Author: ian
Date: Mon Apr 28 13:28:10 2014
New Revision: 265050
  MFC uftdi(4) driver changes...
    r264010: Support speeds up to 12mbaud on newer chips.
    r264018: Update list of supported FTDI chips.
    r264031: Use 2K IO buffers for improved throughput.
    r264149: Add ioctl(2) calls to access bitbang, MPSSE, CPU_FIFO,
             and other modes.
    r264800: Various fixes to r264149 pointed out by Coverity scan.

     - copied unchanged from r264149, head/sys/dev/usb/uftdiio.h
Directory Properties:
  stable/9/share/man/man4/   (props changed)
  stable/9/sys/   (props changed)
  stable/9/sys/dev/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/9/share/man/man4/uftdi.4
--- stable/9/share/man/man4/uftdi.4     Mon Apr 28 13:18:30 2014        
+++ stable/9/share/man/man4/uftdi.4     Mon Apr 28 13:28:10 2014        
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
 .Nm uftdi
-.Nd USB support for serial adapters based on the FT8U100AX and FT8U232AM chips
+.Nd USB support for serial adapters based on the FTDI family of USB
+serial adapter chips.
 To compile this driver into the kernel,
 place the following lines in your
@@ -52,13 +53,115 @@ uftdi_load="YES"
-driver provides support for various serial adapters based on the FTDI
-FT2232C, FT8U100AX and FT8U232AM chips.
+driver provides support for various serial adapters based on the
+following FTDI chips:
+.Bl -bullet -compact
 The device is accessed through the
 .Xr ucom 4
 driver which makes it behave like a
 .Xr tty 4 .
+Many of the supported chips provide additional functionality
+such as bitbang mode and the MPSSE engine for serial bus emulation.
+driver provides access to that functionality with the following
+.Xr ioctl 2
+calls, defined in
+.In dev/usb/uftdiio.h :
+.Bl -tag -width indent
+Reset the channel to its default configuration, flush RX and TX FIFOs.
+Flush the RX FIFO.
+Flush the TX FIFO.
+.It Dv UFTDIIOC_SET_BITMODE Pq Vt "struct uftdi_bitmode"
+Put the channel into the operating mode specified in
+.Va mode ,
+and set the pins indicated by ones in
+.Va iomask
+to output mode.
+.Va mode
+must be one of the
+.Va uftdi_bitmodes
+.Bd -literal
+enum uftdi_bitmodes
+       UFTDI_BITMODE_NONE = 0xff,
+struct uftdi_bitmode
+       uint8_t mode;
+       uint8_t iomask;
+Manuals and application notes published by FTDI describe these
+modes in detail.
+To use most of these modes, you first put the channel into
+the desired mode, then you
+.Xr read 2
+.Xr write 2
+data which either reflects pin state or is interpreted 
+as MPSSE commands and parameters, depending on the mode.
+.It Dv UFTDIIOC_GET_BITMODE Pq Vt "struct uftdi_bitmode"
+Return the state of the bitbang pins at the time of the call in the
+.Va iomask
+.Va mode
+member is unused.
+Set the character which is inserted into the buffer to mark
+the point of an error such as FIFO overflow.
+Set the character which causes a partial FIFO full of data 
+to be returned immediately even if the FIFO is not full.
+Set the amount of time to wait for a full FIFO,
+in milliseconds.
+If more than this much time elapses without receiving a new
+character, any characters in the FIFO are returned.
+Get the current value of the latency timer.
+Get the hardware revision number.
+This is the
+.Va bcdDevice
+value from the
+.Va usb_device_descriptor .

Modified: stable/9/sys/dev/usb/serial/uftdi.c
--- stable/9/sys/dev/usb/serial/uftdi.c Mon Apr 28 13:18:30 2014        
+++ stable/9/sys/dev/usb/serial/uftdi.c Mon Apr 28 13:28:10 2014        
@@ -38,7 +38,14 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
- * FTDI FT2232x, FT8U100AX and FT8U232AM serial adapter driver
+ * FTDI FT232x, FT2232x, FT4232x, FT8U100AX and FT8U232xM serial adapters.
+ *
+ * Note that we specifically do not do a reset or otherwise alter the state of
+ * the chip during attach, detach, open, and close, because it could be
+ * pre-initialized (via an attached serial eeprom) to power-on into a mode such
+ * as bitbang in which the pins are being driven to a specific state which we
+ * must not perturb.  The device gets reset at power-on, and doesn't need to be
+ * reset again after that to function, except as directed by ioctl() calls.
