Author: dumbbell
Date: Fri Aug 22 15:36:57 2014
New Revision: 270338

  vt(4): The offset to center the text area is per-window now
  The previous global offset, based on the last loaded font, had no
  meaning for other windows. This caused a shifted text area, often partly
  MFC after:    1 week


Modified: head/sys/dev/vt/hw/vga/vt_vga.c
--- head/sys/dev/vt/hw/vga/vt_vga.c     Fri Aug 22 15:34:56 2014        
+++ head/sys/dev/vt/hw/vga/vt_vga.c     Fri Aug 22 15:36:57 2014        
@@ -556,13 +556,13 @@ vga_bitblt_one_text_pixels_block(struct 
        memset(pattern_2colors, 0, sizeof(pattern_2colors));
        memset(pattern_ncolors, 0, sizeof(pattern_ncolors));
-       if (i < vd->vd_offset.tp_col) {
+       if (i < vw->vw_offset.tp_col) {
                 * i is in the margin used to center the text area on
                 * the screen.
-               i = vd->vd_offset.tp_col;
+               i = vw->vw_offset.tp_col;
        while (i < x + VT_VGA_PIXELS_BLOCK) {
@@ -573,8 +573,8 @@ vga_bitblt_one_text_pixels_block(struct 
                 * While here, record what colors it uses.
-               col = (i - vd->vd_offset.tp_col) / vf->vf_width;
-               row = (y - vd->vd_offset.tp_row) / vf->vf_height;
+               col = (i - vw->vw_offset.tp_col) / vf->vf_width;
+               row = (y - vw->vw_offset.tp_row) / vf->vf_height;
                c = VTBUF_GET_FIELD(vb, row, col);
                src = vtfont_lookup(vf, c);
@@ -605,11 +605,11 @@ vga_bitblt_one_text_pixels_block(struct 
                 * character.
-               src_x = i - (col * vf->vf_width + vd->vd_offset.tp_col);
+               src_x = i - (col * vf->vf_width + vw->vw_offset.tp_col);
                x_count = min(
-                   (col + 1) * vf->vf_width + vd->vd_offset.tp_col,
+                   (col + 1) * vf->vf_width + vw->vw_offset.tp_col,
                    x + VT_VGA_PIXELS_BLOCK);
-               x_count -= col * vf->vf_width + vd->vd_offset.tp_col;
+               x_count -= col * vf->vf_width + vw->vw_offset.tp_col;
                x_count -= src_x;
                /* Copy a portion of the character. */
@@ -632,8 +632,8 @@ vga_bitblt_one_text_pixels_block(struct 
         * to mark the area dirty.
        cursor = vd->vd_mcursor;
-       mx = vd->vd_moldx + vd->vd_offset.tp_col;
-       my = vd->vd_moldy + vd->vd_offset.tp_row;
+       mx = vd->vd_moldx + vw->vw_offset.tp_col;
+       my = vd->vd_moldy + vw->vw_offset.tp_row;
        if (cursor_displayed &&
            ((mx >= x && x + VT_VGA_PIXELS_BLOCK - 1 >= mx) ||
             (mx < x && mx + cursor->width >= x)) &&
@@ -720,10 +720,10 @@ vga_bitblt_text_gfxmode(struct vt_device
        col = area->tr_begin.tp_col;
        row = area->tr_begin.tp_row;
-       x1 = (int)((col * vf->vf_width + vd->vd_offset.tp_col)
+       x1 = (int)((col * vf->vf_width + vw->vw_offset.tp_col)
             / VT_VGA_PIXELS_BLOCK)
            * VT_VGA_PIXELS_BLOCK;
-       y1 = row * vf->vf_height + vd->vd_offset.tp_row;
+       y1 = row * vf->vf_height + vw->vw_offset.tp_row;
         * Compute the bottom right pixel position, again, aligned with
@@ -735,11 +735,11 @@ vga_bitblt_text_gfxmode(struct vt_device
        col = area->tr_end.tp_col;
        row = area->tr_end.tp_row;
-       x2 = (int)((col * vf->vf_width + vd->vd_offset.tp_col
+       x2 = (int)((col * vf->vf_width + vw->vw_offset.tp_col
              + VT_VGA_PIXELS_BLOCK - 1)
             / VT_VGA_PIXELS_BLOCK)
            * VT_VGA_PIXELS_BLOCK;
-       y2 = row * vf->vf_height + vd->vd_offset.tp_row;
+       y2 = row * vf->vf_height + vw->vw_offset.tp_row;
         * Clip the area to the screen size.

