On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:36:51PM -0700, Doug Barton wrote:
> I've been very supportive of Jilles work up to this point, and I think 
> he's done a great job of making our sh functional and compliant as a 
> scripting shell. However in my mind adding completion (and his suggested 
> inclusion of the kill builtin) tips the balance from "good system shell" 
> to more of an interactive shell, and that makes me wonder if this is the 
> right direction to go in.

I tend to agree.  I see no good point in trying to teach sh(1) to be
something other than good, coherent, standards compliant system shell.
For interactive use, tcsh(1) is much better anyways (but do not ever use
it for scripting).  Provided there are many good alternatives to those
of us who does not like tcsh(1) for some reason, hacking upon bells and
whistles for sh(1) seems controversial at best.

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