 #include <sys/stdint.h>
@@ -63,6 +70,8 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include <dev/usb/usb.h>
 #include <dev/usb/usbdi.h>
 #include <dev/usb/usbdi_util.h>
+#include <dev/usb/usb_core.h>
+#include <dev/usb/usb_ioctl.h>
 #include "usbdevs.h"
 #define        USB_DEBUG_VAR uftdi_debug
@@ -71,6 +80,7 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include <dev/usb/serial/usb_serial.h>
 #include <dev/usb/serial/uftdi_reg.h>
+#include <dev/usb/uftdiio.h>
 #ifdef USB_DEBUG
 static int uftdi_debug = 0;
@@ -83,8 +93,34 @@ SYSCTL_INT(_hw_usb_uftdi, OID_AUTO, debu
 #define        UFTDI_CONFIG_INDEX      0
 #define        UFTDI_IFACE_INDEX_JTAG  0
-#define        UFTDI_OBUFSIZE 64               /* bytes, cannot be increased 
due to
-                                        * do size encoding */
+ * IO buffer sizes and FTDI device procotol sizes.
+ *
+ * Note that the output packet size in the following defines is not the usb
+ * protocol packet size based on bus speed, it is the size dictated by the FTDI
+ * device itself, and is used only on older chips.
+ *
+ * We allocate buffers bigger than the hardware's packet size, and process
+ * multiple packets within each buffer.  This allows the controller to make
+ * optimal use of the usb bus by conducting multiple transfers with the device
+ * during a single bus timeslice to fill or drain the chip's fifos.
+ *
+ * The output data on newer chips has no packet header, and we are able to pack
+ * any number of output bytes into a buffer.  On some older chips, each output
+ * packet contains a 1-byte header and up to 63 bytes of payload.  The size is
+ * encoded in 6 bits of the header, hence the 64-byte limit on packet size.  We
+ * loop to fill the buffer with many of these header+payload packets.
+ *
+ * The input data on all chips consists of packets which contain a 2-byte 
+ * followed by data payload.  The total size of the packet is wMaxPacketSize
+ * which can change based on the bus speed (e.g., 64 for full speed, 512 for
+ * high speed).  We loop to extract the headers and payloads from the packets
+ * packed into an input buffer.
+ */
+#define        UFTDI_IBUFSIZE  2048
+#define        UFTDI_IHDRSIZE     2
+#define        UFTDI_OBUFSIZE  2048
+#define        UFTDI_OPKTSIZE    64
 enum {
@@ -92,6 +128,21 @@ enum {
+enum {
+       DEVT_SIO,
+       DEVT_232A,
+       DEVT_232B,
+       DEVT_2232D,     /* Includes 2232C */
+       DEVT_232R,
+       DEVT_2232H,
+       DEVT_4232H,
+       DEVT_232H,
+       DEVT_230X,
+#define        DEVF_BAUDBITS_HINDEX    0x01    /* Baud bits in high byte of 
index. */
+#define        DEVF_BAUDCLK_12M        0X02    /* Base baud clock is 12MHz. */
 struct uftdi_softc {
        struct ucom_super_softc sc_super_ucom;
        struct ucom_softc sc_ucom;
@@ -104,16 +155,18 @@ struct uftdi_softc {
        uint32_t sc_unit;
        uint16_t sc_last_lcr;
+       uint16_t sc_bcdDevice;
-       uint8_t sc_type;
-       uint8_t sc_iface_index;
+       uint8_t sc_devtype;
+       uint8_t sc_devflags;
        uint8_t sc_hdrlen;
        uint8_t sc_msr;
        uint8_t sc_lsr;
 struct uftdi_param_config {
-       uint16_t rate;
+       uint16_t baud_lobits;
+       uint16_t baud_hibits;
        uint16_t lcr;
        uint8_t v_start;
        uint8_t v_stop;
@@ -132,20 +185,29 @@ static usb_callback_t uftdi_read_callbac
 static void    uftdi_free(struct ucom_softc *);
 static void    uftdi_cfg_open(struct ucom_softc *);
+static void    uftdi_cfg_close(struct ucom_softc *);
 static void    uftdi_cfg_set_dtr(struct ucom_softc *, uint8_t);
 static void    uftdi_cfg_set_rts(struct ucom_softc *, uint8_t);
 static void    uftdi_cfg_set_break(struct ucom_softc *, uint8_t);
-static int     uftdi_set_parm_soft(struct termios *,
-                   struct uftdi_param_config *, uint8_t);
+static int     uftdi_set_parm_soft(struct ucom_softc *, struct termios *,
+                   struct uftdi_param_config *);
 static int     uftdi_pre_param(struct ucom_softc *, struct termios *);
 static void    uftdi_cfg_param(struct ucom_softc *, struct termios *);
 static void    uftdi_cfg_get_status(struct ucom_softc *, uint8_t *,
                    uint8_t *);
+static int     uftdi_reset(struct ucom_softc *, int);
