On 7 лютого 2014 р. 23:27:58 GMT+02:00, Ed Schouten <e...@80386.nl> wrote:
>Hi Aleksandr,
>On 7 February 2014 16:10, Aleksandr Rybalko <r...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> On Fri, 7 Feb 2014 15:04:47 +0100
>> Ed Schouten <e...@80386.nl> wrote:
>>> On 7 February 2014 13:39, Aleksandr Rybalko <r...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> Also people asking me about advanced features of vt(9), like use
>> multiple displays. I'm not sure, but signed coordinates may help with
>> some things on that way (or makes more problems :) ).
>But if you were to have multiple displays, you should have separate
>coordinate systems per display. It should not be seen as a single

I don't really know yet how that will be implemented. :-)

>>> Furthermore, I think it's a bit weird that vga_bitbltchr() contains
>>> explicit bounds checking. What happened there? I remember at one
>>> in time, we had the nice invariant that vt(9) never attempted to
>>> outside of the display resolution. What caused us to give up on
>> Mouse cursor allowed to partially go out of screen, so we have to
>> (or use special function for mouse cursor).
>Well, that's a compelling argument. Still, it's a bit weird then that
>the bitblt function itself does not take signed coordinates. Would it
>make sense to bring that in sync then?
Yup, this is good idea to sync them. Will do that a bit later.

Thanks a lot Ed!

Let me know if you will have something more.

Aleksandr Rybalko <r...@ddteam.net>

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