On 8/2/2012 2:25 PM, Maksim Yevmenkin wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Hiroki Sato <h...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>>  Just curious, why ip6addrctl_enable=NO is not enough here? 

Because the behavior of the script for =NO is to prefer v4.

>>  I would
>>  like to eliminate yes/no/none keywords in $ip6addrctl_policy because
>>  such keywords are vague.  If we need the empty rule for some reason,
>>  "empty" would be a better name for the policy, I think.

Personally I think that the established meanings of "yes" and "no" are
well understood, but I wouldn't object to emitting a warning for them to
help the user make a more explicit selection.

While we're at it, the way that the current script replicates the test
for checkyesno in case is bogus, and should be changed. I had fixed this
in the change set that you(hrs) backed out. To stick with the structure
of the current script, something like this would work:


That also brings in the warning described above.

> i just wanted to make sure that there is a way to absolutely make sure
> that there is no default address selection policy installed. the wide
> know rule 9 of rfc 3484 is really messing things up for dns-style load
> balancing. even when ipv6 is not used.

Maksim, can you say more about this? Or point me to a reference that has
the discussion?

> personally, i don't think that
> "none" is unreasonable word for "ip6addrctl_policy", but i don't feel
> particularly strongly about it. any name will do as long as original
> functionality is preserved.

I agree that "none" is reasonable, and is in line with other rc.d knobs.
I would not object to "empty" being added as a synonym though.

One request however, is this new knob documented in rc.conf.5? If not,
can you do that please? :)



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