Author: emaste
Date: Tue Apr 13 12:10:55 2010
New Revision: 206555

  Use enums in the aac_command_status_table rather than duplicating the same
  values in two places.
  Suggested by: Garrett Cooper


Modified: head/sys/dev/aac/aac_tables.h
--- head/sys/dev/aac/aac_tables.h       Tue Apr 13 10:23:03 2010        
+++ head/sys/dev/aac/aac_tables.h       Tue Apr 13 12:10:55 2010        
@@ -34,42 +34,42 @@
  * relevant only to FSA operations.
 static struct aac_code_lookup aac_command_status_table[] = {
-       {"OK",                                  0},
-       {"operation not permitted",             1},
-       {"not found",                           2},
-       {"I/O error",                           5},
-       {"device not configured",               6},
-       {"too big",                             7},
-       {"permission denied",                   13},
-       {"file exists",                         17},
-       {"cross-device link",                   18},
-       {"operation not supported by device",   19},
-       {"not a directory",                     20},
-       {"is a directory",                      21},
-       {"invalid argument",                    22},
-       {"file too large",                      27},
-       {"no space on device",                  28},
-       {"readonly filesystem",                 30},
-       {"too many links",                      31},
-       {"operation would block",               35},
-       {"file name too long",                  63},
-       {"directory not empty",                 66},
-       {"quota exceeded",                      69},
-       {"stale file handle",                   70},
-       {"too many levels of remote in path",   71},
-       {"device busy (spinning up)",           72},
-       {"bad file handle",                     10001},
-       {"not sync",                            10002},
-       {"bad cookie",                          10003},
-       {"operation not supported",             10004},
-       {"too small",                           10005},
-       {"server fault",                        10006},
-       {"bad type",                            10007},
-       {"jukebox",                             10008},
-       {"not mounted",                         10009},
-       {"in maintenance mode",                 10010},
-       {"stale ACL",                           10011},
-       {"bus reset - command aborted",         20001},
+       {"OK",                                  ST_OK},
+       {"operation not permitted",             ST_PERM},
+       {"not found",                           ST_NOENT},
+       {"I/O error",                           ST_IO},
+       {"device not configured",               ST_NXIO},
+       {"too big",                             ST_E2BIG},
+       {"permission denied",                   ST_ACCES},
+       {"file exists",                         ST_EXIST},
+       {"cross-device link",                   ST_XDEV},
+       {"operation not supported by device",   ST_NODEV},
+       {"not a directory",                     ST_NOTDIR},
+       {"is a directory",                      ST_ISDIR},
+       {"invalid argument",                    ST_INVAL},
+       {"file too large",                      ST_FBIG},
+       {"no space on device",                  ST_NOSPC},
+       {"readonly filesystem",                 ST_ROFS},
+       {"too many links",                      ST_MLINK},
+       {"operation would block",               ST_WOULDBLOCK},
+       {"file name too long",                  ST_NAMETOOLONG},
+       {"directory not empty",                 ST_NOTEMPTY},
+       {"quota exceeded",                      ST_DQUOT},
+       {"stale file handle",                   ST_STALE},
+       {"too many levels of remote in path",   ST_REMOTE},
+       {"device busy (spinning up)",           ST_NOT_READY},
+       {"bad file handle",                     ST_BADHANDLE},
+       {"not sync",                            ST_NOT_SYNC},
+       {"bad cookie",                          ST_BAD_COOKIE},
+       {"operation not supported",             ST_NOTSUPP},
+       {"too small",                           ST_TOOSMALL},
+       {"server fault",                        ST_SERVERFAULT},
+       {"bad type",                            ST_BADTYPE},
+       {"jukebox",                             ST_JUKEBOX},
+       {"not mounted",                         ST_NOTMOUNTED},
+       {"in maintenance mode",                 ST_MAINTMODE},
+       {"stale ACL",                           ST_STALEACL},
+       {"bus reset - command aborted",         ST_BUS_RESET},
        {NULL,                                  0},
        {"unknown command status",              0}
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