+static int     uftdi_set_bitmode(struct ucom_softc *, uint8_t, uint8_t);
+static int     uftdi_get_bitmode(struct ucom_softc *, uint8_t *);
+static int     uftdi_set_latency(struct ucom_softc *, int);
+static int     uftdi_get_latency(struct ucom_softc *, int *);
+static int     uftdi_set_event_char(struct ucom_softc *, int);
+static int     uftdi_set_error_char(struct ucom_softc *, int);
+static int     uftdi_ioctl(struct ucom_softc *, uint32_t, caddr_t, int,
+                   struct thread *);
 static void    uftdi_start_read(struct ucom_softc *);
 static void    uftdi_stop_read(struct ucom_softc *);
 static void    uftdi_start_write(struct ucom_softc *);
 static void    uftdi_stop_write(struct ucom_softc *);
-static uint8_t uftdi_8u232am_getrate(uint32_t, uint16_t *);
 static void    uftdi_poll(struct ucom_softc *ucom);
 static const struct usb_config uftdi_config[UFTDI_N_TRANSFER] = {
@@ -163,7 +225,7 @@ static const struct usb_config uftdi_con
                .type = UE_BULK,
                .endpoint = UE_ADDR_ANY,
                .direction = UE_DIR_IN,
-               .bufsize = 0,           /* use wMaxPacketSize */
+               .bufsize = UFTDI_IBUFSIZE,
                .flags = {.pipe_bof = 1,.short_xfer_ok = 1,},
                .callback = &uftdi_read_callback,
@@ -176,7 +238,9 @@ static const struct ucom_callback uftdi_
        .ucom_cfg_set_break = &uftdi_cfg_set_break,
        .ucom_cfg_param = &uftdi_cfg_param,
        .ucom_cfg_open = &uftdi_cfg_open,
+       .ucom_cfg_close = &uftdi_cfg_close,
        .ucom_pre_param = &uftdi_pre_param,
+       .ucom_ioctl = &uftdi_ioctl,
        .ucom_start_read = &uftdi_start_read,
        .ucom_stop_read = &uftdi_stop_read,
        .ucom_start_write = &uftdi_start_write,
@@ -847,6 +911,82 @@ static const STRUCT_USB_HOST_ID uftdi_de
 #undef UFTDI_DEV
+ * Set up softc fields whose value depends on the device type.
+ *
+ * Note that the 2232C and 2232D devices are the same for our purposes.  In the
+ * silicon the difference is that the D series has CPU FIFO mode and C doesn't.
+ * I haven't found any way of determining the C/D difference from info provided
+ * by the chip other than trying to set CPU FIFO mode and having it work or 
+ * 
+ * Due to a hardware bug, a 232B chip without an eeprom reports itself as a 
+ * 232A, but if the serial number is also zero we know it's really a 232B. 
+ */
+static void
+uftdi_devtype_setup(struct uftdi_softc *sc, struct usb_attach_arg *uaa)
+       struct usb_device_descriptor *dd;
+       sc->sc_bcdDevice = uaa->info.bcdDevice;
+       switch (uaa->info.bcdDevice) {
+       case 0x200:
+               dd = usbd_get_device_descriptor(sc->sc_udev);
+               if (dd->iSerialNumber == 0) {
+                       sc->sc_devtype = DEVT_232B;
+               } else {
+                       sc->sc_devtype = DEVT_232A;
+               }
+               sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno = 0;
+               break;
+       case 0x400:
+               sc->sc_devtype = DEVT_232B;
+               sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno = 0;
+               break;
+       case 0x500:
+               sc->sc_devtype = DEVT_2232D;
+               sc->sc_devflags |= DEVF_BAUDBITS_HINDEX;
+               sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno = FTDI_PIT_SIOA + uaa->info.bIfaceNum;
+               break;
+       case 0x600:
+               sc->sc_devtype = DEVT_232R;
+               sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno = 0;
+               break;
+       case 0x700:
+               sc->sc_devtype = DEVT_2232H;
+               sc->sc_devflags |= DEVF_BAUDBITS_HINDEX | DEVF_BAUDCLK_12M;
+               sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno = FTDI_PIT_SIOA + uaa->info.bIfaceNum;
+               break;
+       case 0x800:
+               sc->sc_devtype = DEVT_4232H;
+               sc->sc_devflags |= DEVF_BAUDBITS_HINDEX | DEVF_BAUDCLK_12M;
+               sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno = FTDI_PIT_SIOA + uaa->info.bIfaceNum;
+               break;
+       case 0x900:
+               sc->sc_devtype = DEVT_232H;
+               sc->sc_devflags |= DEVF_BAUDBITS_HINDEX | DEVF_BAUDCLK_12M;
