Author: davidxu
Date: Thu Oct 14 08:01:33 2010
New Revision: 213829

  In kern_sigtimedwait(), move initialization code out of process lock,
  instead of using SIGISMEMBER to test every interesting signal, just
  unmask the signal set and let cursig() return one, get the signal
  after it returns, call reschedule_signal() after signals are blocked
  In kern_sigprocmask(), don't call reschedule_signal() when it is
  In reschedule_signal(), replace SIGISEMPTY() + SIGISMEMBER() with
  sig_ffs(), rename variable 'i' to sig.


Modified: head/sys/kern/kern_sig.c
--- head/sys/kern/kern_sig.c    Thu Oct 14 03:13:20 2010        (r213828)
+++ head/sys/kern/kern_sig.c    Thu Oct 14 08:01:33 2010        (r213829)
@@ -466,6 +466,7 @@ sigqueue_move_set(sigqueue_t *src, sigqu
        SIGSETNAND(src->sq_signals, tmp);
+#if 0
 static void
 sigqueue_move(sigqueue_t *src, sigqueue_t *dst, int signo)
@@ -475,6 +476,7 @@ sigqueue_move(sigqueue_t *src, sigqueue_
        SIGADDSET(set, signo);
        sigqueue_move_set(src, dst, &set);
 static void
 sigqueue_delete_set(sigqueue_t *sq, const sigset_t *set)
@@ -973,7 +975,6 @@ kern_sigprocmask(struct thread *td, int 
                *oset = td->td_sigmask;
        error = 0;
-       SIGEMPTYSET(new_block);
        if (set != NULL) {
                switch (how) {
                case SIG_BLOCK:
@@ -986,7 +987,7 @@ kern_sigprocmask(struct thread *td, int 
                case SIG_UNBLOCK:
                        SIGSETNAND(td->td_sigmask, *set);
-                       break;
+                       goto out;
                case SIG_SETMASK:
                        oset1 = td->td_sigmask;
@@ -1000,22 +1001,23 @@ kern_sigprocmask(struct thread *td, int 
                        error = EINVAL;
-                       break;
+                       goto out;
-       }
-       /*
-        * The new_block set contains signals that were not previously
-        * blocked, but are blocked now.
-        *
-        * In case we block any signal that was not previously blocked
-        * for td, and process has the signal pending, try to schedule
-        * signal delivery to some thread that does not block the signal,
-        * possibly waking it up.
-        */
-       if (p->p_numthreads != 1)
-               reschedule_signals(p, new_block, flags);
+               /*
+                * The new_block set contains signals that were not previously
+                * blocked, but are blocked now.
+                *
+                * In case we block any signal that was not previously blocked
+                * for td, and process has the signal pending, try to schedule
+                * signal delivery to some thread that does not block the
+                * signal, possibly waking it up.
+                */
+               if (p->p_numthreads != 1)
+                       reschedule_signals(p, new_block, flags);
+       }
        if (!(flags & SIGPROCMASK_PROC_LOCKED))
        return (error);
@@ -1161,23 +1163,18 @@ kern_sigtimedwait(struct thread *td, sig
        struct timespec *timeout)
        struct sigacts *ps;
-       sigset_t savedmask;
+       sigset_t saved_mask, new_block;
        struct proc *p;
-       int error, sig, hz, i, timevalid = 0;
+       int error, sig, timo, timevalid = 0;
        struct timespec rts, ets, ts;
        struct timeval tv;
        p = td->td_proc;
        error = 0;
-       sig = 0;
        ets.tv_sec = 0;
        ets.tv_nsec = 0;
-       SIG_CANTMASK(waitset);
-       PROC_LOCK(p);
-       ps = p->p_sigacts;
-       savedmask = td->td_sigmask;
-       if (timeout) {
+       if (timeout != NULL) {
                if (timeout->tv_nsec >= 0 && timeout->tv_nsec < 1000000000) {
                        timevalid = 1;
@@ -1185,89 +1182,78 @@ kern_sigtimedwait(struct thread *td, sig
                        timespecadd(&ets, timeout);
-       for (i = 1; i <= _SIG_MAXSIG; ++i) {
-               if (!SIGISMEMBER(waitset, i))
-                       continue;
-               if (!SIGISMEMBER(td->td_sigqueue.sq_signals, i)) {
-                       if (SIGISMEMBER(p->p_sigqueue.sq_signals, i)) {
-                               sigqueue_move(&p->p_sigqueue,
-                                       &td->td_sigqueue, i);
-                       } else
-                               continue;
-               }
-               SIGFILLSET(td->td_sigmask);
-               SIG_CANTMASK(td->td_sigmask);
-               SIGDELSET(td->td_sigmask, i);
+       ksiginfo_init(ksi);
+       /* Some signals can not be waited for. */
+       SIG_CANTMASK(waitset);
+       ps = p->p_sigacts;
+       PROC_LOCK(p);
+       saved_mask = td->td_sigmask;
+       SIGSETNAND(td->td_sigmask, waitset);
+       for (;;) {
                sig = cursig(td, SIG_STOP_ALLOWED);
-               if (sig)
-                       goto out;
-               else {
-                       /*
-                        * Because cursig() may have stopped current thread,
-                        * after it is resumed, things may have already been 
-                        * changed, it should rescan any pending signals.
