On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Ivan Voras <ivo...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On 28 August 2013 12:44, Davide Italiano <dav...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> Do you realize that this is a driven by commit change, right? And
>> there's no technical motivatiion about this or experimental data that
>> confirms you've chossen the right value?
>> I see from the archives that you didn't get any feedback by anyone
>> working in the VM layer or by some UFS maintainer.
>> I don't even comment about discussing -CURRENT changes in stable@.
> You have a point that this was a judgment call, but note that the last
> change to dirhash tuning (maxmem) was also done by me. Since this is
> -CURRENT, I will leave this commit in unless it proves detrimental in
> the usual testing which goes on.

If 10.0 would be one or two years away, I would be OK with that. But
we're already in code slush and in 10 days -CURRENT will become
-STABLE'ish so I'm worried this change won't have the right exposure.
I would be more happy to see it postponed, maybe after proper
discussion and testing. I'm not against the change as-it-is, my point
is that the project reached a point of maturity where 'judgment calls'
doesn't work very well. It's more a matter of "how things are done"
rather than "what things are done".

> If you still feel strongly about this, contact me in private and we'll
> investigate its effects in more detail.

I prefer to see a public discussion about this. Maybe you should come
up with some evidence that your change is helpful, even after this


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