+               sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno = FTDI_PIT_SIOA + uaa->info.bIfaceNum;
+               break;
+       case 0x1000:
+               sc->sc_devtype = DEVT_230X;
+               sc->sc_devflags |= DEVF_BAUDBITS_HINDEX;
+               sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno = FTDI_PIT_SIOA + uaa->info.bIfaceNum;
+               break;
+       default:
+               if (uaa->info.bcdDevice < 0x200) {
+                       sc->sc_devtype = DEVT_SIO;
+                       sc->sc_hdrlen = 1;
+               } else {
+                       sc->sc_devtype = DEVT_232R;
+                       device_printf(sc->sc_dev, "Warning: unknown FTDI "
+                           "device type, bcdDevice=0x%04x, assuming 232R", 
+                           uaa->info.bcdDevice);
+               }
+               sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno = 0;
+               break;
+       }
 static int
 uftdi_probe(device_t dev)
@@ -886,6 +1026,8 @@ uftdi_attach(device_t dev)
        struct uftdi_softc *sc = device_get_softc(dev);
        int error;
+       DPRINTF("\n");
        sc->sc_udev = uaa->device;
        sc->sc_dev = dev;
        sc->sc_unit = device_get_unit(dev);
@@ -894,34 +1036,11 @@ uftdi_attach(device_t dev)
        mtx_init(&sc->sc_mtx, "uftdi", NULL, MTX_DEF);
-       DPRINTF("\n");
-       sc->sc_iface_index = uaa->info.bIfaceIndex;
-       sc->sc_type = USB_GET_DRIVER_INFO(uaa) & UFTDI_TYPE_MASK;
-       switch (sc->sc_type) {
-       case UFTDI_TYPE_AUTO:
-               /* simplified type check */
-               if (uaa->info.bcdDevice >= 0x0200 ||
-                   usbd_get_iface(uaa->device, 1) != NULL) {
-                       sc->sc_type = UFTDI_TYPE_8U232AM;
-                       sc->sc_hdrlen = 0;
-               } else {
-                       sc->sc_type = UFTDI_TYPE_SIO;
-                       sc->sc_hdrlen = 1;
-               }
-               break;
-       case UFTDI_TYPE_SIO:
-               sc->sc_hdrlen = 1;
-               break;
-       case UFTDI_TYPE_8U232AM:
-       default:
-               sc->sc_hdrlen = 0;
-               break;
-       }
+       uftdi_devtype_setup(sc, uaa);
        error = usbd_transfer_setup(uaa->device,
-           &sc->sc_iface_index, sc->sc_xfer, uftdi_config,
+           &uaa->info.bIfaceIndex, sc->sc_xfer, uftdi_config,
            UFTDI_N_TRANSFER, sc, &sc->sc_mtx);
        if (error) {
@@ -929,8 +1048,6 @@ uftdi_attach(device_t dev)
                    "transfers failed\n");
                goto detach;
-       sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno = FTDI_PIT_SIOA + uaa->info.bIfaceNum;
        /* clear stall at first run */
@@ -993,37 +1110,25 @@ uftdi_free(struct ucom_softc *ucom)
 static void
 uftdi_cfg_open(struct ucom_softc *ucom)
-       struct uftdi_softc *sc = ucom->sc_parent;
-       uint16_t wIndex = ucom->sc_portno;
-       struct usb_device_request req;
+       /*
+        * This do-nothing open routine exists for the sole purpose of this
+        * DPRINTF() so that you can see the point at which open gets called
+        * when debugging is enabled.
+        */
-       /* perform a full reset on the device */
-       req.bmRequestType = UT_WRITE_VENDOR_DEVICE;
-       req.bRequest = FTDI_SIO_RESET;
-       USETW(req.wValue, FTDI_SIO_RESET_SIO);
-       USETW(req.wIndex, wIndex);
-       USETW(req.wLength, 0);
-       ucom_cfg_do_request(sc->sc_udev, &sc->sc_ucom, 
-           &req, NULL, 0, 1000);
-       /* turn on RTS/CTS flow control */
-       req.bmRequestType = UT_WRITE_VENDOR_DEVICE;
-       req.bRequest = FTDI_SIO_SET_FLOW_CTRL;
-       USETW(req.wValue, 0);
-       USETW2(req.wIndex, FTDI_SIO_RTS_CTS_HS, wIndex);
-       USETW(req.wLength, 0);
-       ucom_cfg_do_request(sc->sc_udev, &sc->sc_ucom, 
-           &req, NULL, 0, 1000);
+static void
+uftdi_cfg_close(struct ucom_softc *ucom)
-        * NOTE: with the new UCOM layer there will always be a
-        * "uftdi_cfg_param()" call after "open()", so there is no need for
-        * "open()" to configure anything
+        * This do-nothing close routine exists for the sole purpose of this
+        * DPRINTF() so that you can see the point at which close gets called
+        * when debugging is enabled.
