On 11 Jul 2014, at 15:03, John Baldwin <j...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1452721/why-is-using-namespace-std-considered-bad-practice
> is a decent start on the multitude of reasons to avoid using it.
> I also avoid 'import * from foo' in Python for similar reasons.
> OTOH, most of the C++ code bases I've had to work with do have a global
> 'using namespace std'.  Great fun when someone decides it would be
> convenient to add 'using namespace boost' to the mix.

Note that, even though 'using namespace std' is a bad idea, 'using std::vector; 
using std::string' and so on is not so bad. 

For things that live in the base system, there's not much danger of boost 
conflicts.  'using namespace std' is mostly a problem when it's in headers 
(especially library headers), because it can break large amounts of code.  In a 
tiny utility, it's probably the right thing to do.  


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