(len) caddr_t buf, \
-                                   size_t len, int flags, \
-                                   _Out_writes_bytes_(*fromlenaddr) \
-                                   caddr_t from, \
-                                   _Inout_ int *fromlenaddr); } \
-                                   recvfrom recvfrom_args int
-126    AUE_SETREUID    STD     { int setreuid(int ruid, int euid); }
-127    AUE_SETREGID    STD     { int setregid(int rgid, int egid); }
-128    AUE_RENAME      STD     { int rename(_In_z_ char *from, \
-                                   _In_z_ char *to); }
-129    AUE_TRUNCATE    COMPAT  { int truncate(_In_z_ char *path, \
-                                   long length); }
-130    AUE_FTRUNCATE   COMPAT  { int ftruncate(int fd, long length); }
-131    AUE_FLOCK       STD     { int flock(int fd, int how); }
-132    AUE_MKFIFO      STD     { int mkfifo(_In_z_ char *path, int mode); }
-133    AUE_SENDTO      STD     { int sendto(int s, \
-                                   _In_reads_bytes_(len) caddr_t buf, \
-                                   size_t len,  int flags, \
-                                   _In_reads_bytes_opt_(tolen) caddr_t to, \
-                                   int tolen); }
-134    AUE_SHUTDOWN    STD     { int shutdown(int s, int how); }
-135    AUE_SOCKETPAIR  STD     { int socketpair(int domain, int type, \
-                                   int protocol, _Out_writes_(2) int *rsv); }
-136    AUE_MKDIR       STD     { int mkdir(_In_z_ char *path, int mode); }
-137    AUE_RMDIR       STD     { int rmdir(_In_z_ char *path); }
-138    AUE_UTIMES      STD     { int utimes(_In_z_ char *path, \
-                                   _In_ struct timeval *tptr); }
+120    AUE_READV       STD {
+               int readv(
+                   int fd,
+                  _Inout_updates_(iovcnt) struct iovec *iovp,
+                  u_int iovcnt
+               );
+       }
+121    AUE_WRITEV      STD {
+               int writev(
+                   int fd,
+                   _In_reads_opt_(iovcnt) struct iovec *iovp,
+                   u_int iovcnt
+               );
+       }
+122    AUE_SETTIMEOFDAY        STD {
+               int settimeofday(
+                   _In_ struct timeval *tv,
+                   _In_opt_ struct timezone *tzp
+               );
+       }
+123    AUE_FCHOWN      STD {
+               int fchown(
+                   int fd,
+                   int uid,
+                   int gid
+               );
+       }
+124    AUE_FCHMOD      STD {
+               int fchmod(
+                   int fd,
+                   int mode
+               );
+       }
+               int recvfrom(
+                   int s,
+                   _Out_writes_(len) caddr_t buf,
+                   size_t len,
+                   int flags,
+                   _Out_writes_bytes_(*fromlenaddr) caddr_t from,
+                   _Inout_ int *fromlenaddr
+               );
+       } recvfrom recvfrom_args int
+126    AUE_SETREUID    STD {
+               int setreuid(
+                   int ruid,
+                   int euid
+               );
+       }
+127    AUE_SETREGID    STD {
+               int setregid(
+                   int rgid,
+                   int egid
+               );
+       }
+128    AUE_RENAME      STD {

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