Author: jilles
Date: Fri Feb 22 20:16:16 2013
New Revision: 247163

  MFC r246522: sh: Simplify mksyntax and make it fit for cross-compiling.
  Now it outputs fixed files, which use constants provided by the C standard
  library to determine appropriate values for the target machine.
  Before, mksyntax inspected the host machine which resulted in subtle
  breakage if e.g. char is signed on the host and unsigned on the target such
  as when cross-compiling on x86 for ARM.
  Submitted by: Christoph Mallon

Directory Properties:
  stable/9/bin/sh/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/9/bin/sh/mksyntax.c
--- stable/9/bin/sh/mksyntax.c  Fri Feb 22 19:57:18 2013        (r247162)
+++ stable/9/bin/sh/mksyntax.c  Fri Feb 22 20:16:16 2013        (r247163)
@@ -103,23 +103,16 @@ static char writer[] = "\
 static FILE *cfile;
 static FILE *hfile;
-static const char *syntax[513];
-static int base;
-static int size;       /* number of values which a char variable can have */
-static int nbits;      /* number of bits in a character */
-static void filltable(const char *);
-static void init(void);
+static void add_default(void);
+static void finish(void);
+static void init(const char *);
 static void add(const char *, const char *);
-static void print(const char *);
 static void output_type_macros(void);
 main(int argc __unused, char **argv __unused)
-       char c;
-       char d;
-       int sign;
        int i;
        char buf[80];
        int pos;
@@ -136,28 +129,8 @@ main(int argc __unused, char **argv __un
        fputs(writer, hfile);
        fputs(writer, cfile);
-       /* Determine the characteristics of chars. */
-       c = -1;
-       sign = (c > 0) ? 0 : 1;
-       for (nbits = 1 ; ; nbits++) {
-               d = (1 << nbits) - 1;
-               if (d == c)
-                       break;
-       }
-#if 0
-       printf("%s %d bit chars\n", sign? "signed" : "unsigned", nbits);
-       if (nbits > 9) {
-               fputs("Characters can't have more than 9 bits\n", stderr);
-               exit(2);
-       }
-       size = (1 << nbits) + 1;
-       base = 1;
-       if (sign)
-               base += 1 << (nbits - 1);
        fputs("#include <sys/cdefs.h>\n", hfile);
-       fputs("#include <ctype.h>\n", hfile);
+       fputs("#include <limits.h>\n\n", hfile);
        /* Generate the #define statements in the header file */
        fputs("/* Syntax classes */\n", hfile);
@@ -178,8 +151,8 @@ main(int argc __unused, char **argv __un
                fprintf(hfile, "/* %s */\n", is_entry[i].comment);
        putc('\n', hfile);
-       fprintf(hfile, "#define SYNBASE %d\n", base);
-       fprintf(hfile, "#define PEOF %d\n\n", -base);
+       fputs("#define SYNBASE (1 - CHAR_MIN)\n", hfile);
+       fputs("#define PEOF -SYNBASE\n\n", hfile);
        putc('\n', hfile);
        fputs("#define BASESYNTAX (basesyntax + SYNBASE)\n", hfile);
        fputs("#define DQSYNTAX (dqsyntax + SYNBASE)\n", hfile);
@@ -190,10 +163,13 @@ main(int argc __unused, char **argv __un
        putc('\n', hfile);
        /* Generate the syntax tables. */
+       fputs("#include \"parser.h\"\n", cfile);
        fputs("#include \"shell.h\"\n", cfile);
        fputs("#include \"syntax.h\"\n\n", cfile);
-       init();
        fputs("/* syntax table used when not in quotes */\n", cfile);
+       init("basesyntax");
+       add_default();
        add("\n", "CNL");
        add("\\", "CBACK");
        add("'", "CSQUOTE");
@@ -202,9 +178,11 @@ main(int argc __unused, char **argv __un
        add("$", "CVAR");
        add("}", "CENDVAR");
        add("<>();&| \t", "CSPCL");
-       print("basesyntax");
-       init();
+       finish();
        fputs("\n/* syntax table used when in double quotes */\n", cfile);
+       init("dqsyntax");
+       add_default();
        add("\n", "CNL");
        add("\\", "CBACK");
        add("\"", "CENDQUOTE");
@@ -213,17 +191,21 @@ main(int argc __unused, char **argv __un
        add("}", "CENDVAR");
        /* ':/' for tilde expansion, '-' for [a\-x] pattern ranges */
        add("!*?[=~:/-", "CCTL");
-       print("dqsyntax");
-       init();
+       finish();
        fputs("\n/* syntax table used when in single quotes */\n", cfile);
+       init("sqsyntax");
+       add_default();
        add("\n", "CNL");
        add("\\", "CSBACK");
        add("'", "CENDQUOTE");
        /* ':/' for tilde expansion, '-' for [a\-x] pattern ranges */
        add("!*?[=~:/-", "CCTL");
-       print("sqsyntax");
-       init();
+       finish();
        fputs("\n/* syntax table used when in arithmetic */\n", cfile);
+       init("arisyntax");
+       add_default();
        add("\n", "CNL");
        add("\\", "CBACK");
        add("`", "CBQUOTE");
@@ -232,100 +214,95 @@ main(int argc __unused, char **argv __un
        add("}", "CENDVAR");
        add("(", "CLP");
        add(")", "CRP");
-       print("arisyntax");
-       filltable("0");
+       finish();
        fputs("\n/* character classification table */\n", cfile);
+       init("is_type");
        add("0123456789", "ISDIGIT");
        add("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "ISLOWER");
        add("_", "ISUNDER");
        add("#?$!-*@", "ISSPECL");
-       print("is_type");
+       finish();
- * Clear the syntax table.
