Author: cy
Date: Tue Aug 20 13:19:35 2013
New Revision: 254560

  Document the FreeBSD use of IP-FIlter under the previously existing non-GPL
  Approved by:  Darren Reed <> (IP-Filter author)
                glebius (mentor)


Added: vendor/ipfilter/dist/IPFILTER.LICENCE.FreeBSD
--- /dev/null   00:00:00 1970   (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ vendor/ipfilter/dist/IPFILTER.LICENCE.FreeBSD       Tue Aug 20 13:19:35 
2013        (r254560)
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
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+Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 23:54:16 +1000
+From: Darren Reed <>
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+MIME-Version: 1.0
+To: Cy Schubert <>
+CC: Gleb Smirnoff <>, Andre Oppermann <>,
+        Pedro Giffuni <>
+Subject: Re: IP Filter 5.1.2 License
+References: <>
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+On 2/07/2013 1:13 AM, Cy Schubert wrote:
+> In message <>, Darren Reed writes:
+>> On 25/06/2013 11:03 AM, Cy Schubert wrote:
+>>> Hi Darren,
+>>> I'm not sure if you remember me or not but I'm a committer at the FreeBSD 
+>>> Project. I've been a long time IPF user, both under FreeBSD and Solaris. 
+>>> I've volunteered to maintain IP Filter in the src/ tree. I noticed that the
+>>> IP Filter license changed from the previous IP Filter license to GPLv2 
+>>> somewhere between 4.1.34 and 4.1.35. I was planning on importing 5.1.2 
+>>> however upon discovering it was GPL I decided to update the FreeBSD IPF 
+>>> from 4.1.28 to 4.1.34 until it was brought to my attention a few days ago 
+>>> that IPF 5.1.2 was imported into NetBSD. I'm not sure what kind of policy 
+>>> the NetBSD folks have toward GPL so I thought it best to ask you directly 
+>>> under what license you imported IPF into NetBSD? If I can I'd like to 
+>>> import 5.1.2. As IPF author and owner of the code, what are your thoughts. 
+>>> Can I import IPF 5.1.2 into FreeBSD under a different license from GPL?
+>> I imported IPF into NetBSD under the same license that has had previously.
+>> When I eventually update FreeBSD, I'll publish the code under the same
+>> license that it has now.
+> When we import into FreeBSD we will not touch the IPFILTER.LICENSE file 
+> keeping the license as before in our tree.
+> I don't mind doing the work if you won't mind.
+Not at all.
+Ok, I think there's one important thing for me to say here:
+I, Darren Reed, authorise Cy Schubert to use the IP-Filter source code from 
CVS on sourceforge in the FreeBSD source code tree using the existing license 
that currently covers IP-Filter in FreeBSD .
+I think something like that should cover you.
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