Author: ken
Date: Wed Aug 28 19:22:09 2013
New Revision: 255000

  MFC 254416:
    r254416 | ken | 2013-08-16 10:14:32 -0600 (Fri, 16 Aug 2013) | 24 lines
    Add unmapped I/O and larger I/O support to the sa(4) driver.
    We now pay attention to the maxio field in the XPT_PATH_INQ CCB,
    and if it is set, propagate it up to physio via the si_iosize_max
    field in the cdev structure.
    We also now pay attention to the PIM_UNMAPPED capability bit in the
    XPT_PATH_INQ CCB, and set the new SI_UNMAPPED cdev flag when the
    underlying SIM supports unmapped I/O.
    scsi_sa.c:  Add unmapped I/O support and propagate the SIM's
                maximum I/O size up.
                Adjust scsi_tape_read_write() in the same way that
                scsi_read_write() was changed to support unmapped
                I/O.  We overload the readop parameter with bits
                that tell us whether it's an unmapped I/O, and we
                need to set the CAM_DATA_BIO CCB flag.  This change
                should be backwards compatible in source and
                binary forms.
    Sponsored by:       Spectra Logic

Directory Properties:
  stable/9/sys/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/9/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_sa.c
--- stable/9/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_sa.c     Wed Aug 28 19:06:22 2013        
+++ stable/9/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_sa.c     Wed Aug 28 19:22:09 2013        
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ struct sa_softc {
        sa_state        state;
        sa_flags        flags;
        sa_quirks       quirks;
+       u_int           si_flags;
        struct          bio_queue_head bio_queue;
        int             queue_count;
        struct          devstat *device_stats;
@@ -221,6 +222,7 @@ struct sa_softc {
        int             blk_shift;
        u_int32_t       max_blk;
        u_int32_t       min_blk;
+       u_int32_t       maxio;
        u_int32_t       comp_algorithm;
        u_int32_t       saved_comp_algorithm;
        u_int32_t       media_blksize;
@@ -447,7 +449,7 @@ static struct cdevsw sa_cdevsw = {
        .d_ioctl =      saioctl,
        .d_strategy =   sastrategy,
        .d_name =       "sa",
-       .d_flags =      D_TAPE | D_NEEDGIANT,
+       .d_flags =      D_TAPE,
 static int
@@ -1506,10 +1508,29 @@ saregister(struct cam_periph *periph, vo
            DEVSTAT_BS_UNAVAILABLE, SID_TYPE(&cgd->inq_data) |
            XPORT_DEVSTAT_TYPE(cpi.transport), DEVSTAT_PRIORITY_TAPE);
+       /*
+        * If maxio isn't set, we fall back to DFLTPHYS.  If it is set, we
+        * take it whether or not it's larger than MAXPHYS.  physio will
+        * break it down into pieces small enough to fit in a buffer.
+        */
+       if (cpi.maxio == 0)
+               softc->maxio = DFLTPHYS;
+       else
+               softc->maxio = cpi.maxio;
+       /*
+        * If the SIM supports unmapped I/O, let physio know that we can
+        * handle unmapped buffers.
+        */
+       if (cpi.hba_misc & PIM_UNMAPPED)
+               softc->si_flags = SI_UNMAPPED;
        softc->devs.ctl_dev = make_dev(&sa_cdevsw, SAMINOR(SA_CTLDEV,
            0660, "%s%d.ctl", periph->periph_name, periph->unit_number);
        softc->devs.ctl_dev->si_drv1 = periph;
+       softc->devs.ctl_dev->si_iosize_max = softc->maxio;
+       softc->devs.ctl_dev->si_flags |= softc->si_flags;
        for (i = 0; i < SA_NUM_MODES; i++) {
@@ -1518,18 +1539,24 @@ saregister(struct cam_periph *periph, vo
                    UID_ROOT, GID_OPERATOR, 0660, "%s%d.%d",
                    periph->periph_name, periph->unit_number, i);
                softc->devs.mode_devs[i].r_dev->si_drv1 = periph;
+               softc->devs.mode_devs[i].r_dev->si_iosize_max = softc->maxio;
+               softc->devs.mode_devs[i].r_dev->si_flags |= softc->si_flags;
                softc->devs.mode_devs[i].nr_dev = make_dev(&sa_cdevsw,
                    SAMINOR(SA_NOT_CTLDEV, i, SA_ATYPE_NR),
                    UID_ROOT, GID_OPERATOR, 0660, "n%s%d.%d",
                    periph->periph_name, periph->unit_number, i);
                softc->devs.mode_devs[i].nr_dev->si_drv1 = periph;
+               softc->devs.mode_devs[i].nr_dev->si_iosize_max = softc->maxio;
+               softc->devs.mode_devs[i].nr_dev->si_flags |= softc->si_flags;
                softc->devs.mode_devs[i].er_dev = make_dev(&sa_cdevsw,
                    SAMINOR(SA_NOT_CTLDEV, i, SA_ATYPE_ER),
                    UID_ROOT, GID_OPERATOR, 0660, "e%s%d.%d",
                    periph->periph_name, periph->unit_number, i);
                softc->devs.mode_devs[i].er_dev->si_drv1 = periph;
+               softc->devs.mode_devs[i].er_dev->si_iosize_max = softc->maxio;
+               softc->devs.mode_devs[i].er_dev->si_flags |= softc->si_flags;
                 * Make the (well known) aliases for the first mode.