+ * Output the header and declaration of a syntax table.
 static void
-filltable(const char *dftval)
+init(const char *name)
-       int i;
+       fprintf(hfile, "extern const char %s[];\n", name);
+       fprintf(cfile, "const char %s[SYNBASE + CHAR_MAX + 1] = {\n", name);
-       for (i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
-               syntax[i] = dftval;
+static void
+add_one(const char *key, const char *type)
+       fprintf(cfile, "\t[SYNBASE + %s] = %s,\n", key, type);
- * Initialize the syntax table with default values.
+ * Add default values to the syntax table.
 static void
-       filltable("CWORD");
-       syntax[0] = "CEOF";
-       syntax[base + CTLESC] = "CCTL";
-       syntax[base + CTLVAR] = "CCTL";
-       syntax[base + CTLENDVAR] = "CCTL";
-       syntax[base + CTLBACKQ] = "CCTL";
-       syntax[base + CTLBACKQ + CTLQUOTE] = "CCTL";
-       syntax[base + CTLARI] = "CCTL";
-       syntax[base + CTLENDARI] = "CCTL";
-       syntax[base + CTLQUOTEMARK] = "CCTL";
-       syntax[base + CTLQUOTEEND] = "CCTL";
+       add_one("PEOF",                "CEOF");
+       add_one("CTLESC",              "CCTL");
+       add_one("CTLVAR",              "CCTL");
+       add_one("CTLENDVAR",           "CCTL");
+       add_one("CTLBACKQ",            "CCTL");
+       add_one("CTLBACKQ + CTLQUOTE", "CCTL");
+       add_one("CTLARI",              "CCTL");
+       add_one("CTLENDARI",           "CCTL");
+       add_one("CTLQUOTEMARK",        "CCTL");
+       add_one("CTLQUOTEEND",         "CCTL");
- * Add entries to the syntax table.
+ * Output the footer of a syntax table.
 static void
-add(const char *p, const char *type)
-       while (*p)
-               syntax[*p++ + base] = type;
+       fputs("};\n", cfile);
- * Output the syntax table.
+ * Add entries to the syntax table.
 static void
-print(const char *name)
+add(const char *p, const char *type)
-       int i;
-       int col;
-       fprintf(hfile, "extern const char %s[];\n", name);
-       fprintf(cfile, "const char %s[%d] = {\n", name, size);
-       col = 0;
-       for (i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) {
-               if (i == 0) {
-                       fputs("      ", cfile);
-               } else if ((i & 03) == 0) {
-                       fputs(",\n      ", cfile);
-                       col = 0;
-               } else {
-                       putc(',', cfile);
-                       while (++col < 9 * (i & 03))
-                               putc(' ', cfile);
+       for (; *p; ++p) {
+               char c = *p;
+               switch (c) {
+               case '\t': c = 't';  break;
+               case '\n': c = 'n';  break;
+               case '\'': c = '\''; break;
+               case '\\': c = '\\'; break;
+               default:
+                       fprintf(cfile, "\t[SYNBASE + '%c'] = %s,\n", c, type);
+                       continue;
-               fputs(syntax[i], cfile);
-               col += strlen(syntax[i]);
+               fprintf(cfile, "\t[SYNBASE + '\\%c'] = %s,\n", c, type);
-       fputs("\n};\n", cfile);
  * Output character classification macros (e.g. is_digit).  If digits are
  * contiguous, we can test for them quickly.
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