On Mon, 17 Feb 2014, Mark Felder wrote:

 Fix formatting.

 "Manpages should start a new sentence on a new line. This makes it easier
 for translators to track changes." -jhb

This has very little to do with translators.

This makes it possible for man(1) to format the output correctly, at least
for monospaced fonts.

Modified: head/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/cmd/zpool/zpool.8
--- head/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/cmd/zpool/zpool.8     Mon Feb 17 13:19:27 
2014        (r262050)
+++ head/cddl/contrib/opensolaris/cmd/zpool/zpool.8     Mon Feb 17 13:23:49 
2014        (r262051)
@@ -1960,5 +1960,5 @@ implementation of this manual page was i
.Cm spare
feature requires a utility to detect zpool degradation and initiate
-disk replacement within the zpool. FreeBSD does not provide such a
-utility at this time.
+disk replacement within the zpool.
+FreeBSD does not provide such a utility at this time.

Not splitting the line gave a hard-coded the sentence break of 1 space. Splitting the line allows man(1) to format with the default number of
spaces.  The default isn't 1.

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