On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 9:52 AM Rodney W. Grimes <
free...@pdx.rh.cn85.dnsmgr.net> wrote:

> > On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 9:35 PM Warner Losh <i...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> >
> > > Author: imp
> > > Date: Mon Oct 22 02:34:25 2018
> > > New Revision: 339565
> > > URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/339565
> > >
> > > Log:
> > >   Remove aha(4) from the tree.
> > >
> > >
> > The documentation build is now failing, as there's an entity reference to
> > the autogenerated
> > hardware list, which does not exist anymore.  Will you be able to look at
> > those as part of your
> > removals or does someone from the doc team need to handle it?
> Please stop deprecaton processing until:
>         1) We have the new documented deprication policy
>         2) We have crafted a step by step deprication set
>            of procedures so issues like this can be in it.
>         2) Release 12.0 is shipped.

These drivers have already been litigated and were previously tagged,
pursuant to community discussions, to be removed in 12. This is following
the process, such as we have. Committing these changes now means that we
could, if we wanted, MFC the changes. They were done carefully so they
could all be MFC'd or they could be MFC'd one at a time. ncr(4) was also
done w/o discussions today because it was deprecated in 1999, but its
removal was overlooked until now. The bottom line is that these were
properly removed in a time that was also proper to keep all our options

I'm not going to stop the other deprecation activities. We're establishing
a process that's working well and we'll continue to use it. There were some
bumps with the NIC stuff which we've learned from and will incorporate into
further rounds (next up: other SCSI drivers with no users, and some
long-broken sound cards and PC Card (not CardBus)). While it would be nice
to write a generic policy, that's hard to get right w/o experience. So
Brooks and I are going to proceed with what we're doing (but plan no
further removals until after 12.0 is out) so we can develop that
experience. It's been a community discussion process so far, and will
continue to be one. Once we have a couple of successful rounds of
deprecation, we can look to formalizing the process that's working.

There will be no more removals before 12.0R since we're too early in the
process for all the others.

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