> On 6 Feb, 2015, at 12:00, Glen Barber <g...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 06, 2015 at 06:35:06AM -0700, Adam Weinberger wrote:
>>> On 5 Feb, 2015, at 6:07, Glen Barber <g...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> It also notes:
>>> +    <para>Source-based upgrades (those based on recompiling the &os;
>>> +      base system from source code) from previous versions are
>>> +      supported, according to the instructions in
>>> +      <filename>/usr/src/UPDATING</filename>.</para>
>> Any chance something similar can happen for /usr/src/UPDATING?
>> In the stable/* and releng/* branches, the how-to-upgrade information
>> appears nearly 2,000 lines down. Maybe:
>> - Everything from most recent branch, (or most recent - 1?) onward
>> - Everything else
> I like this idea.
> I've also been kicking around the idea of moving the 'COMMON ITEMS' and
> everything else to a separate file, since they tend to change less
> regularly.
> Thoughts on which approach would be more beneficial for the end-user?

If I were an end-user, the first place I'd want to look for build instructions 
would be a file called BUILD_INSTRUCTIONS. :-)

# Adam

Adam Weinberger

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