@@ -1540,12 +1567,20 @@ saregister(struct cam_periph *periph, vo
                        alias = make_dev_alias(softc->devs.mode_devs[i].r_dev,
                           "%s%d", periph->periph_name, periph->unit_number);
                        alias->si_drv1 = periph;
+                       alias->si_iosize_max = softc->maxio;
+                       alias->si_flags |= softc->si_flags;
                        alias = make_dev_alias(softc->devs.mode_devs[i].nr_dev,
                            "n%s%d", periph->periph_name, periph->unit_number);
                        alias->si_drv1 = periph;
+                       alias->si_iosize_max = softc->maxio;
+                       alias->si_flags |= softc->si_flags;
                        alias = make_dev_alias(softc->devs.mode_devs[i].er_dev,
                            "e%s%d", periph->periph_name, periph->unit_number);
                        alias->si_drv1 = periph;
+                       alias->si_iosize_max = softc->maxio;
+                       alias->si_flags |= softc->si_flags;
@@ -1694,9 +1729,13 @@ again:
                        softc->dsreg = (bp->bio_cmd == BIO_READ)?
                            MTIO_DSREG_RD : MTIO_DSREG_WR;
                        scsi_sa_read_write(&start_ccb->csio, 0, sadone,
-                           MSG_SIMPLE_Q_TAG, (bp->bio_cmd == BIO_READ),
-                           FALSE, (softc->flags & SA_FLAG_FIXED) != 0,
-                           length, bp->bio_data, bp->bio_bcount, SSD_FULL_SIZE,
+                           MSG_SIMPLE_Q_TAG, (bp->bio_cmd == BIO_READ ? 
+                           SCSI_RW_READ : SCSI_RW_WRITE) |
+                           ((bp->bio_flags & BIO_UNMAPPED) != 0 ?
+                           SCSI_RW_BIO : 0), FALSE,
+                           (softc->flags & SA_FLAG_FIXED) != 0, length,
+                           (bp->bio_flags & BIO_UNMAPPED) != 0 ? (void *)bp :
+                           bp->bio_data, bp->bio_bcount, SSD_FULL_SIZE,
                        start_ccb->ccb_h.ccb_pflags &= ~SA_POSITION_UPDATED;
                        Set_CCB_Type(start_ccb, SA_CCB_BUFFER_IO);
@@ -3431,18 +3470,22 @@ scsi_sa_read_write(struct ccb_scsiio *cs
                   u_int32_t dxfer_len, u_int8_t sense_len, u_int32_t timeout)
        struct scsi_sa_rw *scsi_cmd;
+       int read;
+       read = (readop & SCSI_RW_DIRMASK) == SCSI_RW_READ;
        scsi_cmd = (struct scsi_sa_rw *)&csio->cdb_io.cdb_bytes;
-       scsi_cmd->opcode = readop ? SA_READ : SA_WRITE;
+       scsi_cmd->opcode = read ? SA_READ : SA_WRITE;
        scsi_cmd->sli_fixed = 0;
-       if (sli && readop)
+       if (sli && read)
                scsi_cmd->sli_fixed |= SAR_SLI;
        if (fixed)
                scsi_cmd->sli_fixed |= SARW_FIXED;
        scsi_ulto3b(length, scsi_cmd->length);
        scsi_cmd->control = 0;
-       cam_fill_csio(csio, retries, cbfcnp, readop ? CAM_DIR_IN : CAM_DIR_OUT,
+       cam_fill_csio(csio, retries, cbfcnp, (read ? CAM_DIR_IN : CAM_DIR_OUT) |
+           ((readop & SCSI_RW_BIO) != 0 ? CAM_DATA_BIO : 0),
            tag_action, data_ptr, dxfer_len, sense_len,
            sizeof(*scsi_cmd), timeout);
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