+       DPRINTF("");
 static void
@@ -1031,35 +1136,53 @@ uftdi_write_callback(struct usb_xfer *xf
        struct uftdi_softc *sc = usbd_xfer_softc(xfer);
        struct usb_page_cache *pc;
-       uint32_t actlen;
+       uint32_t pktlen;
+       uint32_t buflen;
        uint8_t buf[1];
        switch (USB_GET_STATE(xfer)) {
+       default:                        /* Error */
+               if (error != USB_ERR_CANCELLED) {
+                       /* try to clear stall first */
+                       usbd_xfer_set_stall(xfer);
+               }
+               /* FALLTHROUGH */
        case USB_ST_SETUP:
        case USB_ST_TRANSFERRED:
+               /*
+                * If output packets don't require headers (the common case) we
+                * can just load the buffer up with payload bytes all at once.
+                * Otherwise, loop to format packets into the buffer while there
+                * is data available, and room for a packet header and at least
+                * one byte of payload.
+                *
+                * NOTE: The FTDI chip doesn't accept zero length
+                * packets. This cannot happen because the "pktlen"
+                * will always be non-zero when "ucom_get_data()"
+                * returns non-zero which we check below.
+                */
                pc = usbd_xfer_get_frame(xfer, 0);
-               if (ucom_get_data(&sc->sc_ucom, pc,
-                   sc->sc_hdrlen, UFTDI_OBUFSIZE - sc->sc_hdrlen,
-                   &actlen)) {
-                       if (sc->sc_hdrlen > 0) {
-                               buf[0] =
-                                   FTDI_OUT_TAG(actlen, sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno);
-                               usbd_copy_in(pc, 0, buf, 1);
+               if (sc->sc_hdrlen == 0) {
+                       if (ucom_get_data(&sc->sc_ucom, pc, 0, UFTDI_OBUFSIZE, 
+                           &buflen) == 0)
+                               break;
+               } else {
+                       buflen = 0;
+                       while (buflen < UFTDI_OBUFSIZE - sc->sc_hdrlen - 1 &&
+                           ucom_get_data(&sc->sc_ucom, pc, buflen + 
+                           sc->sc_hdrlen, UFTDI_OPKTSIZE - sc->sc_hdrlen, 
+                           &pktlen) != 0) {
+                               buf[0] = FTDI_OUT_TAG(pktlen, 
+                                   sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno);
+                               usbd_copy_in(pc, buflen, buf, 1);
+                               buflen += pktlen + sc->sc_hdrlen;
-                       usbd_xfer_set_frame_len(xfer, 0, actlen + 
-                       usbd_transfer_submit(xfer);
-               return;
-       default:                        /* Error */
-               if (error != USB_ERR_CANCELLED) {
-                       /* try to clear stall first */
-                       usbd_xfer_set_stall(xfer);
-                       goto tr_setup;
+               if (buflen != 0) {
+                       usbd_xfer_set_frame_len(xfer, 0, buflen);
+                       usbd_transfer_submit(xfer);
-               return;
+               break;
@@ -1072,23 +1195,47 @@ uftdi_read_callback(struct usb_xfer *xfe
        uint8_t ftdi_msr;
        uint8_t msr;
        uint8_t lsr;
-       int actlen;
+       int buflen;
+       int pktlen;
+       int pktmax;
+       int offset;
-       usbd_xfer_status(xfer, &actlen, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+       usbd_xfer_status(xfer, &buflen, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        switch (USB_GET_STATE(xfer)) {
        case USB_ST_TRANSFERRED:
-               if (actlen < 2) {
+               if (buflen < UFTDI_IHDRSIZE)
                        goto tr_setup;
-               }
                pc = usbd_xfer_get_frame(xfer, 0);
-               usbd_copy_out(pc, 0, buf, 2);
+               pktmax = xfer->max_packet_size - UFTDI_IHDRSIZE;
+               lsr = 0;
+               msr = 0;
+               offset = 0;
+               /*
+                * Extract packet headers and payload bytes from the buffer.
+                * Feed payload bytes to ucom/tty layer; OR-accumulate header
+                * status bits which are transient and could toggle with each
+                * packet. After processing all packets in the buffer, process
+                * the accumulated transient MSR and LSR values along with the
+                * non-transient bits from the last packet header.
