Author: sobomax
Date: Mon Jan 24 07:16:20 2011
New Revision: 217771

  o Cylinder numbers are 10 bits in the MBR;
  o Sector numbers are only 6 bits in the MBR;
  o bde'cize name of the local variable.
  Submitted by: bde


Modified: head/sbin/fdisk/fdisk.c
--- head/sbin/fdisk/fdisk.c     Mon Jan 24 06:46:03 2011        (r217770)
+++ head/sbin/fdisk/fdisk.c     Mon Jan 24 07:16:20 2011        (r217771)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ static char lbuf[LBUF];
  *     Created.
-#define Decimal(str, ans, tmp, size) if (decimal(str, &tmp, ans, size)) ans = 
+#define Decimal(str, ans, tmp, nbits) if (decimal(str, &tmp, ans, nbits)) ans 
= tmp
 #define RoundCyl(x) ((((x) + cylsecs - 1) / cylsecs) * cylsecs)
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ static int get_params(void);
 static int read_s0(void);
 static int write_s0(void);
 static int ok(const char *str);
-static int decimal(const char *str, int *num, int deflt, int size);
+static int decimal(const char *str, int *num, int deflt, int nbits);
 static int read_config(char *config_file);
 static void reset_boot(void);
 static int sanitize_partition(struct dos_partition *);
@@ -572,9 +572,9 @@ change_part(int i)
        do {
-               Decimal("sysid (165=FreeBSD)", partp->dp_typ, tmp, 
-               Decimal("start", partp->dp_start, tmp, sizeof(partp->dp_start));
-               Decimal("size", partp->dp_size, tmp, sizeof(partp->dp_size));
+               Decimal("sysid (165=FreeBSD)", partp->dp_typ, tmp, 
sizeof(partp->dp_typ) * 8);
+               Decimal("start", partp->dp_start, tmp, sizeof(partp->dp_start) 
* 8);
+               Decimal("size", partp->dp_size, tmp, sizeof(partp->dp_size) * 
                if (!sanitize_partition(partp)) {
                        warnx("ERROR: failed to adjust; setting sysid to 0");
                        partp->dp_typ = 0;
@@ -586,9 +586,9 @@ change_part(int i)
                        tcyl = DPCYL(partp->dp_scyl,partp->dp_ssect);
                        thd = partp->dp_shd;
                        tsec = DPSECT(partp->dp_ssect);
-                       Decimal("beginning cylinder", tcyl, tmp, 
-                       Decimal("beginning head", thd, tmp, 
-                       Decimal("beginning sector", tsec, tmp, 
+                       Decimal("beginning cylinder", tcyl, tmp, 10);
+                       Decimal("beginning head", thd, tmp, 
sizeof(partp->dp_shd) * 8);
+                       Decimal("beginning sector", tsec, tmp, 6);
                        partp->dp_scyl = DOSCYL(tcyl);
                        partp->dp_ssect = DOSSECT(tsec,tcyl);
                        partp->dp_shd = thd;
@@ -596,9 +596,9 @@ change_part(int i)
                        tcyl = DPCYL(partp->dp_ecyl,partp->dp_esect);
                        thd = partp->dp_ehd;
                        tsec = DPSECT(partp->dp_esect);
-                       Decimal("ending cylinder", tcyl, tmp, 
-                       Decimal("ending head", thd, tmp, sizeof(partp->dp_ehd));
-                       Decimal("ending sector", tsec, tmp, 
+                       Decimal("ending cylinder", tcyl, tmp, 10);
+                       Decimal("ending head", thd, tmp, sizeof(partp->dp_ehd) 
* 8);
+                       Decimal("ending sector", tsec, tmp, 6);
                        partp->dp_ecyl = DOSCYL(tcyl);
                        partp->dp_esect = DOSSECT(tsec,tcyl);
                        partp->dp_ehd = thd;
@@ -915,16 +915,16 @@ ok(const char *str)
 static int
-decimal(const char *str, int *num, int deflt, int size)
+decimal(const char *str, int *num, int deflt, int nbits)
-       long long acc = 0, maxval;
+       long long acc = 0, limit;
        int c;
        char *cp;
-       if (size == 0) {
-               size = sizeof(*num);
+       if (nbits == 0) {
+               nbits = sizeof(*num) * 8;
-       maxval = (long long)1 << (size * 8);
+       limit = (long long)1 << nbits;
        while (1) {
                printf("Supply a decimal value for \"%s\" [%d] ", str, deflt);
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ decimal(const char *str, int *num, int d
                        return 0;
                while ((c = *cp++)) {
                        if (c <= '9' && c >= '0') {
-                               if (acc < maxval)
+                               if (acc < limit)
                                        acc = acc * 10 + c - '0';
                        } else
@@ -949,8 +949,8 @@ decimal(const char *str, int *num, int d
                if (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
                        while ((c = *cp) && (c == ' ' || c == '\t')) cp++;
                if (!c) {
-                       if (acc >= maxval) {
-                               acc = maxval - 1;
+                       if (acc >= limit) {
+                               acc = limit - 1;
                                printf("%s is too big, it will be truncated to 
                                    lbuf, acc);
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