Author: loos
Date: Wed Jan  7 16:55:55 2015
New Revision: 276779

  Reduce the maximum number of pins for the Rockchip RK3188, this driver
  isn't supposed to manage all the GPIO pins in the system from a single
  instance, instead it will attach to each one of the four available GPIO
  controllers and only deal with one bank at time (32 pins per bank).
  Rework part of the driver to take advantage of that, this simplify the
  code a lot.
  Also fix a bug in rk30_gpio_get_function() which wouldn't return the
  correct values.
  While here fix a typo in register name.


Modified: head/sys/arm/rockchip/rk30xx_gpio.c
--- head/sys/arm/rockchip/rk30xx_gpio.c Wed Jan  7 16:15:00 2015        
+++ head/sys/arm/rockchip/rk30xx_gpio.c Wed Jan  7 16:55:55 2015        
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
  * PC0 - PC7 | PD0 - PD7
-#define        RK30_GPIO_PINS          128
+#define        RK30_GPIO_PINS          32
@@ -71,9 +71,6 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #define        RK30_GPIO_PULLUP                1
 #define        RK30_GPIO_PULLDOWN              2
-#define        RK30_GPIO_INPUT                 0
-#define        RK30_GPIO_OUTPUT                1
 struct rk30_gpio_softc {
        device_t                sc_dev;
        struct mtx              sc_mtx;
@@ -119,7 +116,7 @@ struct gpio_ctrl_entry gpio_controllers[
 #define        RK30_GPIO_INT_STATUS            0x40
 #define        RK30_GPIO_INT_RAWSTATUS         0x44
 #define        RK30_GPIO_DEBOUNCE              0x48
-#define        RK30_GPIO_PORTS_EOI             0x4c
+#define        RK30_GPIO_PORT_EOI              0x4c
 #define        RK30_GPIO_EXT_PORT              0x50
 #define        RK30_GPIO_LS_SYNC               0x60
@@ -131,48 +128,25 @@ struct gpio_ctrl_entry gpio_controllers[
 static uint32_t
 rk30_gpio_get_function(struct rk30_gpio_softc *sc, uint32_t pin)
-       uint32_t bank, func, offset;
-       bank = pin / 32;
-       pin = pin % 32;
-       offset = 1 << pin;
-       func = RK30_GPIO_READ(sc, RK30_GPIO_SWPORT_DDR);
-       func &= offset;
-       return (func);
-static uint32_t
-rk30_gpio_func_flag(uint32_t nfunc)
-       switch (nfunc) {
-       case RK30_GPIO_INPUT:
-               return (GPIO_PIN_INPUT);
-       case RK30_GPIO_OUTPUT:
+       if (RK30_GPIO_READ(sc, RK30_GPIO_SWPORT_DDR) & (1U << pin))
                return (GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT);
-       }
-       return (0);
+       else
+               return (GPIO_PIN_INPUT);
 static void
-rk30_gpio_set_function(struct rk30_gpio_softc *sc, uint32_t pin, uint32_t f)
+rk30_gpio_set_function(struct rk30_gpio_softc *sc, uint32_t pin, uint32_t func)
-       uint32_t bank, data, offset;
+       uint32_t data;
        /* Must be called with lock held. */
-       bank = pin / 32;
-       pin = pin % 32;
-       offset = 1 << pin;
        data = RK30_GPIO_READ(sc, RK30_GPIO_SWPORT_DDR);
-       if (f)
-               data |= offset;
+       if (func == GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT)
+               data |= (1U << pin);
-               data &= ~offset;
+               data &= ~(1U << pin);
        RK30_GPIO_WRITE(sc, RK30_GPIO_SWPORT_DDR, data);
@@ -198,21 +172,16 @@ rk30_gpio_pin_configure(struct rk30_gpio
         * Manage input/output.
