El 28/08/14 a les 20.58, Alexander Motin ha escrit:
> On 28.08.2014 21:45, John-Mark Gurney wrote:
>> Alexander Motin wrote this message on Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 21:23 +0300:
>>> Hi, Roger.
>>> It looks to me like this commit does not work as it should. I got
>>> problem when I just tried `newfs /dev/ada0 ; mount /dev/ada0 /mnt`.
>>> Somehow newfs does not produce valid filesystem. Problem is reliably
>>> repeatable and reverting this commit fixes it.
>>> I found at least one possible cause there: If original data buffer is
>>> unmapped, misaligned and not physically contiguous, then present x86
>>> bus_dmamap_load_bio() implementation will process each physically
>>> contiguous segment separately. Due to the misalignment first and last
>>> physical segments may have size not multiple to 512 bytes. Since each
>>> segment processed separately, they are not joined together, and
>>> xbd_queue_cb() is getting segments not multiple to 512 bytes. Attempt to
>>> convert them to exact number of sectors in the driver cause data corruption.
>> Are you sure this isn't a problem w/ the tag not properly specifying
>> the correct alignement? 
> I don't know how to specify it stronger then this:
>         error = bus_dma_tag_create(
>             bus_get_dma_tag(sc->xbd_dev),       /* parent */
>             512, PAGE_SIZE,                     /* algnmnt, boundary */
>             BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR,                  /* lowaddr */
>             BUS_SPACE_MAXADDR,                  /* highaddr */
>             NULL, NULL,                         /* filter, filterarg */
>             sc->xbd_max_request_size,
>             sc->xbd_max_request_segments,
>             PAGE_SIZE,                          /* maxsegsize */
>             BUS_DMA_ALLOCNOW,                   /* flags */
>             busdma_lock_mutex,                  /* lockfunc */
>             &sc->xbd_io_lock,                   /* lockarg */
>             &sc->xbd_io_dmat);
>> Also, I don't think there is a way for busdma
>> to say that you MUST have a segment be a multiple of 512, though you
>> could use a 512 boundary, but that would force all segments to only be
>> 512 bytes...
> As I understand, that is mandatory requirement for this "hardware".
> Alike 4K alignment requirement also exist at least for SDHCI, and IIRC
> UHCI/OHCI hardware. Even AHCI requires both segment addresses and
> lengths to be even.
> I may be wrong, but I think it is quite likely that hardware that
> requires segment address alignment quite likely will have the same
> requirements for segments length.

I've been able to trigger it quite easily by adding the following 
KASSERTs and got a "panic: Invalid segment size 2080". I will try to 
look into it tomorrow, or else revert the commit. Thanks for noticing.


diff --git a/sys/dev/xen/blkfront/blkfront.c b/sys/dev/xen/blkfront/blkfront.c
index 7a1c974..6226534 100644
--- a/sys/dev/xen/blkfront/blkfront.c
+++ b/sys/dev/xen/blkfront/blkfront.c
@@ -199,6 +199,13 @@ xbd_queue_cb(void *arg, bus_dma_segment_t *segs, int 
nsegs, int error)
        while (1) {

                while (sg < last_block_sg) {
+                       KASSERT((segs->ds_len % 512) == 0,
+                           ("Invalid segment size %u", segs->ds_len));
+                       KASSERT((segs->ds_addr % 512) == 0,
+                           ("Invalid segment alignment ds_addr: %jx",
+                           (uintmax_t) segs->ds_addr));
                        buffer_ma = segs->ds_addr;
                        fsect = (buffer_ma & PAGE_MASK) >> XBD_SECTOR_SHFT;
                        lsect = fsect + (segs->ds_len  >> XBD_SECTOR_SHFT) - 1;
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