Modified: head/sys/dev/vt/vt.h
--- head/sys/dev/vt/vt.h        Fri Aug 22 15:34:56 2014        (r270337)
+++ head/sys/dev/vt/vt.h        Fri Aug 22 15:36:57 2014        (r270338)
@@ -136,7 +136,6 @@ struct vt_device {
        vt_axis_t                vd_moldx;      /* (?) Mouse X as of last 
redraw. */
        vt_axis_t                vd_moldy;      /* (?) Mouse Y as of last 
redraw. */
        uint32_t                 vd_mstate;     /* (?) Mouse state. */
-       term_pos_t               vd_offset;     /* (?) Pixel offset. */
        vt_axis_t                vd_width;      /* (?) Screen width. */
        vt_axis_t                vd_height;     /* (?) Screen height. */
        struct mtx               vd_lock;       /* Per-device lock. */
@@ -258,6 +257,7 @@ struct vt_window {
        struct terminal         *vw_terminal;   /* (c) Terminal. */
        struct vt_buf            vw_buf;        /* (u) Screen buffer. */
        struct vt_font          *vw_font;       /* (d) Graphical font. */
+       term_pos_t               vw_offset;     /* (?) Pixel offset. */
        unsigned int             vw_number;     /* (c) Window number. */
        int                      vw_kbdmode;    /* (?) Keyboard mode. */
        char                    *vw_kbdsq;      /* Escape sequence queue*/

Modified: head/sys/dev/vt/vt_core.c
--- head/sys/dev/vt/vt_core.c   Fri Aug 22 15:34:56 2014        (r270337)
+++ head/sys/dev/vt/vt_core.c   Fri Aug 22 15:36:57 2014        (r270338)
@@ -837,8 +837,8 @@ vt_bitblt_char(struct vt_device *vd, str
                 * Fonts may not always be able to fill the entire
                 * screen.
-               top = row * vf->vf_height + vd->vd_offset.tp_row;
-               left = col * vf->vf_width + vd->vd_offset.tp_col;
+               top = row * vf->vf_height + vd->vd_curwindow->vw_offset.tp_row;
+               left = col * vf->vf_width + vd->vd_curwindow->vw_offset.tp_col;
                vd->vd_driver->vd_bitbltchr(vd, src, NULL, 0, top, left,
                    vf->vf_width, vf->vf_height, fg, bg);
@@ -973,8 +973,8 @@ vt_flush(struct vt_device *vd)
                            vd->vd_mcursor->map, vd->vd_mcursor->mask, bpl,
-                           vd->vd_offset.tp_row + vd->vd_my,
-                           vd->vd_offset.tp_col + vd->vd_mx,
+                           vw->vw_offset.tp_row + vd->vd_my,
+                           vw->vw_offset.tp_col + vd->vd_mx,
                            w, h, vd->vd_mcursor_fg, vd->vd_mcursor_bg);
@@ -1248,8 +1248,8 @@ vt_change_font(struct vt_window *vw, str
        vt_termsize(vd, vf, &size);
        vt_winsize(vd, vf, &wsz);
        /* Save offset to font aligned area. */
-       vd->vd_offset.tp_col = (vd->vd_width % vf->vf_width) / 2;
-       vd->vd_offset.tp_row = (vd->vd_height % vf->vf_height) / 2;
+       vw->vw_offset.tp_col = (vd->vd_width % vf->vf_width) / 2;
+       vw->vw_offset.tp_row = (vd->vd_height % vf->vf_height) / 2;
        /* Grow the screen buffer and terminal. */
        terminal_mute(tm, 1);
@@ -1287,8 +1287,8 @@ vt_set_border(struct vt_window *vw, stru
        x = vd->vd_width - 1;
        y = vd->vd_height - 1;
-       off_x = vd->vd_offset.tp_col;
-       off_y = vd->vd_offset.tp_row;
+       off_x = vw->vw_offset.tp_col;
+       off_y = vw->vw_offset.tp_row;
        /* Top bar. */
        if (off_y > 0)
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