+                */
+               while (buflen >= UFTDI_IHDRSIZE) {
+                       usbd_copy_out(pc, offset, buf, UFTDI_IHDRSIZE);
+                       offset += UFTDI_IHDRSIZE;
+                       buflen -= UFTDI_IHDRSIZE;
+                       lsr |= FTDI_GET_LSR(buf);
+                       if (FTDI_GET_MSR(buf) & FTDI_SIO_RI_MASK)
+                               msr |= SER_RI;
+                       pktlen = min(buflen, pktmax);
+                       if (pktlen != 0) {
+                               ucom_put_data(&sc->sc_ucom, pc, offset, 
+                                   pktlen);
+                               offset += pktlen;
+                               buflen -= pktlen;
+                       }
+               }
                ftdi_msr = FTDI_GET_MSR(buf);
-               lsr = FTDI_GET_LSR(buf);
-               msr = 0;
                if (ftdi_msr & FTDI_SIO_CTS_MASK)
                        msr |= SER_CTS;
                if (ftdi_msr & FTDI_SIO_DSR_MASK)
@@ -1109,11 +1256,7 @@ uftdi_read_callback(struct usb_xfer *xfe
-               actlen -= 2;
-               if (actlen > 0) {
-                       ucom_put_data(&sc->sc_ucom, pc, 2, actlen);
-               }
+               /* FALLTHROUGH */
        case USB_ST_SETUP:
                usbd_xfer_set_frame_len(xfer, 0, usbd_xfer_max_len(xfer));
@@ -1193,58 +1336,162 @@ uftdi_cfg_set_break(struct ucom_softc *u
            &req, NULL, 0, 1000);
-static int
-uftdi_set_parm_soft(struct termios *t,
-    struct uftdi_param_config *cfg, uint8_t type)
+ * Return true if the given speed is within operational tolerance of the target
+ * speed.  FTDI recommends that the hardware speed be within 3% of nominal.
+ */
+static inline boolean_t
+uftdi_baud_within_tolerance(uint64_t speed, uint64_t target)
+       return ((speed >= (target * 100) / 103) &&
+           (speed <= (target * 100) / 97));
-       memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg));
+static int
+uftdi_sio_encode_baudrate(struct uftdi_softc *sc, speed_t speed,
+       struct uftdi_param_config *cfg)
+       u_int i;
+       const speed_t sio_speeds[] = {
+               300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
+       };
-       switch (type) {
-       case UFTDI_TYPE_SIO:
-               switch (t->c_ospeed) {
-               case 300:
-                       cfg->rate = ftdi_sio_b300;
-                       break;
-               case 600:
-                       cfg->rate = ftdi_sio_b600;
-                       break;
-               case 1200:
-                       cfg->rate = ftdi_sio_b1200;
-                       break;
-               case 2400:
-                       cfg->rate = ftdi_sio_b2400;
-                       break;
-               case 4800:
-                       cfg->rate = ftdi_sio_b4800;
-                       break;
-               case 9600:
-                       cfg->rate = ftdi_sio_b9600;
-                       break;
-               case 19200:
-                       cfg->rate = ftdi_sio_b19200;
-                       break;
-               case 38400:
-                       cfg->rate = ftdi_sio_b38400;
-                       break;
-               case 57600:
-                       cfg->rate = ftdi_sio_b57600;
-                       break;
-               case 115200:
-                       cfg->rate = ftdi_sio_b115200;
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       return (EINVAL);
+       /*
+        * The original SIO chips were limited to a small choice of speeds
+        * listed in an internal table of speeds chosen by an index value.
+        */
+       for (i = 0; i < nitems(sio_speeds); ++i) {
+               if (speed == sio_speeds[i]) {
+                       cfg->baud_lobits = i;
+                       cfg->baud_hibits = 0;
+                       return (0);
-               break;
+       }
+       return (ERANGE);
-       case UFTDI_TYPE_8U232AM:
-               if (uftdi_8u232am_getrate(t->c_ospeed, &cfg->rate)) {
-                       return (EINVAL);
-               }
-               break;
+static int
+uftdi_encode_baudrate(struct uftdi_softc *sc, speed_t speed,
+       struct uftdi_param_config *cfg)
+       static const uint8_t encoded_fraction[8] = {0, 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6, 7};
+       static const uint8_t roundoff_232a[16] = {
+               0,  1,  0,  1,  0, -1,  2,  1,
+               0, -1, -2, -3,  4,  3,  2,  1,
+       };
+       uint32_t clk, divisor, fastclk_flag, frac, hwspeed;
+       /*
+        * If this chip has the fast clock capability and the speed is within
+        * range, use the 12MHz clock, otherwise the standard clock is 3MHz.
+        */
+       if ((sc->sc_devflags & DEVF_BAUDCLK_12M) && speed >= 1200) {
+               clk = 12000000;
+               fastclk_flag = (1 << 17);
+       } else {
+               clk = 3000000;
+               fastclk_flag = 0;
+       }
+       /*
+        * Make sure the requested speed is reachable with the available clock
+        * and a 14-bit divisor.
+        */
+       if (speed < (clk >> 14) || speed > clk)
+               return (ERANGE);
+       /*
+        * Calculate the divisor, initially yielding a fixed point number with a
+        * 4-bit (1/16ths) fraction, then round it to the nearest fraction the
+        * hardware can handle.  When the integral part of the divisor is
+        * greater than one, the fractional part is in 1/8ths of the base clock.
+        * The FT8U232AM chips can handle only 0.125, 0.250, and 0.5 fractions.