-       if (flags & (GPIO_PIN_INPUT|GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT)) {
-               pin->gp_flags &= ~(GPIO_PIN_INPUT|GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT);
-               if (flags & GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT) {
+       if (flags & (GPIO_PIN_INPUT | GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT)) {
+               pin->gp_flags &= ~(GPIO_PIN_INPUT | GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT);
+               if (flags & GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT)
                        pin->gp_flags |= GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT;
-                       rk30_gpio_set_function(sc, pin->gp_pin,
-                           RK30_GPIO_OUTPUT);
-               } else {
+               else
                        pin->gp_flags |= GPIO_PIN_INPUT;
-                       rk30_gpio_set_function(sc, pin->gp_pin,
-                           RK30_GPIO_INPUT);
-               }
+               rk30_gpio_set_function(sc, pin->gp_pin, pin->gp_flags);
        /* Manage Pull-up/pull-down. */
@@ -326,32 +295,23 @@ rk30_gpio_pin_setflags(device_t dev, uin
 static int
 rk30_gpio_pin_set(device_t dev, uint32_t pin, unsigned int value)
-       struct rk30_gpio_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev);
-       uint32_t bank, offset, data;
        int i;
+       struct rk30_gpio_softc *sc;
+       uint32_t data;
+       sc = device_get_softc(dev);
        for (i = 0; i < sc->sc_gpio_npins; i++) {
                if (sc->sc_gpio_pins[i].gp_pin == pin)
        if (i >= sc->sc_gpio_npins)
                return (EINVAL);
-       bank = pin / 32;
-       pin = pin % 32;
-       offset = 1 << pin;
-       data = RK30_GPIO_READ(sc, RK30_GPIO_SWPORT_DDR);
-       data |= offset;
-       RK30_GPIO_WRITE(sc, RK30_GPIO_SWPORT_DDR, data);
        data = RK30_GPIO_READ(sc, RK30_GPIO_SWPORT_DR);
        if (value)
-               data |= offset;
+               data |= (1U << pin);
-               data &= ~offset;
+               data &= ~(1U << pin);
        RK30_GPIO_WRITE(sc, RK30_GPIO_SWPORT_DR, data);
@@ -361,26 +321,21 @@ rk30_gpio_pin_set(device_t dev, uint32_t
 static int
 rk30_gpio_pin_get(device_t dev, uint32_t pin, unsigned int *val)
-       struct rk30_gpio_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev);
-       uint32_t bank, offset, reg_data;
        int i;
+       struct rk30_gpio_softc *sc;
+       uint32_t data;
+       sc = device_get_softc(dev);
        for (i = 0; i < sc->sc_gpio_npins; i++) {
                if (sc->sc_gpio_pins[i].gp_pin == pin)
        if (i >= sc->sc_gpio_npins)
                return (EINVAL);
-       bank = pin / 32;
-       pin = pin % 32;
-       offset = 1 << pin;
-       reg_data = RK30_GPIO_READ(sc, RK30_GPIO_EXT_PORT);
+       data = RK30_GPIO_READ(sc, RK30_GPIO_EXT_PORT);
-       *val = (reg_data & offset) ? 1 : 0;
+       *val = (data & (1U << pin)) ? 1 : 0;
        return (0);
@@ -388,35 +343,23 @@ rk30_gpio_pin_get(device_t dev, uint32_t
 static int
 rk30_gpio_pin_toggle(device_t dev, uint32_t pin)
-       struct rk30_gpio_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev);
-       uint32_t bank, data, offset;
        int i;
+       struct rk30_gpio_softc *sc;
+       uint32_t data;
+       sc = device_get_softc(dev);
        for (i = 0; i < sc->sc_gpio_npins; i++) {
                if (sc->sc_gpio_pins[i].gp_pin == pin)
        if (i >= sc->sc_gpio_npins)
                return (EINVAL);
-       bank = pin / 32;
-       pin = pin % 32;
-       offset = 1 << pin;
-       data = RK30_GPIO_READ(sc, RK30_GPIO_SWPORT_DDR);
-       if (data & offset)
-               data &= ~offset;
-       else
-               data |= offset;
-       RK30_GPIO_WRITE(sc, RK30_GPIO_SWPORT_DDR, data);
        data = RK30_GPIO_READ(sc, RK30_GPIO_SWPORT_DR);
-       if (data & offset)
-               data &= ~offset;
+       if (data & (1U << pin))
+               data &= ~(1U << pin);
-               data |= offset;
+               data |= (1U << pin);
        RK30_GPIO_WRITE(sc, RK30_GPIO_SWPORT_DR, data);
@@ -441,7 +384,6 @@ static int
 rk30_gpio_attach(device_t dev)
        struct rk30_gpio_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev);
-       uint32_t func;
        int i, rid;
        phandle_t gpio;
@@ -483,10 +425,9 @@ rk30_gpio_attach(device_t dev)
        for (i = 0; i < RK30_GPIO_PINS; i++) {
                snprintf(sc->sc_gpio_pins[i].gp_name, GPIOMAXNAME,
                    "pin %d", i);
-               func = rk30_gpio_get_function(sc, i);
                sc->sc_gpio_pins[i].gp_pin = i;
                sc->sc_gpio_pins[i].gp_caps = RK30_GPIO_DEFAULT_CAPS;
-               sc->sc_gpio_pins[i].gp_flags = rk30_gpio_func_flag(func);
+               sc->sc_gpio_pins[i].gp_flags = rk30_gpio_get_function(sc, i);
        sc->sc_gpio_npins = i;
@@ -591,10 +532,10 @@ rk30_gpios_prop_handle(phandle_t ctrl, p
                if (dir == 1) {
                        /* Input. */
-                       rk30_gpio_pin_set(sc->sc_dev, pin, RK30_GPIO_INPUT);
+                       rk30_gpio_pin_set(sc->sc_dev, pin, GPIO_PIN_INPUT);
                } else {
                        /* Output. */
-                       rk30_gpio_pin_set(sc->sc_dev, pin, RK30_GPIO_OUTPUT);
+                       rk30_gpio_pin_set(sc->sc_dev, pin, GPIO_PIN_OUTPUT);
                gpios += gpio_cells + inc;
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