-                        */
-                       goto restart;
+               if (sig != 0 && SIGISMEMBER(waitset, sig)) {
+                       if (sigqueue_get(&td->td_sigqueue, sig, ksi) != 0 ||
+                           sigqueue_get(&p->p_sigqueue, sig, ksi) != 0) {
+                               error = 0;
+                               break;
+                       }
-       }
-       if (error)
-               goto out;
+               if (error != 0)
+                       break;
-       /*
-        * POSIX says this must be checked after looking for pending
-        * signals.
-        */
-       if (timeout) {
-               if (!timevalid) {
-                       error = EINVAL;
-                       goto out;
-               }
-               getnanouptime(&rts);
-               if (timespeccmp(&rts, &ets, >=)) {
-                       error = EAGAIN;
-                       goto out;
+               /*
+                * POSIX says this must be checked after looking for pending
+                * signals.
+                */
+               if (timeout != NULL) {
+                       if (!timevalid) {
+                               error = EINVAL;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       getnanouptime(&rts);
+                       if (timespeccmp(&rts, &ets, >=)) {
+                               error = EAGAIN;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       ts = ets;
+                       timespecsub(&ts, &rts);
+                       TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL(&tv, &ts);
+                       timo = tvtohz(&tv);
+               } else {
+                       timo = 0;
-               ts = ets;
-               timespecsub(&ts, &rts);
-               TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL(&tv, &ts);
-               hz = tvtohz(&tv);
-       } else
-               hz = 0;
-       td->td_sigmask = savedmask;
-       SIGSETNAND(td->td_sigmask, waitset);
-       signotify(td);
-       error = msleep(&ps, &p->p_mtx, PPAUSE|PCATCH, "sigwait", hz);
-       if (timeout) {
-               if (error == ERESTART) {
-                       /* timeout can not be restarted. */
-                       error = EINTR;
-               } else if (error == EAGAIN) {
-                       /* will calculate timeout by ourself. */
-                       error = 0;
+               error = msleep(ps, &p->p_mtx, PPAUSE|PCATCH, "sigwait", timo);
+               if (timeout != NULL) {
+                       if (error == ERESTART) {
+                               /* Timeout can not be restarted. */
+                               error = EINTR;
+                       } else if (error == EAGAIN) {
+                               /* We will calculate timeout by ourself. */
+                               error = 0;
+                       }
-       goto restart;
-       td->td_sigmask = savedmask;
-       signotify(td);
-       if (sig) {
-               ksiginfo_init(ksi);
-               sigqueue_get(&td->td_sigqueue, sig, ksi);
-               ksi->ksi_signo = sig;
+       new_block = saved_mask;
+       SIGSETNAND(new_block, td->td_sigmask);
+       td->td_sigmask = saved_mask;
+       /*
+        * Fewer signals can be delivered to us, reschedule signal
+        * notification.
+        */
+       if (p->p_numthreads != 1)
+               reschedule_signals(p, new_block, 0);
+       if (error == 0) {
                SDT_PROBE(proc, kernel, , signal_clear, sig, ksi, 0, 0, 0);
                if (ksi->ksi_code == SI_TIMER)
                        itimer_accept(p, ksi->ksi_timerid, ksi);
-               error = 0;
 #ifdef KTRACE
                if (KTRPOINT(td, KTR_PSIG)) {
@@ -2427,25 +2413,22 @@ reschedule_signals(struct proc *p, sigse
        struct sigacts *ps;
        struct thread *td;
-       int i;
+       int sig;
+       if (SIGISEMPTY(p->p_siglist))
+               return;
        ps = p->p_sigacts;
-       for (i = 1; !SIGISEMPTY(block); i++) {
-               if (!SIGISMEMBER(block, i))
-                       continue;
-               SIGDELSET(block, i);
-               if (!SIGISMEMBER(p->p_siglist, i))
-                       continue;
-               td = sigtd(p, i, 0);
+       SIGSETAND(block, p->p_siglist);
+       while ((sig = sig_ffs(&block)) != 0) {
+               SIGDELSET(block, sig);
+               td = sigtd(p, sig, 0);
                if (!(flags & SIGPROCMASK_PS_LOCKED))
-               if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED || SIGISMEMBER(ps->ps_sigcatch, i))
-                       tdsigwakeup(td, i, SIG_CATCH,
-                           (SIGISMEMBER(ps->ps_sigintr, i) ? EINTR :
+               if (p->p_flag & P_TRACED || SIGISMEMBER(ps->ps_sigcatch, sig))
+                       tdsigwakeup(td, sig, SIG_CATCH,
+                           (SIGISMEMBER(ps->ps_sigintr, sig) ? EINTR :
                if (!(flags & SIGPROCMASK_PS_LOCKED))
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