+        * Later chips can handle all 1/8th fractions.
+        *
+        * If the integral part of the divisor is 1, a special rule applies: the
+        * fractional part can only be .0 or .5 (this is a limitation of the
+        * hardware).  We handle this by truncating the fraction rather than
+        * rounding, because this only applies to the two fastest speeds the
+        * chip can achieve and rounding doesn't matter, either you've asked for
+        * that exact speed or you've asked for something the chip can't do.
+        *
+        * For the FT8U232AM chips, use a roundoff table to adjust the result
+        * to the nearest 1/8th fraction that is supported by the hardware,
+        * leaving a fixed-point number with a 3-bit fraction which exactly
+        * represents the math the hardware divider will do.  For later-series
+        * chips that support all 8 fractional divisors, just round 16ths to
+        * 8ths by adding 1 and dividing by 2.
+        */
+       divisor = (clk << 4) / speed;
+       if ((divisor & 0xf) == 1)
+               divisor &= 0xfffffff8;
+       else if (sc->sc_devtype == DEVT_232A)
+               divisor += roundoff_232a[divisor & 0x0f];
+       else
+               divisor += 1;  /* Rounds odd 16ths up to next 8th. */
+       divisor >>= 1;
+       /*
+        * Ensure the resulting hardware speed will be within operational
+        * tolerance (within 3% of nominal).
+        */
+       hwspeed = (clk << 3) / divisor;
+       if (!uftdi_baud_within_tolerance(hwspeed, speed))
+               return (ERANGE);
+       /*
+        * Re-pack the divisor into hardware format. The lower 14-bits hold the
+        * integral part, while the upper bits specify the fraction by indexing
+        * a table of fractions within the hardware which is laid out as:
+        *    {0.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.325, 0.625, 0.725, 0.875}
+        * The A-series chips only have the first four table entries; the
+        * roundoff table logic above ensures that the fractional part for those
+        * chips will be one of the first four values.
+        *
+        * When the divisor is 1 a special encoding applies:  1.0 is encoded as
+        * 0.0, and 1.5 is encoded as 1.0.  The rounding logic above has already
+        * ensured that the fraction is either .0 or .5 if the integral is 1.
+        */
+       frac = divisor & 0x07;
+       divisor >>= 3;
+       if (divisor == 1) {
+               if (frac == 0)
+                       divisor = 0;  /* 1.0 becomes 0.0 */
+               else
+                       frac = 0;     /* 1.5 becomes 1.0 */
+       }
+       divisor |= (encoded_fraction[frac] << 14) | fastclk_flag;
+       cfg->baud_lobits = (uint16_t)divisor;
+       cfg->baud_hibits = (uint16_t)(divisor >> 16);
+       /*
+        * If this chip requires the baud bits to be in the high byte of the
+        * index word, move the bits up to that location.
+        */
+       if (sc->sc_devflags & DEVF_BAUDBITS_HINDEX) {
+               cfg->baud_hibits <<= 8;
+       return (0);
+static int
+uftdi_set_parm_soft(struct ucom_softc *ucom, struct termios *t,
+    struct uftdi_param_config *cfg)
+       struct uftdi_softc *sc = ucom->sc_parent;
+       int err;
+       memset(cfg, 0, sizeof(*cfg));
+       if (sc->sc_devtype == DEVT_SIO)
+               err = uftdi_sio_encode_baudrate(sc, t->c_ospeed, cfg);
+       else
+               err = uftdi_encode_baudrate(sc, t->c_ospeed, cfg);
+       if (err != 0)
+               return (err);
        if (t->c_cflag & CSTOPB)
                cfg->lcr = FTDI_SIO_SET_DATA_STOP_BITS_2;
@@ -1294,12 +1541,11 @@ uftdi_set_parm_soft(struct termios *t,
 static int
 uftdi_pre_param(struct ucom_softc *ucom, struct termios *t)
-       struct uftdi_softc *sc = ucom->sc_parent;
        struct uftdi_param_config cfg;
-       return (uftdi_set_parm_soft(t, &cfg, sc->sc_type));
+       return (uftdi_set_parm_soft(ucom, t, &cfg));
 static void
@@ -1310,7 +1556,7 @@ uftdi_cfg_param(struct ucom_softc *ucom,
        struct uftdi_param_config cfg;
        struct usb_device_request req;
-       if (uftdi_set_parm_soft(t, &cfg, sc->sc_type)) {
+       if (uftdi_set_parm_soft(ucom, t, &cfg)) {
                /* should not happen */
@@ -1320,8 +1566,8 @@ uftdi_cfg_param(struct ucom_softc *ucom,
        req.bmRequestType = UT_WRITE_VENDOR_DEVICE;
        req.bRequest = FTDI_SIO_SET_BAUD_RATE;
-       USETW(req.wValue, cfg.rate);
-       USETW(req.wIndex, wIndex);
+       USETW(req.wValue, cfg.baud_lobits);
+       USETW(req.wIndex, cfg.baud_hibits | wIndex);
        USETW(req.wLength, 0);
        ucom_cfg_do_request(sc->sc_udev, &sc->sc_ucom, 
            &req, NULL, 0, 1000);
@@ -1355,6 +1601,187 @@ uftdi_cfg_get_status(struct ucom_softc *
        *lsr = sc->sc_lsr;
+static int
+uftdi_reset(struct ucom_softc *ucom, int reset_type)
+       struct uftdi_softc *sc = ucom->sc_parent;
+       usb_device_request_t req;
+       req.bmRequestType = UT_WRITE_VENDOR_DEVICE;
+       req.bRequest = FTDI_SIO_RESET;
+       USETW(req.wIndex, sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno);
+       USETW(req.wLength, 0);
+       USETW(req.wValue, reset_type);
+       return (usbd_do_request(sc->sc_udev, &sc->sc_mtx, &req, NULL));
+static int
+uftdi_set_bitmode(struct ucom_softc *ucom, uint8_t bitmode, uint8_t iomask)
+       struct uftdi_softc *sc = ucom->sc_parent;
+       usb_device_request_t req;
+       req.bmRequestType = UT_WRITE_VENDOR_DEVICE;
+       req.bRequest = FTDI_SIO_SET_BITMODE;
+       USETW(req.wIndex, sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno);
+       USETW(req.wLength, 0);
+       if (bitmode == UFTDI_BITMODE_NONE)
+           USETW2(req.wValue, 0, 0);
+       else
+           USETW2(req.wValue, (1 << bitmode), iomask);
+       return (usbd_do_request(sc->sc_udev, &sc->sc_mtx, &req, NULL));
+static int
+uftdi_get_bitmode(struct ucom_softc *ucom, uint8_t *iomask)
+       struct uftdi_softc *sc = ucom->sc_parent;
+       usb_device_request_t req;
+       req.bmRequestType = UT_WRITE_VENDOR_DEVICE;
+       req.bRequest = FTDI_SIO_GET_BITMODE;
+       USETW(req.wIndex, sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno);
+       USETW(req.wLength, 1);
+       USETW(req.wValue,  0);
+       return (usbd_do_request(sc->sc_udev, &sc->sc_mtx, &req, iomask));
+static int
+uftdi_set_latency(struct ucom_softc *ucom, int latency)
+       struct uftdi_softc *sc = ucom->sc_parent;
+       usb_device_request_t req;
+       if (latency < 0 || latency > 255)
+               return (USB_ERR_INVAL);
+       req.bmRequestType = UT_WRITE_VENDOR_DEVICE;
+       req.bRequest = FTDI_SIO_SET_LATENCY;
+       USETW(req.wIndex, sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno);
+       USETW(req.wLength, 0);
+       USETW2(req.wValue, 0, latency);
+       return (usbd_do_request(sc->sc_udev, &sc->sc_mtx, &req, NULL));
+static int
+uftdi_get_latency(struct ucom_softc *ucom, int *latency)
+       struct uftdi_softc *sc = ucom->sc_parent;
+       usb_device_request_t req;
+       usb_error_t err;
+       uint8_t buf;
+       req.bmRequestType = UT_WRITE_VENDOR_DEVICE;
+       req.bRequest = FTDI_SIO_GET_LATENCY;
+       USETW(req.wIndex, sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno);
+       USETW(req.wLength, 1);
+       USETW(req.wValue, 0);
+       err = usbd_do_request(sc->sc_udev, &sc->sc_mtx, &req, &buf);
+       *latency = buf;
+       return (err);
+static int
+uftdi_set_event_char(struct ucom_softc *ucom, int echar)
+       struct uftdi_softc *sc = ucom->sc_parent;
+       usb_device_request_t req;
+       uint8_t enable;
+       enable = (echar == -1) ? 0 : 1;
+       req.bmRequestType = UT_WRITE_VENDOR_DEVICE;
+       req.bRequest = FTDI_SIO_SET_EVENT_CHAR;
+       USETW(req.wIndex, sc->sc_ucom.sc_portno);
+       USETW(req.wLength, 0);
+       USETW2(req.wValue, enable, echar & 0xff);
+       return (usbd_do_request(sc->sc_udev, &sc->sc_mtx, &req, NULL));
+static int
+uftdi_set_error_char(struct ucom_softc *ucom, int echar)
+       struct uftdi_softc *sc = ucom->sc_parent;
+       usb_device_request_t req;
+       uint8_t enable;
+       enable = (echar == -1) ? 0 : 1;
+       req.bmRequestType = UT_WRITE_VENDOR_DEVICE;
+       req.bRequest = FTDI_SIO_SET_ERROR_CHAR;

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